Chapter 188 Willingly
Chu Cheng thought for a while, what he said just now was actually not harmful to Yao Yiyi, right? If He Qing had listened to what he just said just now, then her attitude towards Yao Yiyi would be the same from now on. It will be much better, even if no one is protecting her, it doesn't matter, and Lin Mowan can't bully her at will.

Thinking of this, Chu Cheng laughed a little hungry and relieved. At this time, he actually hoped that nothing would happen to Shan Yisheng. After all, if Shan Yisheng was here, He Qing would estimate Shan Yisheng no matter what she wanted to do.

Before seeing a taxi, Chu Cheng raised his head and looked around for a while, then turned around and walked slowly towards the sy group.

He hoped to rush back when Yao Yiyi woke up, otherwise if he didn't see her and didn't get the answer, she would be sad and anxious.

The leaves on both sides of the road had already fallen off, and a thick layer had accumulated at the bottom of the big tree. He remembered that when he was a child at home, Chu’s mother and Chu’s father had to go out to work, and he sat alone on the pile of leaves like that. , the sun shone warmly on his body, and it was so comfortable that people were amazed.

Chu Cheng's eyes turned slightly, turned slightly in one direction, walked to the pile of leaves under the tree, hesitated for a while, and stepped on it childishly.

The originally fluffy leaves collapsed a lot in an instant, and he didn't have the same feeling as before, and he was no longer the same as before.

Sighing softly, putting his hands in his pockets, he quickened his pace and walked forward.

Chu Cheng walked a hundred steps forward, then turned around and walked back, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, since when, he was already willing to do some stupid things with Yao Yiyi.

At this moment, how can there be anyone in the sy group? I don't know if Yao Yiyi was too impatient and forgot for a while, or her mind is not clear now.

When walking back, Chu Cheng obviously slowed down. If he went back too fast, he was afraid that Yao Yiyi would become suspicious.

But at this time, she won't think so much, as long as she tells him about Shan Yisheng, she won't think about anything else.

Thinking of this, Chu Cheng felt more at ease, and wondered in his heart, did Yao Yiyi wake up, or did he fall asleep at all?

When returning to Yao's house, Lin Mowan saw Chu Cheng who entered the door with disgust on his face, as if seeing something disgusting, she asked Chu Cheng in a questioning tone: "What are you doing here again?"

Then he walked towards the refrigerator on one side, and said as he walked, "I really think this is my home, come and go whenever you want?"

Chu Cheng heard her words clearly, but the expression on his face didn't change at all, so he wouldn't be like her, looking for trouble all day long.

"Hey, didn't you hear me? Who promised you to let you in? Shameless." Lin Mowan felt aggrieved in her heart, and wanted to vent her anger on Chu Cheng but couldn't find an excuse. , can only come to this trick.

At this time, Chu Cheng had already reached the second floor, and when he heard Lin Mowan's voice, he overplayed his head and smiled lightly: "I'm sorry, not everyone is as flustered as you are after eating every day, I still have Things have to be dealt with."

After finishing speaking, she entered Yao Yiyi's room, Lin Mowan was trembling with anger, if she didn't see that it was Yao Yiyi's room, she would have followed her long ago!
Xiang Heng turned to look at Yan Qianqian, and pointed at Shan Yisheng in disbelief: "What's going on with him?"

At this time, they had already finished their meal, sitting on the sofa and eating fruit, Xiang Heng tried to talk to Shan Yisheng, and no one would answer you after ten sentences, he felt that he was about to collapse, such a single Yisheng seemed to be so indifferent to anyone when they first met.

Yan Qianqian put a small piece of apple into his mouth unhurriedly, and squinted at him arrogantly: "Mr. Xiang is such a smart person, he should have guessed the answer by making a sentence in his heart, right? Then why do you still ask?" And me?"

Xiang Heng was taken aback, looked at Shan Yisheng who was calm and expressionless, and couldn't help but tense in his heart: "Impossible, didn't he reply very well, why did such a thing happen?"

Yan Qianqian sighed slightly when he saw that he had received a big blow: "Do you remember what I told you before?"

Hearing this, Xiang Heng thought about it seriously, and then looked at her suddenly: "You told me at that time that you were afraid that I would be disappointed when I saw him. Is it because of this reason?"

"That's right, that's what I meant. He was unconscious at the time, and you wouldn't believe it even if I told you, so I didn't say much. Now I believe that I don't need an explanation, and you Will believe it!"

"What the hell is going on, how did he lose his previous memory?"

"I'm not very clear about this. My family doctor said that he was mainly hit on the head, and he might get angry and say it." Yan Qianqian glanced at Xiang Heng, "I didn't know that at first. Knowing that he lost his memory, once she woke up in a daze, I asked him his name and address, but he couldn't answer anything, at that time I concluded that he must have lost his memory, forgetting the people and things in the past , After my family doctor told me that, I became more certain of my thoughts."

"Then did your family doctor tell you about when he will regain his memory and remember the past?" Xiang Heng thought for a while, then glanced at Shan Yisheng again, who was reading the newspaper with his head down.

"It may be a day, it may be a year, or it may even be a lifetime. He can't say for sure about this. It depends on him."

"Then if that's the case, I'll take him away!" Xiang Heng suddenly stood up and looked down at Yan Qianqian, as if he had made up his mind that he would take him away regardless of whether the other party asked him to take him away.

Yan Qianqian also stood up, but didn't speak, she went to Shan Yisheng's side, and spoke to him: "Yisheng, can you go shopping with me tomorrow?"

There was an obvious coquettish tone in her tone, Xiang Heng stood aside, if there was any movement, he really wanted to see, what was she going to do!

Shan Yisheng turned his head to look at her lightly: "I don't want to go!"

Yan Qianqian pursed her lips in embarrassment, although she didn't do everything because she liked him, but she still felt embarrassed to receive such treatment in front of others.

"You just go with me, don't tell me you want to stay at home all the time?" Yan Qianqian continued acting coquettishly unwillingly.

Shan Yisheng threw away the newspaper in his hand, without even looking at Yan Qianqian: "I'm going upstairs first!"

(End of this chapter)

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