Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 172 Ordinary Friends

Chapter 172 Ordinary Friends

The fashion design exhibition was held on the top floor of a commercial building. Lin Mowan specially put on makeup and changed into the dress she specially brought, and went to the building with He Qing.

The clothing exhibition this time is a large-scale event. As soon as He Qing and Lin Mowan got off the bus, they saw many people standing downstairs. Most of them were Italians, but there were also a small number of Chinese. Lin Mowan couldn't see Looking squinting ahead, like a proud white swan.

As time went by, the crowd gradually began to move into the building, but most of them were unwilling to squeeze, and they still stood where they were, waiting for the others to leave before they slowly walked upstairs.

There are generally two reasons for this kind of people. The first one is that they don’t mind whether they have a good seat to sit in, even if they are standing. .

He Qing glanced at the people around her, raised her footsteps and walked forward slowly, Lin Mowan suddenly pushed her hard, He Qing frowned: "Mo Wan, what are you doing..."

Looking towards Lin Mowan's gaze, He Qing realized why Lin Mowan was so excited.

It was Yao Yiyi, and the man beside her was Shan Yisheng.

He Qing's face suddenly turned dark, didn't she say that she went to a friend's house to play, why did she meet him in Italy now!
With a sneer, He Qing raised her foot to go to the building, but Lin Mowan immediately grabbed her: "Hey, mom, why don't you go over there? She lied to all of us. Come out to play with men, I would have said she was like a slut!"

Obviously, Lin Mowan, who caught Yao Yi's tail, was very happy in her heart. She wished that He Qing would go over and show her some color now, and that man didn't have any eyesight at all. She didn't believe that she would be worse than her. He didn't want to see himself so much!
He Qing didn't stop, she glanced at Lin Mowan: "This account, sometimes it's time to settle it."

Shan Yisheng looked at Yao Yiyi who was not at all happy beside him, sighed softly, hugged her and said in a low voice: "Yiyi, can you also consider my feelings? If it was you, I found that there is a The woman called me, and her words were still very ambiguous, if it was you, would you tell her that you support your sovereignty and ask her not to disturb me?"

Chu Cheng called just now, and he just said harsh words to tell him not to call again, Yao Yiyi just came out of the shower, heard his last words, and took away his own words without saying a word. mobile phone in hand.

Yao Yiyi looked at him helplessly: "But there's no need for you to be so harsh, I've already told you that he and I are just ordinary friends, and we have nothing to do with each other!
"One by one!" Shan Yisheng tightly circled the person in his arms, and sighed helplessly: "You have to know, I don't know if you explain it, so I don't worry, I am a man, whether he likes you or me It can be seen at a glance, I believe you don't like him, but it's because he likes you that I'm so guarded against him!"

The woman in the conversation didn't speak, Shan Yisheng let go of her slowly, pressed her forehead, and looked at her quietly with black eyes: "Just like me, I have nothing to do with Mo Ziyan, I I also explained it to you, but if Mo Ziyan and I are still very close, you will still feel bad, won’t you?"

As soon as Yao Yi heard such words, he felt angry in his stomach. Will the two of them have nothing to do with each other?Only ghosts will believe it.

For a while, Yao Yi told the scene of two people embracing that he saw at the airport.

Shan Yisheng was taken aback for a moment, remembering the time when he sent Mo Ziyan away and saw her pick her up at the airport.

"So you saw it." He murmured to himself, as if recalling.

Yao Yiyi looked at him unhappily when he heard it: "What's the matter, are you guilty because I saw it?" Thinking of the scene of the two hugging each other that day, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Seeing Yao Yiyi's expression, Shan Yisheng suddenly realized, "No wonder your attitude towards me became so indifferent later on, so you misunderstood me!"

Yao Yiyi didn't say a word, how could she give him a good face when he did such a thing?

"Yiyi, you really misunderstood me. Mo Ziyan and I are just ordinary college classmates. I have nothing to do with her. If there is anything, the two of us have nothing to do when we were in college. Why wait until now? ?”

In order to reassure Yao Yiyi, Shan Yisheng said what he said to Mo Ziyan at the beginning. Although this sentence has already been said to another woman, it is also from the bottom of his heart.

The two of them only booked one room, and after the two of them took a shower, they turned off the lights and went to bed. Shan Yisheng hugged Yao Yiyi, whose back was facing him, and felt the body of the person in his arms stiffen, subconsciously Struggling, he leaned close to her ear and smiled lightly, and the hot air blew into her ear: "We've even done the most intimate thing, let me hug you!"

The two of them lay on the bed that night and did nothing. He whispered a lot in her ear, about Mo Ziyan, and about himself. Bitter love, it's not suitable to talk about it now, and it can't be said.

His voice was deep and pleasant, and Yao Yiyi's heart was warm. He was willing to explain to her, instead of waiting until later.

Such a night filled her with joy.

The grudge in my heart slowly disappeared.

Shan Yisheng took Yao Yiyi's hand and walked slowly inside. They came late on purpose, so it really wasn't so crowded.

"I heard that tonight's fashion design exhibition is held by a well-known Italian designer. This time you will be lucky." The more you walk inside, the more crowded it becomes. Shan Yisheng and Yao Yiyi hugged each other, Afraid of being bumped into by others.

Yao Yiyi pursed her lips and smiled at Shan Yisheng, but said nothing, this is still a strange place, she didn't know if she had been to Italy before she lost her memory, but in her memory, she didn't seem to have been out China, foreign things are also not understood.

I took the elevator directly to the top floor, and after the transfer, I arrived at the clothing exhibition venue. Yao Yiyi held Shan Yisheng's hand like a child, and Shan Yisheng obviously enjoyed the feeling of being dependent on Yao Yiyi. A smile involuntarily appeared on his face.

A tall Italian man came across, with sickly white skin, but good-looking facial features, Yao Yiyi couldn't help but take a second look, and suddenly a pair of big hands covered her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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