Chapter 183
As soon as Chu Cheng returned to his small apartment, he put his luggage away, and immediately took out his mobile phone to call He Qing. Now Yao Yiyi should be at Yao's house.

"President He."

"Come here so soon, Chu Cheng, I didn't realize that you cared so much about my affairs before." He Qing sat on the sofa with her mobile phone, her words sneered.

Chu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and then he spoke slowly, with a cold tone: "It's thanks to you, President, for letting me know that what you said is like an imperial decree, and I'm not the only one who will suffer if I don't implement it."

"Hmph, it's good that you know!" He Qing was speechless by Chu Cheng, and snorted coldly, "You talk to me in such a tone, aren't you afraid of offending me?"

"If the president really doesn't like me, no matter how nice I speak, I won't be able to please you. If you don't hate me, even if I don't speak again, you won't take it to heart, will you?" Chu Cheng didn't know what was wrong with him. In the past, he would never have said such things to He Qing. Maybe it was because Yao Yiyi was in a hurry when something happened, and he was subconsciously blaming He Qing.

"So, you are talking to me like that because you think you are the latter?" He Qing stood up and sneered disdainfully. When did Chu Cheng become so confident?

"No, on the contrary, I should be the former, but since I already know this to the end, I shouldn't wrong myself."

Chu Cheng's tone gradually became worse, and sometimes he wished he could tear He Qing into pieces, but it was limited to his thoughts.

He Qing was already in a bad mood, but now that Chu Cheng said that, she became even more angry. She thought about it, and didn't say any more nonsense: "Yi Yi is in Yao's house, if you want to come, come here. Let me tell you, don't talk nonsense in front of Yao Yiyi, otherwise I won't let you go."

He Qing was worried that Chu Cheng would say something indiscriminately in front of Yao Yiyi, so she worriedly warned, Chu Cheng froze for a moment, then sneered: "President He has so many things that I don't know, what can I say? what."

"Chu Cheng, you have become more courageous recently. You have only seen me for a few days, and you dare to talk back to me. You are showing off your quick tongue, which will not do you much good."

"President He misunderstood." Chu Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, opened the door and prepared to go out, "I just don't want the president to misunderstand me."

"Hmph!" He Qing didn't say anything, and hung up the phone directly, expecting that Chu Cheng would not dare to do anything to her, after all, he is a person with no money and no power, what can he do?
Chu Cheng raised the corners of his mouth and put down the phone half-sneeringly. Now they seem very imposing.

But she believes that they will not continue to be so prestige.

Because it was already No. 30, there were very few people on the street. Occasionally, I saw one or two taxis, and they were full of people. Chu Cheng looked at the time, and it was almost noon. It stands to reason that the people who came out at noon It would be less, he waited patiently, and finally saw an empty car.

The weather was very cold, but fortunately there was heating in the car, he rubbed his hands, and slowly relaxed, hoping that Yao Yiyi would be fine.

Xiang Heng stretched out his hand slowly, hesitating when he was about to touch the door of the room, whether his condition has not improved, but considering that he has been missing for so long, he should have recovered if there was no serious injury almost.

Yan Qianqian looked at Xiang Heng from behind, feeling dissatisfied at his hesitation, stretched out his hand and gently opened the door after being cleaned up: "He only suffered a head injury, he woke up once in the middle, and he is still in a coma , you go in and have a look, then go, I will notify you when his health improves."

Xiang Heng paused when he was about to lift up, and turned to look at her in confusion: "Miss Yan means, are you going to let me take Shan Yisheng back?"

Yan Qianqian was taken aback, her expression was a little unnatural, but it was only a moment, she smiled at Xiang Heng decently: "Don't worry, I will explain it to you later, now you go and see him first, I know that the relationship between you is good, and you will feel at ease only when you see that he is fine."

"Oh?" Xiang Heng replied meaningfully, and then asked her half seriously and half jokingly, "How does Miss Yan know that I have a good relationship with him, could it know us?"

He just came to look for him, and didn't say anything to reveal his relationship with him. How could she guess so accurately.

Yan Qianqian was taken aback for a moment, his eyes flickered, and he smiled a little bit concealedly: "I guessed, besides, you guys are so nervous about him, how can you be nervous about him if you don't have a good relationship."

"Miss Yan is wrong!" Xiang Heng walked in slowly, with a very serious expression on his face, "Maybe we are not good people, maybe we are not good friends, I am just his enemy, and I am doing this to deceive you." Make a false impression that you have a good relationship and care about you."

Yan Qianqian paused, and then immediately followed Xiang Heng's footsteps: "Sorry, I didn't think that much. After graduation, I haven't had any contact with anyone at home. Maybe my thinking is not as mature as yours."

Xiang Heng raised the corners of his mouth and did not speak. There was an obvious smile on his face, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Standing still beside the bed, he felt a little sad when he saw the white gauze wrapped around Shan Yisheng's head. He controlled his emotions and looked at Yan Qianqian: "Apart from the head injury, where else is he injured?"

I heard that Duo Duo's foot was injured. Although she can recover after a few months of recuperation, she must have suffered a lot during the recuperation period. Besides, I heard that He Qing's mother and daughter took her to the Yao family. what a good day it will be.

Thinking of this, Xiang Heng couldn't help sighing softly, and now the two of them have turned into what they are now.

"No, he hit his head at that time, and there were some other small wounds on his body. It's not a big deal. It's estimated that he will recover soon. Now his mind is still in a daze, so it may take a few days to recover. It will be fine, if I take him away now, I don’t think it will be conducive to his recovery.”

Yan Qianqian spoke slowly, after what happened just now, she felt a little cautious when speaking now, for fear that if she said something wrong, it would make him suspicious again.

Xiang Heng didn't point it out, just nodded briefly, didn't say anything else, turned around and prepared to go out.

"Let's go out and talk, Miss Yan." Xiang Heng looked at her, "I still have some questions to ask you."

Chu Cheng soon arrived at Yao's house, and knocked on the door without any hesitation.

I don't know if he really didn't hear it, or if he deliberately delayed for some time to hang him outside. Although Chu Cheng was anxious, he didn't say anything. After waiting outside for a while, he saw some college students in their fifties. The man came and opened the door.

"I'm looking for your wife." Chu Cheng was afraid that he would stop him, so he hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

"I know, madam is in the hall, you go in." The butler gave him a silent look, opened the iron door and let him in, without any hesitation, Chu Cheng walked in quickly .

He had been to Yao's house before, but he was not familiar with it. He walked straight along the road, and when he arrived at the lobby, he saw He Qing sitting on the sofa with an elegant posture, and there was a hint of pride of a rich lady in her gestures.

He Qing took a sip of coffee, raised her eyes, put down the coffee, and said slowly, "Come here?"


Chu Cheng stopped a few meters away from her, and He Qing smiled inexplicably: "Why are you so far away from me? Is it possible that I will eat you?"

Chu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and laughed along with her, ignoring her words: "Yiyi is upstairs?"

"Don't worry, just sit down for a while, we haven't seen each other for a long time, I have to remind you of some things, let you know what you should do and what you shouldn't do, otherwise something goes wrong It’s going to be a big deal.”

He Qing's words meant something, and Chu Cheng could understand, he subconsciously glanced upstairs: "Aren't you afraid that you will suddenly come down with a glance and hear something you shouldn't have heard?"

"Don't worry, I know what's in my mind!" He Qing asked her servant to make a cup of coffee for Chu Cheng, "Let's not say that Yao Yiyi won't go downstairs right now, even if she went downstairs and heard our call The conversation will be indifferent, as if you didn't hear it!"

"What?" Chu Cheng had already sat down, but when he heard He Qing's words, he stood up again in an instant. His face was a little nervous, but he was a little tender. He didn't know that in front of He Qing, some emotions needed to be hidden.

"I'll go see her now." After finishing speaking, she was about to go upstairs without looking at He Qing.

When he reached the stairs, He Qing stopped him calmly: "Chu Cheng, you have become more and more nervous about Yao Yiyi recently, am I wrong? Or are you too into the drama?"

Chu Cheng paused and turned to look at He Qing.

She didn't move at all, she was still sitting on the sofa with her back to him, but he knew that the expression on her face at this moment was actually a bit sinister.

Chu Cheng thought about it, turned around helplessly, and walked back to the sofa slowly: "President He likes to see people with misunderstandings?"

"The point is your attitude, which makes me doubt it." After a pause, He Qing lowered her voice, "Now I'm already hesitating, I don't know if you can still be trusted!"

After speaking, he looked at each other sharply.

Chu Cheng's expression paused, and some panic slid across his face, but he didn't show it. He raised his eyes and looked at He Qing: "If you don't think you can trust me, you can replace me with someone who makes you trustworthy." Come to help you do things, if you think it is credible, don't make such a joke next time."

Chu Cheng was just talking, he knew that this matter could not be replaced casually, after all, the less people know about the secret, the better.

(End of this chapter)

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