Chapter 187 Lost Memory
When the doorbell rang, Yan Qianqian was stunned for a moment, and glanced at the man sitting across from him. Although he was impeccably handsome, the chill on his face made people afraid to approach him.

Who will come to the house at this time now, father works in the company, it is impossible to come back halfway, could it be?

Yan Qianqian glanced at the butler beside him, and motioned for him to go over and open the door.

Xiang Heng came alone this time, and he knew that if he was a guest at someone else's house with so many bodyguards, it would inevitably make the director unhappy.

"Hello, the reason I came to see your lady, I came to your house once before, do you remember?" Xiang Heng smiled gently and politely, with a gentle and deep voice.

Before the butler could speak, Yan Qianqian, who was eating in the living room, said, "Let him in." Then he subconsciously looked at the man opposite him, his expression and movements didn't change at all, he still ate with his head down.

As expected of the president of the sy group, no matter what he says or does, he is full of elegance, and he never talks nonsense. The feeling of cherishing words like gold should have been there before.

The butler turned sideways politely and let Xiang Heng enter the room.

As soon as Xiang Heng entered the room, he saw Shan Yisheng who was eating at the dining table. His steps stopped, and his heart burst into ecstasy. He walked to Shan Yisheng's side with a few strides, and patted him on the shoulder: "Sheng , you are finally healed!"

No one spoke, Xiang Heng walked over to Shan Yisheng curiously for a moment, found a seat casually, and sat down, still smiling: "Shan Yisheng, I have been missing for so long and finally found you, that's how you are How do you treat me, who has been looking for you so hard?"

The sentence was very convoluted, Xiang Heng quickly went in by himself, maybe because he was too happy, but fortunately, both of them are fine!
Otherwise, no matter if it is Duoduo or Shan Yisheng, he will feel sad and blame himself to death if something happens to anyone.

Yan Qianqian looked at the two men opposite without saying a word, with some complicated emotions in her eyes, she saw that cold man turned his head unhurriedly, without any expression on his face: "Are you here?" talk to me?"

When she saw all the smiles and excitement on the gentle man's face, she raised the corners of her mouth and smiled meaningfully.

Xiang Heng looked at Shan Yisheng's side face dully, he was still eating, the gauze on his head had been untied, he seemed to be recovering well, his temper was still the same as before, so cold that people dare not approach him, However, when facing himself, why would he have the expression that strangers should not enter?
The only possibility is that he doesn't remember himself?
Thinking of this, Xiang Heng shook his head to himself, how could it be, no way, his thinking must have been affected by Duo Duo's experience, how could there be such a coincidence, they all suffered from amnesia!

"Hey, Shan Yisheng, don't be so unkind, I flew to Italy from China on purpose, if you deliberately tease me, I will go back right now, immediately, immediately!" The latter didn't respond at all. !

Xiang Heng felt a thump in his heart, something was slowly sinking down, he blinked his eyes: "Duoduo has worked very hard to find you!"

no response!
"She was in the hospital before, and was taken back to Yao's house by He Qing and the others, but no matter what, staying in Yao's house in her current situation must have no good fruit to eat..."

The words are very clear, Yao Yiyi is living a very hard life now, and he is also very worried about him. If his fault seems to be wrong, he will not be so calm.

Xiang Heng looked at the calm Shan Yisheng, his eyes were instantly filled with disappointment and gloom, it seemed that there was something troublesome.

Luo Minghao left the house without any hesitation. In fact, most of the time, he didn't want to say some bad words to hurt his father, but Luo Jiawei always didn't support what he did, and he felt very frustrated.

He has done it for so many years, not for himself, but for revenge. He feels that he has done nothing wrong.

The street was very empty. After talking with Luo Jiawei just now, he was completely out of mood to deal with He Qing and the others. He turned the car and drove to another street.

The car stopped at the entrance of "Mei Bar", there seemed to be very few customers today, and it was deserted inside, that's right, it would be abnormal if it was lively inside on such a day.

Luo Minghao walked in slowly, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth: "I am the only one who will come to this kind of place today!"

"Hey, Young Master Luo, why are you here today!" The manager saw Luo Minghao standing at the door from a long distance away, and hurried up to greet him. There are so few people coming these days, she is looking forward to the stars and the moon. I can't wait for a few guests.

As soon as Luo Minghao heard the word "today", his face darkened instantly: "Why, I can't come today, you don't open today? Or is it stipulated that you can't come today? En?"

The more he talked, the more anger seemed to grow. The manager was startled and realized that he had said something wrong, so he quickly changed his words: "How can I, I hope that you will come before it's too late, it's still the same place, you go first Go in and sit down, I will choose a girl for you!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and was about to call the girl, Luo Minghao frowned and stopped him: "Forget it, I'll sit alone for a while today, just bring me some and come over!"

After speaking, he turned around and entered the box without waiting for the manager's reaction.

The manager didn't look very good when he heard that, he thought that he would make a lot of money today if he came here, but he didn't expect that he came here for a drink!Sighing helplessly, the manager turned in the opposite direction and walked towards the bar.

Today's bartender is a girl who can be seen to be young, but the makeup on her face is very heavy. The manager walked over and looked her up and down: "Are you a student?"

Girls are not afraid of strangers. They adjust various cocktails by themselves at the bar, and take a look at the man: "Which of your eyes can see that I am a student? Who told you that you must be a student if you are young?"

When the manager heard this, he became angry. A receptionist dared to yell at him and wanted to get angry, but after thinking about it, he waved to the girl angrily: "Just send some high-end ones to that box, remember , if the people in the back continue to order wine, you can add some water to me, don't be so stupid and have no IQ!"

He remembered that last time there was a waiter who foolishly brought some authentic famous wines to the guests after they were drunk, and didn't know how to use their brains, otherwise how would they make money!

pissed him off.

The girl was quite obedient this time, she nodded and said nothing else.

When Chu Cheng went out, he saw He Qing. She was standing at the door of Yao's house, as if she had been waiting there for a long time.Chu Cheng was stunned for a moment, looked at He Qing, and on the surface called out respectfully: "President."

Now he is still doing things for her under her hands, and he still has to do what he should do on the surface.

He Qing didn't respond to her, with a smile on her face, she walked slowly to Chu Cheng's side: "Leaving so soon?"

"Yes, one by one I have eaten obediently just now, so I don't need to stay in the river forever, lest I find people annoying, I'd better come back next time."

It's not like He Qing couldn't hear something in what Chu Chengshu said, not to mention that she had seen Lin Mowan embarrassing him at the stairs just now.

Seeing that He Qing still didn't speak any more, Chu Cheng raised her steps and was about to walk forward, but she heard her speak slowly: "It seems that the friendship between Yao Yiyi and you is really serious. That's right, no matter what I said to her before, it was useless. She couldn't listen, she didn't want to talk, she just didn't want to talk to me. As soon as you came, she would eat and sleep obediently. It seems that you still have a great influence on her Yes!"

Chu Cheng stopped and turned to look at He Qing. She was already old, about the same age as her mother at home, but when they stood together, they would never feel that they were of similar age.

Seeing He Qing's fair and well-maintained skin, Chu Cheng couldn't help but think of his mother.Mother Chu's face is dark, and now she is getting older and has wrinkles, like dry bark, and many calluses have been worn out on her hands. One of the two lives in hell and the other lives in heaven.

But the person living in heaven still doesn't feel satisfied. She is trying to get other people's things every day, and she is more than greedy.

Perhaps, this situation really seems to answer the sentence, the richer people are, the more greedy they are.

"Compared to what President He did to Yiyi, I believe everyone can tell who treats her well and who treats her badly. How can anyone pay attention to those who treat her badly?"

Chu Cheng was blunt for a while, and said the wrong thing, and when he realized it, he said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said.

"Oh?" He Qing looked at him meaningfully, "You mean, you are treating her well?"

"I believe the president is a smart man, you can understand what I say!" Jealous Chu Cheng stabilized his emotions, looked at He Qing, "It is useless to hit her if you want someone to give you something willingly , sometimes you can buy people's hearts without any money."

Seeing that He Qing hadn't spoken, Chu Cheng walked a few steps away and spoke again: "It's like saying, President, if you want to get something from Yiyi, then you have to be good enough to her, good times and bad times, Or the good is not obvious, so that others can't feel it, why do you think others should believe that you really care about her?"

Seeing that He Qing still didn't speak, Chu Cheng looked at the time, unwilling to say anything more, and said in He Qing's direction, "I'm going first."

He Qing didn't stop him this time. She felt that what he said was a little bit right. If she kept going on like this, it would probably be useless.

Looking at Chu Cheng's leaving back, He Qing was a little worried, which side was he on?
(End of this chapter)

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