Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 189 He is still alive

Chapter 189 He is still alive
Luo Minghao looked at the woman in front of him. Although the makeup on his face was a bit heavy, he could still see her delicate face clearly. Luo Minghao didn't know why, but before he could react, his right hand had already imprisoned the woman. chin: "Look at this pretty little face, why are you putting on such heavy makeup?"

There was a trace of bewilderment and contempt in the tone, perhaps all women in such a place are of this type!

The woman glanced at him without saying a word, quietly put the wine on the wooden coffee table, turned around and was about to leave, Luo Minghao subconsciously called her: "Where are you going?"

Although he didn't intend to ask a woman to drink with him at the beginning, since the manager has arranged for him, there is no need for him to postpone it.

"I've already brought you the wine, do you think I shouldn't leave?" Although the woman knew that most of the people who could come here to drink were well-off, there was no trace of fear on her face.

Luo Minghao was inexplicably amused, he stood up slowly, and walked in front of the woman: "So this is how you entertain guests here, no wonder this place was once idle!"

Isn't she just a woman who drinks with others, why pretend to be noble!
"You misunderstood, I just brought you wine, which doesn't mean I'm here to accompany you! If there's nothing else to do, I'll leave first!" The woman was not affected by his emotions at all.

"Cut!" Luo Minghao sneered without thanks, "The bitch wants to set up a chastity memorial archway!"

After all, he didn't go to see that woman again, and sat down to drink alone. When the woman heard Luo Minghao's words, she obviously paused, turned around and left without saying anything.

Luo Minghao said unhurriedly when she walked to the door: "Why don't you reason with me?"

Successfully made the woman stop, she turned around slowly, even though the words he said were a bit abrupt, but she knew what he was talking about: "Is it necessary?"

"Do you like being humiliated and looked down upon by others?" Luo Minghao put down the wine glass in his hand, raised his head and looked at her squarely.

"If I had a higher position in power than you, I would pour that bottle of wine on your face without saying a word, but you see, I have nothing now, so there is no way to be humiliated by you, and..." The woman paused, "I don't fight back now, but it doesn't mean I won't in the future. Haven't you heard that it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge?"

"That's right!" Luo Minghao raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass, his heart that was shaken by Luo Jiawei's words became firm again!
Since others have done things that are not good for you first, why should you swallow your anger? There is no need for that at all!

He, Yao shi, was bullying too much back then, forcing his family to be scattered, he couldn't bear this tone!
There's no need to endure it, is there?
The woman had already left, Luo Minghao took out his mobile phone and found a photo in the phone album.

It was a group photo, and the boys and girls in it were still young.

This is a group photo of them when they were studying. He has been reluctant to delete it and put it at the bottom of the photo album until now.

Luo Minghao swallowed the wine in his mouth, his eyes were a little hazy, thinking of Yao Yiyi lying on the bed hurting Shan Yisheng, he gritted his teeth!
Women are all cheap, love the new and dislike the old!

Luo Minghao's eyes were bloodshot, he lightly pressed "Delete", then closed his eyes, and pressed "OK!"

There is no attachment to anything, it's time for you, Yao Yiyi, to pay off your debts!

When Chu Cheng returned to Yao's residence, Lin Mowan saw him on her balcony, turned around and entered the room with a cold snort, feeling that seeing him was an insult.

Chu Cheng pinched his fingers vigorously, but the expression on his face did not change at all.

Yao Yiyi actually didn't fall asleep at all, she just closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep so that Chu Cheng could inquire about Shan Yisheng's situation earlier, she knew that Chu Cheng knew, but she didn't point it out.

In fact, it seems a bit bleak to think about it. The only person she believes in now is Chu Cheng, and there is no one else. He Qing said that Shan Yisheng is dead, so she would not believe it!
How could he be willing to abandon her!
As soon as Chu Cheng entered the room, he saw Yao Yiyi with his eyes open, staring at the ceiling blankly, as if he was in a daze, but he didn't seem to think about anything.

"Yiyi, I'm back!" Chu Cheng smiled and walked to Yao Yiyi's side, found a chair and sat down.

"I came back so soon, have you heard the news? How is Shan Yisheng now? Is he at home or abroad? Is his injury serious..."

Chu Cheng was a little overwhelmed, he looked at Yao Yiyi amusedly: "Yi Yi, don't worry, let me catch my breath first!"

Chu Cheng had already figured out his words on the way back. Anyway, there is no news of Shan Yisheng in China, which means that the news of Shan Yisheng's death has not yet reached the country.

"Yiyi, I went to the sy group to ask, and they haven't received the notice of Shan Yisheng's death. It seems that he should still be alive now. Don't worry too much. Take care of your body first. Your script will come soon." If you don't eat every day, how can you take care of your body, when Shan Yisheng comes back and sees you like this, he should be sad and blame himself again!"

Yao Yiyi heard that Shan Yisheng was not dead, and he was no doubt there, with a surprised expression on his face, he hurriedly grabbed Chu Cheng's hand: "What you said is true?"

Her eyes were beautiful, she looked at Chu Cheng trustingly, without the slightest doubt about what he said.

Chu Cheng's eyes dodged a little, and he nodded: "Yes, there is no news about Shan Yisheng, which means that he is not dead as others said. One by one, you must be strong and heal your injuries!"

Yao Yiyi looked at Chu Cheng with a rare smile on his face: "You're right, I can't let Shan Yisheng see me so decadent!"

Chu Cheng looked at Yao Yiyi, who was cheering him up, with mixed feelings in his heart. He couldn't deny that he was happier than anyone else seeing her regain confidence in this way. This was the result he wanted to see most, but she was doing it for another people.

"Then you have a good sleep, starting tomorrow, you have to cheer up, you know? En?" Chu Cheng gently helped Yao Yiyi to make the quilt, "I will come to see you next time."

Yao Yiyi closed her eyes obediently, the curtains had been drawn long ago, and no light could come through.

When Chu Cheng walked to the door, he turned his head and glanced at Yao Yiyi reluctantly. She closed her eyes, and the light in the room was so dark that he couldn't see her clearly. He just felt that at this moment, the room was so quiet that he could Hear her slow and rhythmic breathing.

Chu Cheng involuntarily raised the corners of his mouth, and the corners of his eyebrows were slightly curved.

Yan Qianqian felt uncomfortable seeing Shan Yisheng's leaving back, and turned to look at Xiang Heng who had no intention of leaving: "Sir, do you want to wait at my house for dinner?"

What she said obviously meant to drive people away. Xiang Heng was not stupid, so he naturally understood what she meant, and stood up unhurriedly and looked at Yan Qianqian: "It seems that Miss Yan still has a bit of a temper. Sure enough, It’s Miss Qianjin.” He sneered, “I’m here, I admit I’m bothering you, but I’m not here to look for you, I’ll leave naturally after the matter is settled!”

Yan Qianqian was furious at Xiang Heng's previous words, but after hearing the latter words, she couldn't help being curious: "What are you doing here?"

"Take Shan Yisheng away!" Xiang Heng glanced at Yan Qianqian and said again, "I remember what I told Miss Yan before, Shan Yisheng has her own career and someone she likes, if you still want to It's you who put your crooked thoughts on him, and in the end it's you!"

Hearing this, Yan Qianqian looked Xiang Heng up and down: "No one in China has ever been able to stop what I want to do. Do you think I will easily let him go with you with a few words from you? Really? What a joke!"

"I'm still Ms. Yan who is joking. I know you should know something in your heart. Now that Shan Yisheng has woken up, even though he has really forgotten the past, this does not affect his decision. Yan Miss thinks, if you say you won't let him go, then he really won't go?"

Out of the corner of Xiang Heng's eyes, he looked at Yan Qianqian with a disdainful smile: "I'm sorry, I have something to do today, so Shan Yisheng can't explain it clearly, and I will leave by myself when I finish speaking what I should say, I don't need you to speak in person! "

After speaking, he raised his feet and wanted to go upstairs. Yan Qianqian saw that he was still so arrogant in his own home, and his expression was ugly: "Mr. Xiang, don't you think you should be more polite when you are in someone else's home?"

"Speaking of being polite, it depends on the person. I think it might not be necessary for you!" After going up the stairs, Xiang Heng suddenly remembered something, Brick looked at Yan Qianqian, "By the way, if If Miss Yan wants to stop me, just stop, I didn't bring anyone this time, you can definitely stop me, but what if next time, are you sure you can stop me next time?"

There was a confident smile on his face, even though Yan Qianqian was already gnashing his teeth angrily, there was nothing he could do, watching Xiang Heng slowly go upstairs, just wait and see how long you can keep swearing.

Xiang Heng stood at the door of Shan Yisheng's room, a little hesitant, now that Shan Yisheng doesn't remember himself, he won't listen to anything he tells him.

But some things should be made clear now. I heard that Dodo is in a very bad situation, and he will always return to his seat.

Sighing softly, Xiang Heng felt that he seemed to have no choice now, no matter what Shan Yisheng's attitude towards him was, he must not stand idly by!Finally, he stretched out his hand and gently pushed the door open.

Seeing Shan Yisheng standing at the window with his back to him, tall and tall, but feeling lonely, Xiang Heng frowned slightly and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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