Chapter 262 Finding Clues
Shan Yisheng sat in the office thinking about what happened last night, and felt that something was wrong. Although the place where Yao's house is located is not like his apartment is in a relatively prosperous place, but because the people living there are either rich or rich. Right, so it should be safe over there.

How could such a thing happen.

This happened in China, so it should be easy to find out!

Thinking of this, Shan Yisheng frowned vigorously. Did those people go to enjoy life in Italy? So far, they haven't given him any news.

Shan Yisheng took out his mobile phone and darkened the number of the other party. He found that if he didn't remind them, they seemed to not take this matter as a very serious matter at all!
The phone was picked up quickly, even though the other party's tone was very respectful, it didn't make He Shan Yisheng's mood any better after a long time: "Did you find anything?"

As if afraid of hearing the answer she didn't want, Shan Yisheng frowned and passed a rope: "I tell you, if you haven't heard anything from me until now, you will get out of here right away." , I, Shan Yisheng, do not support idlers!"

"President...President, we have found some information." The other party seemed to be really frightened by Shan Yisheng, and he stuttered and couldn't complete his speech.

Shan Yisheng stopped the movement of his hands, looked at the documents spread out on one side, stood up and turned his eyes away: "Say it!"

"We found out that during the time you and Ms. Yao were in Italy, He Qing and Lin Miwan were also in Italy, and you both participated in a clothing exhibition at the same time. Calculated according to the time, if there is nothing wrong, you are in the clothes We should meet each other during the exhibition!"

Shan Yisheng's eyes narrowed slightly. It turned out that He Qing was also in Italy at that time, and it was very likely that she saw herself with Yao Yiyi. Could it be because of this that she was so malicious?
It's just that why did she save Yao Yiyi after carefully planning a car accident? Didn't the two of them die together just as she wanted?
Now I can't figure out this one point, maybe if I ask Yao Yiyi, I will probably get the answer.

The other party found that Shan Yisheng hadn't spoken, thought he was about to get angry again, and called out tremblingly: "Shan... Mr. Shan?"

Shan Yisheng withdrew his thoughts, stood by the window and looked out the window, his eyes slightly confused: "Can you find evidence that He Qing tampered with my car?"

"I'm still looking for it. He Qing definitely won't do it herself. After all, Italy is not as good as China. It's not so easy to find any clues!"

In fact, he really wanted to go back early, his wife and children were still waiting for him.

"Well, speed up, I don't want to wait so long like this time to receive such a little news!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, tilted his head and thought for a while, walked to the desk and leaned slightly: "Come in!"

The door of the office opened in the next second, and Qin Meihui walked in slowly: "President Shan?"

Shan Yisheng raised the corners of his mouth subconsciously, Qin Meihui's speed was always what he was most satisfied with, which was why she was able to stay by her side for so long.

"Go and find out who kidnapped Yiyi yesterday? Don't be soft when you find out!"

A look of cruelty flashed in Shan Yisheng's eyes, since they were cruel to him, he felt that there was no need for him to be soft-hearted towards them.

"Abducted one by one?" Qin Meihui looked at Shan Yisheng in shock, her face full of disbelief, sometimes tinged with worry.

"It's alright, just do as I tell you!"

Qin Meihui nodded, turned and went out.

Xiang Heng looked at the time rather helplessly, then glanced at Shan Yisheng who had a serious face on the opposite side, and couldn't help urging: "Yisheng, if you have anything to say, hurry up, I have an important meeting to attend later. Let's go!"

Shan Yisheng glanced at Xiang Heng, and said hesitantly, "How often do you meet Yiyi?"

"Why did you suddenly think of asking this question?" Xiang Heng glanced at the time again, frowning slightly, "I've been busy with office work recently, and I haven't met her recently, but last time I asked Wei Ni, I went to find her!"

Speaking of this, Xiang Heng paused, thinking that since Shan Yisheng had already asked this question, he must have something to say, so he raised his head and looked at him puzzled: "Listening to your question, did something happen one by one? thing?"

Shan Yisheng lowered his eyes slightly, and nodded seriously: "That's right!"

Xiang Heng became anxious when he heard that, and hurriedly asked Shan Yisheng: "What happened to her?" Is there any serious problem now? "

As soon as the voice was spoken, the mobile phone in Lou's pocket rang: "Hey, the meeting has been postponed for an hour, yes!"

Shan Yisheng knew that Xiang Heng was really in a hurry, so he didn't make any fuss: "Yesterday Yiyi was almost kidnapped by someone, but luckily I bumped into him, otherwise..."

He didn't go on with the rest, but kidnapping is not a casual joke, and since he decided to do it, it means that the person on the other side must be cruel.

So once Yao Yiyi was really kidnapped, the other party would definitely not show mercy!
Fortunately, he saved her in time, otherwise he wouldn't dare to imagine the consequences easily!
"Instigated by someone else?" Xiang Heng took a serious look at Shan Yisheng. Although it was only his own guess, he said these words without interrogative sentences at all.

Shan Yisheng nodded with a sullen face: "It's probably close to ten, I think it should be her, and I'm still investigating, and I'll know everything when I find it!"

Xiang Heng was naturally very upset when he heard that someone was going to hurt Yao Yiyi: "If we find evidence that it was He Qing who did it, I think we should give her some color!"

Shan Yisheng nodded: "You're right, but it's not now, don't worry, she should pay it back, nothing will be missing!" As if remembering something, he said again, "Even if this time it's not She, I'm afraid you won't let her go easily!"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you still remember the time when Yiyi and I went to Italy?" Shan Yisheng looked at Xiang Heng seriously, and the other party followed his words and fell into memory.

"Is that when you just reconciled?"

"Yes!" Shan Yisheng nodded, "It was just found out that He Qing and Lin Mowan were also in Italy at that time, and they probably ran into me and Yiyi, so the matter about the car accident must be It's their hands and feet!"

"I didn't expect them to go too. At the beginning, I thought He Qing was just a trick!" Xiang Heng had a contemptuous smile on his face, "It seems that they are really sad!"

Shan Yisheng sneered, but did not speak.

"But what makes me feel very strange is that since He Qing wanted to hurt the two of you, why did Dodo end up in the hospital?"

"This is exactly what makes me curious!"

Lin Mowan sat restlessly on her seat, with a slightly terrified expression on her face, as if she had thought of something bad, her colleague pushed her shoulder: "Mo Wan, what are you thinking, You were so engrossed in thinking that you didn't even hear me talking to you!"

Lin Mowan waved at her impatiently: "Go away, go away, I'm busy now, I don't have time to chat with you!"

The other party was naturally upset when he saw Yao Yiyi's attitude, but because of her status, he didn't say anything, turned around and walked towards his desk!

Anyway, the reason why she followed her was just because of her identity and wanted to get closer to her, otherwise, according to her eldest lady's temper, she wouldn't be bothered to hang out with her!
In fact, Lin Mowan was only thinking about Yao Yiyi. She was already surprised to see her come back safely last night. She obviously sent someone to show her some color, even if they failed. Kidnap her, at least give her a lesson, why does it look like nothing happened!
Although there is a small bruise on the face, who knows if I accidentally got it!

Originally, she planned to ask, but after thinking about the relationship between the two of them, she would not answer even if she asked Yao Yiyi, so she had to give up in the end!

The important thing is that she doesn't seem to be able to hold back her face.

Now she called that person, but found that the phone was always unanswered, and she felt even more upset. Could it be that she was cheated?

Could it be that the other party ran away after getting his deposit?
Thinking of the anger on Lin Mowan's face here, although the deposit she paid was not a lot of money, it was something she had to ask for from He Qing's milk for a long time, and she didn't expect that she would be tricked in the end!

Lin Mowan stared hard at Yao Yiyi in front of her, it was her, if it wasn't for her, how could she suffer from being dumb like this!

Yao Yiyi inexplicably endured Lin Mowa's hostility, she seemed to express her hostility towards herself at any time, even if she did nothing like now.

"Hey, why did you come back so late last night?" Lin Mowa couldn't help it when the cold female voice repeatedly reminded the other party that the phone had been turned off, and walked up to Yao Yiyi arrogantly and asked.

Thinking of last night's experience, Yao Yi flashed an undetectable emotion in his eyes, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye: "I never realized how much you care about me!" Her voice was obviously ridiculed, "But it's a pity, your Care, I don't need it!"

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and continued with her own business. Seeing Yao Yiyi's "lack of knowing what to do" Lin Mowan was immediately unhappy, and pointed at Yao Yiyi's nose and cursed: "You really think I want to Talk to me? Slut, open a dyeing workshop if you give me some color!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. Yao Yi glanced at her back and thought it was funny for no reason, so she came here just to have a fight?
Really inexplicable!
Yao Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, retracted his mind and concentrated on reading the documents.

(End of this chapter)

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