Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 164 Anonymous Telegram

Chapter 164 Anonymous Calls
Those sweet murmurs between lovers, at this moment, she found that she couldn't speak at all.

"What are you doing?"

Shan Yisheng turned around to look at the documents on the table, but didn't speak, as if he knew her mood, he didn't ask any further questions.

"Wait for me at the gate of the company after get off work tomorrow night, and I'll pick you up from get off work."

On the last day of work, although the Chinese New Year had not yet passed, the company was full of joyful atmosphere because of the annual leave. Yao Yiyi was also in a good mood, not only because of the Chinese New Year atmosphere, but also because someone said yes I got off work today and said I would take her to dinner.

Since when did you have a vague expectation in your heart?
Looking forward to his phone call, looking forward to his sudden appearance.

There was a rare large space on the desk, so Yao Yiyi sorted out the remaining documents and sent them to the president's office.

He Qing didn't come today, she casually placed the documents in her hands on the table, turned around and was about to go out, when suddenly her internal phone rang.

The ear-piercing ringtone rang in the originally empty and quiet office, and Yao Yiyi was really shocked. After waiting for a while, the phone still rang. She hesitated for a while, and then picked up the phone.

Now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, don't tell me there is something wrong with the company, right?

"Didn't you say that you could find a way to release the manager of the sy group after a while? Now that he is still in prison, are you going to let someone else spend the New Year in prison?"

A rough male voice rang on the phone, Yao Yi was taken aback for a moment, and the other party snorted coldly again, obviously, he was in a bad mood: "The matter is always because of you, when I was willing to help you, Although the purpose is for money, I can't understand that you live such a good life outside, but others are in the dark because of you in prison!"

"What are you talking about?" Yao Yiyi couldn't bear it anymore, did he make a wrong call, Sy Group?This is Yao's!

"Here is..." Yao Yiyi wanted to explain, but the other party hung up the phone before he finished speaking. Yao Yiyi took away the microphone from which the busy tone came, and curled his lips helplessly. There are still quite a lot of weirdos in the world. .

Forget it, it might be a wrong call. Seeing that it was almost time to get off work, Yao Yiyi hurriedly turned around, tidied up the things on his desk, and went out with his bag. The call just now was not put on the phone. on heart.

Chu Cheng trotted up from behind: "Hey, I said you are in such a hurry, where are you going? I called you a few times from behind and you ignored me!"

"Huh? Didn't hear it." Yao Yiyi automatically ignored his question, glanced at him, and didn't say much.

Chu Cheng walked beside her, and seemed to be in a good mood, and the two went downstairs together.

As the elevator doors opened and closed, Chu Cheng looked at the busy people coming and going in the aisle, and bumped Yao Yiyi on the shoulder, with a playful smile on his face: "It's rare that you leave work so early. Today is finally not the last one to leave." gone."

The shop booth was closed at this time, and Yao Yiyi also saw that there are still many people in the company, so he nodded and smiled: "It must be that someone works too hard at ordinary times, and does everything that should be done and should not be done." Look, I'll take advantage of it when the Chinese New Year is approaching!"

"Yes, yes, you have the foresight, so I would like to ask this foresight lady, can I treat you to dinner tonight?"

Yao Yi paused, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

"Hey, this is my practice meal. I will go back to my hometown tomorrow, so you won't be able to see me." The two stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the gate.

Seeing that Yao Yiyi was silent, Chu Cheng knew that she was going to refuse, so he quickly made up for it.

"No, actually today I..."

"Yiyi!" Yao Yiyi was just about to explain to Chu Cheng that he had an appointment with Shan Yisheng tonight, and he couldn't accompany him for dinner tonight, when he heard someone calling him, he raised his eyes and looked over, it was Shan Yisheng.

He was wearing a white shirt and a brown overshirt, making him look much younger.

Yao Yiyi frowned slightly, wouldn't it be cold in such a cold weather?

Cold how to do?
Thinking of this, the smile on her face changed, and she quickly walked in front of him: "What are you doing?"

The smile on Shan Yisheng's face froze, and he glanced at the little tail who was following her, why did he always see him by her side!
Withdrawing his gaze, Shan Yisheng looked at Yao Yiyi expressionlessly: "I remember I said today that I would come to pick you up."

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, and it took a long time before he realized that he had misunderstood what he meant.

Standing not far away, Chu Cheng saw the strange atmosphere between the two of them, he stepped forward involuntarily, and looked at Yao Yiyi curiously: "Yiyi, what's the matter?"

The two stood very close, Chu Cheng was just a head taller than Yao Yiyi, he looked at her slightly from the side, Shan Yisheng stood opposite Yao Yiyi, watching the two of them standing together with him Standing in opposing postures, feeling very uncomfortable, stretched out his hand and pulled Yao Yiyi to his side.

Yao Yiyi didn't pay attention, and fell into Shan Yisheng's arms because he was physically and mentally unstable. Chu Cheng's eyes flickered slightly, and he let go of his clenched fist, without speaking.

"I'll take you to dinner." Looking at Chu Cheng, with a slight warning, Yao Yiyi wanted to struggle with Shan Yisheng's embrace, and didn't pay attention to the surrounding atmosphere at all.

"Yiyi, didn't you agree that we would go to eat together?" After a long time, Chu Cheng looked away, and his eyes changed, with an innocent look.

As soon as these words were spoken, the already tense atmosphere seemed to become even more intense. The atmosphere was tense, and Shan Yisheng lifted his cold eyes slightly, and asked slowly: "Huh? Is what he said true? "

I agreed to have dinner with him, and what about myself, just throw it aside casually.

Shan Yisheng remembered that the two of them walked out together, and he believed it a little bit.

Yao Yi took a look at Chu Cheng, and because she was angry with her attitude towards him just now, she stiffened her neck: "Yes, I promised to have dinner with him, so you can go." A person, but he didn't want to be hugged even tighter, his eyes moved, but he didn't struggle.

Shan Yisheng no longer had the patience to continue talking to the man in front of him. As a man, he knew what he was thinking, so he frowned, turned around and sent the person in his arms to the car: "Sit down obediently."

His fingers were on her right arm, it was cold, Yao Yi subconsciously stretched out his left hand to cover his hand: "Are you cold?"

The voice was faint, but clearly revealed his worry, Shan Yisheng smiled lightly: "You go in quickly, there is heating inside."

(End of this chapter)

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