Chapter 279 A Threat
Shan Yisheng really wants Yan Qianqian to move out of his apartment, he has never seen such a difficult woman, every time he sees him he can't help but feel a little scared!
"Did Yan Qianqian keep calling recently?" Shan Yisheng took the document from Qin Meihui's hand, and texted her expressionlessly.

There was no expression on his face, so Qin Meihui didn't know what his purpose was for asking herself!
"Yes!" It's hard for her to leave this mobile phone with her. She will call regularly every day. She is really surprised. Can't she ask the president about his situation when he returns? She called and scolded her for a while, and sometimes she really doubted whether she called and scolded herself on purpose to vent her anger!

From Qin Meihui's expression, Shan Yisheng knew that there must be nothing good about Yan Qianqian's calling, but fortunately, he was smart enough to change the number early, otherwise he would be the one suffering now!
The reason why he was accommodating to Yan Qianqian before was that he didn't know that Yan Qianqian had ambitions for the Sy Group, but now that he knew, he found that maybe she was the kind of person who couldn't be chased away!
"In the future, if you have her call, don't answer it. When you get off work at night, you call back and say that I'm off work! She probably won't call in a few days!"

"Yes!" Qin Meihui was also particularly helpless about this, she had already given all the documents in her hand to Shan Yisheng, she bent slightly, and walked out the door.

Shan Yisheng withdrew his gaze and was about to read the document when the internal phone rang. Anyone who was disturbed while working would not be in a good mood: "What's the matter?"

"Bo's president said he wanted to see you!"

Bo Shanchen?What did he come to find himself for?
"Let him in!"

When Bo Shanchen looked at Shan Yisheng with a smile all over his face, the latter was expressionless: "I don't remember that the relationship between the two of us is so big!"

Bo Shanchen said indifferently: "Yes, I just came to tell you one thing!" Satisfied, Shan Yisheng looked at him with doubts in his eyes, "Didn't you tell me not to make Yao Yiyi's idea? You'd better tell the person next to her who stopped Chu Cheng about this matter, not me!"

"Chu Cheng?" Shan Yisheng murmured his name, but did not speak.

"Yes, from my point of view, he and Yao Yiyi seem to have a very good relationship. It seems that you really need to be nervous this time, lest you get back all your memories, but he and Yao Yiyi already have a relationship. baby!"

Shan Yisheng looked at the pen in his hand, and didn't speak any more. Bo Shanchen thought he didn't believe him, and was about to speak, but was stopped by Shan Yisheng: "I'm not worried about that person Chu Cheng!"

"Why?" Bo Shanchen obviously had a choked expression on his face!

"He is insufficient and poses a threat!" Shan Yisheng looked at Bo Shanchen with lazily mischievous eyelids, "You are different!"

"You mean I pose a greater threat?"

"No, Chu Cheng won't pester Yao Yiyi, but you..." Shan Yisheng looked Bo Shanchen up and down, "Even if you are rejected by Yao Yiyi, you won't give up easily!"

"Are you afraid that if I persevere, Yao Yiyi will be moved by me in the end?"

"I'm just afraid that you will bring a lot of unnecessary trouble to Yi Yi!"


After resting at home for a few days, Lin Mowan's condition has improved a lot, and after a group meeting, she can go to work in the company!

It was noon when Luo Minghao came to Yao's house, he ran over while he was resting at noon, and hoped that Luo Jiawei would not find out.

He doesn't want him to get angry, after all, he is not too young now!
"Minghao is here!" He Qing took care of Lin Mowan at home today, so she didn't go to the company. Just as she went downstairs, she saw Luo Minghao standing at the door, and quickly pulled out Lin Mowan who was behind her, "But we, Mowan, gave it to you." Hope is here, she has been hurt these days and still misses you!"

"Injured?" Luo Minghao looked at Lin Mowan behind He Qing in astonishment, and walked over a few steps, "Mo Wan, what's the matter with you, why are you injured?"

She is improving a lot now, it should be from recuperation, there are some shallow back scratches on her face, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all!
"It's all because of that Yao Yiyi!" Lin Mowan glanced at Luo Minghao angrily, as if her appearance had something to do with Luo Minghao.

There was no expression in Luo Minghao's eyes at all, she was just like this, this matter obviously had nothing to do with her, but she seemed to vent the anger in her heart on herself!

"It's related to Yiyi?" Luo Minghao looked at He Qing curiously, could it be that Yao Yi scratched Lin Mowan's face?
"Yo, you called Yi Yi Yi, you are so kind!" Now Lin Mowan is very sensitive to Yao Yi Yi's matter, even if it is just a title, it will make her react very strongly!
A look of embarrassment appeared on Luo Minghao's face. He Qing knew that her woman was too emotional, so she waited for her angrily and began to explain the matter to him.

Of course, she would not tell the story of Lin Mowan finding someone to kidnap Yao Yiyi, she just said that someone kidnapped Lin Mowan, and then she was locked up in an old factory for three days, and when she finally escaped, she was tortured. hurt!

"We suspect that this matter has something to do with Yao Yiyi!" He Qing's face was serious, and she seemed a little determined.

Luo Minghao glanced at Lin Mowan who was sullen sitting on the sofa, and immediately denied He Qing's statement in his heart. He and Yao Yiyi had been together for so many years, and he knew Yao Yiyi's personality, no matter what , Yao Yiyi will not go to gangsters to kidnap others!

"I called you here this time, and I also want to discuss with you how to get Yao Yiyi's property, and then drive her away. I really don't want to see her for a moment!"

He Qing's face was full of disgust, as if Yao Yiyi was standing in front of her now.

"At present, I have nothing to do. Doesn't it mean that Yao Yiyi now has another Bo Shanchen as his backer?" Thinking of this, Luo Minghao's eyes inexplicably floated up, and she seemed to be He is still as outstanding as before, and there is no shortage of good people around him!

"It seems that this little bitch is really tough!" He Qing also sighed silently, walked up to Lin Mowan and sat down, hanging her head and not knowing what she was thinking!
"Since I have nothing to do, I'll go back first! Call me when you have something to do, and I will definitely come over in time!" Luo Minghao turned around and left after speaking, and did not notice the expressions of He Qing's mother and daughter behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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