Chapter 182 He Was Rescued
"Aunt He, what's wrong with Yao Yiyi, how did she become like this, and Shan Yisheng is really dead?" Luo Minghao has a lot of problems in his mind now, and it happened after only a few days. Such a thing?

He Qing sat behind the desk and sighed slightly: "Shan Yisheng is missing."

"What?" Luo Minghao looked surprised, and then looked at He Qing suspiciously, "Could it be your hands and feet?"

"Hmph!" He Qing snorted coldly, with a stern look on her face, "The two of them are courting death! Do you know where Yao Yiyi lost before? She didn't go to a friend's house to play, but followed Shan Yisheng. Went abroad for vacation, if I hadn't seen it, we would have been kept in the dark by him!" When He Qing said these words, the expression on her face was ugly, Luo Minghao stood and listened to her without saying a word.

"You also know that if Shan Yisheng stays by Yao Yiyi's side all the time, it will be very difficult for us. I can't blame me for this. I never thought of hurting the one who loves him at first, but since he is so ignorant, I just accepted it mercilessly, originally I wanted to kill him directly, but later I just couldn't find his body, it seems that the possibility of survival is very high!"

Luo Minghao saw He Qing's expression was very flat when he said these words, and he couldn't help feeling a little flustered. This woman is really insidious. When talking about killing people, she is like killing pigs. Will she use the same method on herself someday? .

No, he can't sit still!

Otherwise, he won't get any good fruit in the end.

Luo Minghao thought silently in his heart, He Qing couldn't see his thoughts at all.

"What happened to Yao Yiyi, you rescued him?" Luo Minghao couldn't help asking curiously when he thought of Yao Yiyi who was recuperating in bed.

"It's all because of those useless things. I told you not to hurt Yao Yiyi. In the end, she couldn't avoid getting hurt. Fortunately, she didn't die. If she died, then my previous one All the hard work will be in vain!"

He Qing's face was slightly rejoiced, and Luo Minghao's eyes paused: "So who do you mean, you saved Yao Yiyi for the rest of the property."

He Qing didn't speak, but her face was noncommittal, and she stopped talking.

She slowly stood up, walked in front of Luo Minghao, and patted him on the shoulder: "What we have to do now is to take good care of Yao Yiyi. The main purpose is that I know that you will be okay without me saying anything." I will understand, now we mainly focus on Yao Yiyi, and now we will help her if I still sleep!"

Luo Minghao pursed his lips, hesitated for a while and said: "Shan Yisheng is not dead yet, are you not afraid that he will know that you are doing something wrong?"

The expression on He Qing's face paused, a look of worry flashed in her eyes, and then she said as if comforting herself: "Impossible, he definitely won't know, the people I sent just tampered with the brakes of the car , even if he knew that someone else did it on purpose, he would definitely not be able to find out about me."

Luo Minghao's eyes narrowed. When he said these words, he obviously had no confidence in his heart. It seemed that he was still a little scared in his heart, and he was just trying to be brave.

"Aunt He, rest early, I'll go back first." Luo Minghao looked at the time and turned to leave.

He Qing froze for a moment: "Are you resting here tonight?"

"No, my dad is still waiting for me at home, if I go back later, he will probably get angry with me!" Luo Minghao smiled and walked out of the study, He Qing followed him to the stairs to let the housekeeper see off the guests.

"Who are you looking for?" Yan Qianqian looked at the few Chinese people standing at the door, and spoke Chinese directly, with a bit of defense in her eyes.

Xiang Heng looked at her and politely stated his intention: "I'm here to find Shan Yisheng."

Yan Qianqian's figure is very good, one can guess her height is about 1.7 meters at a glance, the skin on her face is fine and white, she is a pampered young lady. ,

"Shan Yisheng?" Yan Qianqian repeated, looking at Xiang Heng without any emotion, "Sorry, I don't know you the person you mentioned."

After finishing speaking, he was about to close the door. Xiang Heng quickly blocked the wooden door: "Miss Yan, the person I'm looking for must be with you. Have you forgotten that you saved someone before..."

"Then who are you?" Yan Qianqian looked at Xiang Heng suspiciously, and at the few people following him, his face was still guarded.

"You let us in first, we are his good friends!" Xiang Heng's brows were already filled with impatience, and he looked at the person in front of him and tried to hide his emotions as much as possible.

"Okay, you come in with me."

Yan Zhai is very large, and the design inside is completely European-style. Xiang Heng casually looked around the hall, and found a corner with a Chinese style design, so he walked over involuntarily: "Did you design this place?"

"No, it's my father." Yan Qianqian walked behind Xiang Heng and stood beside him, "My father is Chinese. Although he lives in Italy, he misses his motherland very much. He remembers that his Chinese family has He liked such a small corner very much, so he made another one here according to his own memory."

Xiang Heng nodded as he listened. In fact, it is not exactly a small corner. After all, there are tea sets and a Chinese-style table here.

"Excuse me, where is he?" Xiang Heng thought for a while, and asked directly instead of wasting time.

Yan Qianqian hesitated for a moment, then glanced upstairs: "He is resting in the room now. Although her body has improved a lot, she has not fully recovered. Do you want to see him now?"

Xiang Heng glanced casually at the second floor, and was about to nod when Yan Qianqian stopped the conversation: "It's better not to meet today, I'm afraid you will be disappointed when you see him."

The expression on Xiang Heng's face froze for a moment, and then he looked at her nervously: "What do you mean by this sentence, what's wrong with Shan Yisheng?"

A flash of emotion quickly flashed in Yan Qianqian's eyes: "Don't be too nervous, whether his problem is big or small, if you are really worried, you can go up and have a look first, but don't quarrel with him first. Wake up, he has been in a bad mood for the past few days."

There was some worry in Yan Qianqian's eyes, and Xiang Heng's heart skipped a beat, as if thinking of something, there was some suspicion in his eyes, but in the end he didn't say anything, nodded, and followed Yan Qianqian upstairs.

The second floor has a large space, Yan Qianqian will stop in front of a room door, pointing inside, one of them, Shan Yisheng, is sleeping inside.

(End of this chapter)

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