Chapter 171 Murder husband
"I... I didn't do it on purpose, are you okay?" Seeing Shan Yisheng backing away in a bit of a mess, Yao Yiyi quickly stepped forward to support him, although he was trying to calm himself down, but his face did turn redder up.

"Yiyi, you are going to murder your husband!" Shan Yisheng was also sweating from shock, but fortunately she was not strong enough.

Yao Yiyi glanced at the people around him from the corner of his eye, no matter what Shan Yisheng said now, he couldn't care less, let's leave this bad place first.

The two walked out of the hall, Shan Yisheng looked at the little woman pretending to be an ostrich beside her and couldn't help laughing, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

There was heating in the hall, and as soon as Yao Yiyi came out, she couldn't help shivering. Shan Yisheng stretched out a hand, held her in his arms, hailed a taxi and got on the car.

Turning on the heater in the car, Yao Yiyi breathed a comfortable sigh of relief, before he had time to breathe back, a hand stretched out from his side, Yao Yiyi choked in shock, and began to cough violently.

Shan Yisheng frowned vigorously, and lightly gave her comfort behind her back. Yao Yi glanced at the mobile phone he handed over, and the text message had already been replied. The simple words, but it was easy to read. Yao Yi was terrified.

"You...would it be too heartless for you to say that, Chu Cheng and I are just good friends, you really misunderstood..."

Shan Yisheng interrupted her trying to explain, her eyes were obviously a little cold: "Yi Yi, don't try to explain anything, you will know in the future that everything I do is for your own good."

Yao Yiyi's complexion darkened, and she suddenly felt a little depressed. She bit her lip hard, took the phone, and in front of Shan Yisheng, deleted the message he had pressed word by word, exited the program, and put the phone away. Alright, turn around and look at Shan Yisheng seriously.

Shan Yisheng's heart sank, he already guessed what Yao Yiyi was going to tell him.

"You always say you'll explain later, but Shan Yisheng, have you ever thought that if we go on like this, can we really wait until the future?" Her eyes were shining like tears, and her face darkened Quite a few, it can be seen that she didn't think of these words just for a while.

"What do you mean by this sentence?" Shan Yisheng's face was gloomy, and the words he said were cold and without a trace of warmth, "You mean to say that there will be no future with me?"

It turned out that she had never thought about their future.

Yao Yiyi knew that he was already getting angry, but he had to say something clearly. It was impossible for the two of them to keep entangled like this forever. No matter what the result was for him, they should say something quickly. talk.

After all, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi couldn't help laughing. Could it be that this trip is a farewell trip for two people?
"Then what hope do you want me to have for the two of us?" Yao Yiyi asked back, her eyes were a little empty when she said this, she didn't look at Shan Yisheng, but turned her head to look out the window, People of all colors stepped back quickly from the small car window, "Our position is not right in the first place, not to mention there are so many entanglements in the middle, Shan Yisheng, how do you want me to have hope for our future? "

The air pressure in the carriage was very low, and neither of them spoke anymore. The driver was Italian. Seeing that the two people behind him were silent, he cleared his throat and uttered a long paragraph of Italian. Not knowing what he was talking about, she looked at Shan Yisheng puzzled.

The latter pursed his lips, and it was obvious that his mood hadn't adjusted yet. He glanced at Yao Yiyi who was on the side, and didn't know what he said to the driver. The driver looked away from the rearview mirror and stopped talking.

The expression on Yao Yiyi's face was a bit tangled, she actually wanted to ask him what the two of them said just now.However, just a few minutes ago, the two obviously had a quarrel, and she couldn't bear to ask.

Shan Yisheng seemed to see her thoughts, feeling helpless, turned to her side and gently pinched her face: "Do you want to know what we said?"

She is the only person he loves, how can he be willing to let her be angry, let her have any unhappiness.

Yao Yiyi looked at him seriously, his expression had softened a lot, it wasn't as scary as jumping together tightly like before, his black eyes were very beautiful, even though his body would always exude a cold breath, But it still makes people want to be close to him.

Shan Yisheng's eyes moved, adding a bit of monstrous temperament, looking at Yao Yiyi with an expectant expression and smiling slightly: "I won't tell you!"

"You..." Yao Yiyi was dumbfounded for a moment, but he didn't realize it for a moment. It is rare to see Shan Yisheng like this, and he is much closer than usual.

Chu Cheng carried a lot of things, and he seldom came back when he was outside, but now he just bought some more things during the Chinese New Year, he didn't want his parents to see them eating those unnutritious things every time.

Everything he is doing now is because of his own will to give up. He does not hope that after he has done such a thing against his conscience, his parents will still live a life of poverty, otherwise everything he has done will not be Is it for nothing?

Thinking of this, Chu Cheng weighed the things in his hands vigorously, and couldn't help but speed up his pace slowly. He didn't need to think about it, and now his mother must have prepared a table full of meals, waiting for him to go home for dinner Woolen cloth.

Sure enough, as soon as he walked to the door of the house, he saw Chu's mother coming out to take the things in Chu Cheng's hand, with a smile all over his face: "This car is really slow, I've been waiting for you for a long time, hurry up, it's too late outside. It's cold, come in and get warm."

The date of Yao's holiday is not too early, and it will be New Year's Eve in a few days. Mother Chu hasn't prepared the things that should be prepared at home. There are only a few people, and there are not many people coming during the Chinese New Year, so there is no need to buy those things, it costs money."

Her complexion is not as clean and fair as those in the city. She has been sunburned outdoors all year round, and her skin is very dark, and there are layers of wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

Chu Cheng didn't dare to look at her carefully. Years are too cruel, and you won't show any kindness because of your kindness and your misery.

"Mom, the Chinese New Year is the atmosphere of the picture. You said you didn't buy anything. Why are you overdoing it this year? It's over. You should sit and rest for a while, and I will go shopping after eating."

"Do not……"

"Okay Mom, isn't this only once a year? Besides, I won't buy more for just a few people. Don't worry, is Dad asleep?" Chu Cheng interrupted Chu's mother, Deliberately shifting the subject, looking into the room.

"Falling asleep, isn't he hungry, so I let him eat first." Chu's mother finished the meal and asked Chu Cheng to sit down to eat.

It was already afternoon when I got home, and I went out for such a random stroll, and it was already dark when I came back. The neighbors around were very enthusiastic, and they would greet him when they saw him. Chu Cheng responded one by one, but he was thinking of Yao Yi. One, what is she doing now?
Have a meal?I'm still sleeping. I haven't responded to the message until now. Is it sick?
He took out his phone and hesitated for a moment. He shouldn't be busy with anything at this time. With a little thumb, the call was made.

After waiting for a long time but no one answered, Chu Cheng frowned, did something really happen?
Thinking about Yao Yiyi living in Yao's house, He Qing and Lin Mowan definitely didn't treat her well.

The more I think about it, the more worried I become. She is alone there and there is no one else, will she...

Suddenly the phone was picked up by someone, Chu Cheng's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said: "Yi Yi, are you okay, I sent you a message but didn't answer, and no one answered the phone, I thought what happened to you..."

"Yiyi is taking a shower. My girlfriend is fine. You don't need to worry about it. I hope you won't call me again."

Unpreparedly, a deep male voice came to mind on the phone, and after interrupting his words, he hung up the phone. Chu Cheng stared at the beeping busy tone from the phone in a daze, and a bitter smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

That voice, if he guessed correctly, should be Shan Yisheng's voice, how could the two of them be together?
He Qing obviously doesn't want to see Shan Yisheng, so he can't be at Yao's house, so the rest may be at Shan Yisheng's house one by one.

Gently exhaling, without thinking about anything else, Chu Cheng put away his phone, remembering what he said to Yao Yiyi that day.

"If there is someone you love and someone who loves you by your side, then I will leave!"

Thinking about it, it seems to be the current situation of language, and it is still so accurate.

He Qing and Lin Mowan got off the plane, because they had ordered the housekeeper to contact them before, so a special person came to the airport to pick them up.

All the way without saying a word, Lin Mowan walked beside He Qing, wearing a pair of sunglasses, with a dignified posture.

Because it was getting late, the two of them casually ate a little meal at the hotel where they were staying, and had an early rest. Fighting jet lag is actually a very tiring thing, and they would find themselves dizzy after waking up. .

Lin Mowan and He Qing lived across the street. Originally, there was already someone on the opposite side of He Qing's room. The housekeeper had no choice but to book her on the other floor. Lin Mowan didn't want to, so she went to the manager to make a fuss. In the end, he finally made the guest in that room more annoying than annoying, and voluntarily gave up the room to her.

He Qing stood on the sidelines and watched coldly from the beginning to the end. She thought she was in the company and everyone else would look at her face. She knew Lin Mowan's temperament, and even if she persuaded her, it was useless. Her daughter is like this. She doesn't want to worry about her too much now, so she should focus on dealing with Yao Yiyi first.

Lin Mowan finally got her wish, her face bursting with pride, she wanted to show off to He Qing, she turned around and found that He Qing had already turned around and left at some point, she was slightly stunned, trotting along all the way to follow He Qing: "Mom, you Wait for me."

(End of this chapter)

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