Chapter 261
Halfway through the conversation, the phone rang. Bo Shanchen frowned slightly, took out the phone and looked, it was the assistant's.

"What's the matter?" Bo Shanchen glanced at Yao Yiyi, motioning for her to wait a while, Yao Yiyi nodded silently, expressing his understanding.

"Yiyi, the assistant called and said that something urgent happened to the company's history. I can't send you back inside. It shouldn't be a problem for you to go back alone, right?"

It's getting late now, and it's impossible to say that there is no worry at all, but the assistant's tone seems to be really urgent.

Yao Yiyi shook her head indifferently, she never wanted to be a burden to others: "I'm not a child anymore, go get busy, I'll go back myself!"

After speaking, he waved to Bo Shanchen, picked up the bag and turned to the left.

Bo Shanchen held his mobile phone and looked at her back as she walked away slowly. Her steps were not big, but they were firm step by step. He hesitated a little, put his finger in the key ring and twirled it childishly. , I walked in that car.

It wasn't the first time Yao Yiyi had walked such a path, so he didn't feel scared, but today he felt a little weird, his right eyelid twitched, and he always felt that something would happen today.

Looking at the dim street lights above his head, Yao Yiyi shook his head helplessly, it seemed that he was too nervous.

There is a necessary intersection to go home. There are not few pedestrians there, but there should be few people at such a late hour today.

When he reached the intersection, Yao Yiyi stared at the dark path in front of him, and was stunned for a while, but didn't react for a long time.

Are the street lights here broken?
When I got home yesterday, I saw that it was fine!
Not caring about other things, Yao Yiyi remembered what He Qing said, that after a certain time, she would take care of the big iron gate, and once the time passed, she would probably ignore him even if she yelled at the door.

And that Lin Mowan likes to see such a scene the most!
Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi has already walked towards the intersection slowly, with a mobile phone in her hand, illuminated by a weak light. In fact, she is very familiar with this road, and she can walk unimpeded without lights, but after all, it is At night and without lights, she felt that doing so would inexplicably increase her sense of security.

But Yao Yiyi's heart still visibly trembled when those men rushed out from the side road. It seemed that the woman's directness was really accurate.

Yao Yiyi was very nervous, but she didn't know why she was still thinking about it now.

A few people didn't speak, and ran directly to Yao Yiyi's side. Yao Yiyi knew that he might have been kidnapped, so he picked up his mobile phone and took pictures of their faces. Even if they died, at least he must know who caused it.

She found that she was so calm.

"Fuck, shine on your sister, bitch!" A man blocked the light on his face with his hand, stretched out his hand and waved vigorously at her hand, and the mobile phone he was holding fell to the ground in an instant.

Yao Yiyi screamed softly, the man closest to him had a grim expression on his face, Yao Yiyi picked up the bag in his hand and threw it at him, unexpectedly the man came down slowly.

Yao Yi was taken aback, and saw the panting person behind the man at a glance.

"you again!"

Shan Yisheng unscrewed the medicine he just bought in his hand, facing Yao Yiyi: "Sit down!"

There was a black spot on Yao Yiyi's face, although it was only a small spot, it still looked a little shocking on her fair face.

"If you tell me to do something, you won't listen, so come and beat me!" Shan Yisheng scolded her with a stern face, but the Dong in his hand was very light, as if he was afraid that he would hurt her.

Seeing that Shan Yisheng had such a bad attitude towards him, Yao Yiyi thought that he thought he was troublesome and didn't want to give him medicine, so he leaned back slightly, and the cotton swab in Shan Yisheng's hand fell through, and he just wanted to ask if she was in pain , but the other party spit out a few words lightly: "I will do it myself!"

Shan Yisheng's originally gentle eyes were instantly tinged with a little chill, he sneered and looked at Yao Yiyi: "You come by yourself? You can't even see the wound on your face, how can you come by yourself?"

What Yao Yiyi dislikes the most is when others talk to her in such an attitude, perhaps because of the influence of He Qing and Lin Mowan: "If you don't want to see me, leave quickly. I, Yao Yiyi, don't need your pity and kindness." alms!

She actually said that she was kind to her out of so-called pity and charity!

Dan Yisheng's eyes revealed a dangerous aura, Yao Yiyi had been with Shan Yisheng for such a long time, so he naturally felt it, just when she thought he was going to get angry, he suddenly hugged himself into his arms : "Don't lose your temper with me, what you say unconsciously can easily hurt me!"

Yao Yiyi's body was pressed in his arms, and the expression on his face was a little dazed. His chest was very warm, with a familiar smell.

This should be the only time since the last car accident in Italy that the two are intimate when they are sober.

It took Yao Yiyi a long time to react and struggled to get away from his embrace. Although he told himself more than once in his heart that he was already engaged to another woman, his restless heart was still beating wildly.

He opened his mouth a few times to ask what was going on between him and Yan Qianqian, but after trying a few times, he finally asked another question: "Why are you there?"

When the man fell down in front of her eyes, she was frightened, thinking that she had really knocked him out with only one bag, but when she saw Shan Yisheng standing behind, she realized it was because of him.

I don't know why, the moment she saw him, her heart, which wasn't flustered at first, suddenly became flustered. She didn't know whether she was worried that something would happen to him, or worried about other problems.

Fortunately, there were not many people on the other side, and Shan Yisheng's fists were not bad, and the other side didn't seem to expect that there would be a man appearing, so he was flustered, so Shan Yisheng easily took Yao Yiyi's hand and ran away .

Yao Yiyi felt a pause in the movement on his face, and then continued. The medicine was cool and refreshing, and it was very comfortable to apply on his face.

"I have business, I'm passing there, and I just happened to see it!" How could he explain to her, could it be that he waited there on purpose in order to take a look at her after get off work?

Yao Yiyi didn't know if this was an explanation, but it sounded perfunctory. Since he didn't want to talk, she naturally wouldn't ask too much. The night breeze was cool, and the two of them were sitting together, but they were thinking about different issues.

After a while, Yao Yiyi felt that the slap on her face was not as hot and painful as before, she got up and said she wanted to leave, Shan Yisheng nodded, it was late, and she really should go back, so she pulled away The car door wants to take her back.

Yao Yiyi originally wanted to refuse, but remembering what happened just now, he still felt a little lingering fear, swallowed the rejection on his lips, and obediently got into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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