Chapter 280 No Ability
"Hey, do you have time to come out and meet me?" Bo Shanchen stood by the window and called Chu Cheng, without any expression on his face.

"Who are you talking about?" Chu Cheng glanced at the phone suspiciously, with a puzzled expression on his face. He didn't know many people in this city, so he couldn't guess who the other party would be at all!

"Bo Shanchen!" Gently uttering his name, Bo Shanchen laughed, not knowing how he would react when he heard his name.

Sure enough, there seemed to be no sound for a long time, Bo Shanchen asked hesitantly, "Are you still there?"

Chu Cheng suddenly came back to his senses, and glanced in Yao Yiyi's direction, thinking that the layout of the office, even though the two people's offices were not far apart, they couldn't see each other!

If he guessed correctly, it should be because of Yao Yiyi's affairs.

The intentional intimacy that Yao Yiyi made last time seems to have worked!
"Well, you arrange the time!" Chu Cheng didn't refuse, and glanced at the time. If he arranged the time, it should be at night!

"Then let's meet at the place yesterday at 07:30 in the evening. I have a lot of things to do during the day, so I may not have time to meet you!" Bo Shanchen narrowed his eyes slightly as he recalled the intimate behavior of the two last night!
After the two agreed, they hung up the phone. Bo Shanchen looked at the mobile phone in his hand. Originally, he was going to ask Shan Yisheng to take care of this matter, but the situation seemed to be different from what he imagined. He thought that Shan Yisheng was actually I would be very nervous, but I didn't expect that he didn't seem to care at all. From this point of view, it seemed that I was the only one who appeared!
Thinking of this, Bo Shanchen raised the corners of his mouth helplessly, he is obviously much older than Shan Yisheng, why sometimes he feels that his patience is so poor!
In the evening, Yao Yiyi was about to wait for Chu Cheng to get off work, and the latter walked up to her with an apologetic face: "Yiyi, I have something to do tonight, so you can go back by yourself?"

Yao Yiyi was just about to ask him what's the matter, remembering that he and a female colleague seemed to be very close last time, thinking that he might be going on a date, so he nodded cheerfully: "Go and do your work, I'll take care of it when I go back." All right!"

Chu Cheng glanced at the smile on her face, said nothing, turned around and walked out of the company, the place where he ate yesterday was still a little distance from Yao's, Chu Cheng looked at the time, in order to prevent himself from being late, decided to Take a taxi! "

Sure enough, when Chu Cheng arrived, Bo Shanchen had already arrived: "Sorry, I'm late!"

Bo Shanchen smiled lightly, and didn't make things difficult for him: "Sit down!"

The two of them didn't order anything, but that's right, the purpose of the two of them coming here was to have a good chat: "You and Yao Yiyi... Are you a couple?"


Bo Shanchen smiled wryly, lowered his eyes with a gloomy face, he knew it was a lie, but even though he told himself so many times in his heart, he still believed it!
"That you?"

"It can be called unrequited love, or it can be called friends!" Chu Cheng said without concealment, which made Bo Shanchen's impression very good.

"Do you like her?" Bo Shanchen looked at him and asked, and then he was curious, "Why tell me the truth, if you tell me that the two of you are related, maybe I will give up on Yao Yiyi!"

He never liked to go into a dead end, he just had to work hard, if it really didn't work, it was forced, and forcing would only make him suffer.

"Hehe!" Chu Cheng laughed faintly after hearing Bo Shanchen's words, "Because I don't have enough ability to protect her!"

After what happened with He Qing, he knew that if he wanted to stand by Yao Yiyi's side, he needed not only a heart to love her, but also the ability to protect her.

Bo Shanchen was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Chu Cheng to say such a thing, he was a little taken aback, then he lowered his head to drink water as if nothing had happened, indeed, if a man doesn't even have the ability to protect the person he likes, How can I talk about love again!

When Yao Yiyi just woke up in the morning, he felt that his head was always groggy. He must have caught a cold. The recent weather has a large temperature difference and he is prone to illness.

Originally, I planned to ask He Qing for a leave of absence to go to the hospital, but I thought that there were too many things in the company recently, so I didn't ask for leave. I thought maybe it would be better later!

Perhaps it was because of illness, so Yao Yi stayed together very late. Lin Mowan was still recuperating at home and did not go to the company. When Yao Yi came down, Lin Mowan was sitting on the sofa watching TV, surrounded by a group of After eating food and fruit, he glanced at Yao Yiyi: "Why, you feel jealous when you see me at home, so you wake up so late on purpose?"

Yao Yiyi paused his movements, breathed a sigh of relief, ignored Lin Mowan's words, it was getting late, and there was no time for breakfast, but even if she had time now, she would not Know how to eat, after all, with such a person watching by his side, I really have no appetite at all.

Seeing Yao Yiyi ignoring her, Lin Mowan must have felt upset, she stood up and walked quickly to Yao Yiyi, blocking her way: "Hey, I'm talking to you, can't you hear me?"

Only then did Yao Yiyi slowly raise his head to look at her, with a sarcasm on his face: "It's just that I don't want to talk to you!"

Except for people like Lin Mowan, there would be no other people who would find fault with others when they woke up early in the morning!

Lin Mowan snorted angrily, turned her head contemptuously, as if she didn't want to see Yao Yiyi in front of her again: "Do you think I want to see you, every time I see you, I feel inexplicably sick!"

"Really?" Yao Yiyi didn't seem to care, and asked back with a smile, "Then may I trouble you to get out of the way, because I happen to not want to see you at all, and every time I see you, I feel very sad!"

"Bitch!" Lin Mowan wanted to go crazy by Yao Yiyi's attitude, looked at her and sneered, "What can you do to me if I don't get out of the way?"

"Didn't you just say that I was pretending to be sick on purpose just to avoid going to the company? It's just right for you to block it like this. I just have a reason not to go to the company. I can explain it when your mother asks!"

After Yao Yiyi finished speaking, she was about to turn around and go upstairs. Lin Mowan's eyes flashed with anxiety, and she quickly walked behind Yao Yiyi, and deliberately "accidentally" bumped into Yao Yiyi halfway, and walked upstairs quickly. , Yao Yiyi's head was already drowsy, but Lin Mowan almost fell to the ground after being hit by Lin Mowan. She helped the wall on one side with quick eyesight and quick hands to stand firm!

Glancing at the hall where Lin Mowan had long been gone, a wry smile appeared in the corner of his eyes, he casually stretched out his slender fingers to rub his temples vigorously, changed his shoes and went out.

The wind outside is very cool, and the weather is slowly getting warmer now, and the wind in the morning is not as piercing as before.

Yao Yiyi took a light breath and walked to the company!

Looking at Shan Yisheng in front of him, Chu Cheng felt as if he wanted to cry, but what happened recently? That Bo Shanchen just came to him a few days ago, but he didn’t expect that Shan Yisheng also came to him now. I guessed right The words were also related to Yao Yiyi.

Thinking that there are so many people around Yao Yiyi who care about her and Chu Cheng's heart is both gratifying and sad, maybe he is destined to be good friends only by her side!

But didn't he lose his memory?
Chu Cheng looked suspiciously at Shan Yisheng who was drinking coffee elegantly and calmly in front of him, with doubts on his face, when he received the call from him, he thought he heard it wrong, why would Shan Yisheng suddenly call Own?

Shan Yisheng seemed to see Chu Cheng's thoughts, he put down the coffee, and swallowed the bitter but fragrant coffee in his mouth: "Are you curious why I came to you?"

Chu Cheng was stunned for a moment, his voice was pleasant, deep and magnetic, even though he was a man, and he was once considered his rival in love, he had to admit that the man in front of him was extremely good, and he was with Yi Yi It's a perfect match, but now...

Thinking of this, Chu Cheng had mixed emotions in his heart, he didn't know that he was really disappointed in his heart, Yao Yiyi and the person in front of him still had no fate in the end, or he was a little gloating about what he couldn't get, and he couldn't have it either.

"Actually, I came here for Yao Yiyi's affairs!" Chu Cheng raised his eyelids and looked out the window with an unpredictable expression, "You met Yiyi a long time ago, in other words, are you alumni?"

Chu Cheng's heart skipped a beat when he heard Shan Yisheng's question, and he raised his head quickly, the surprise in his eyes was obvious.

Shan Yisheng seemed to think his expression was funny, and slowly raised his lips, as if explaining: "I checked my previous information, one by one, I was separated from me once, because of her brother's affairs!" Speaking of this, Shan Yisheng paused, frowned slightly, as if he was hesitating what to say next, "You also claimed to be a high school alumnus of Yiyi, but as far as I know, your high school is completely different from each other. It was a miracle to meet each other, how did you become an alumnus so well?"

In fact, there were many flaws in He Qing's plan and lies at the beginning, but Yao Yiyi was the protagonist, so she didn't think about it so much. If she was a bystander, she would definitely find that there were many flaws in He Qing's lies. Everything is wrong!
The reason why he brought up this matter now is just to warn Chu Cheng not to get close to Yao Yiyi again, whether it is true or false, as long as he has Shan Yisheng by his side, he will keep her safe .

Chu Cheng stared at Shan Yisheng dumbfounded, and didn't know how to answer for a moment. He said that if he told the truth about this matter, his parents would definitely be involved if He Qing found out, but seeing how confident Shan Yisheng was, Looks like he knows everything!

Some sweat slowly broke out from the palms of Chu Cheng's hands!
(End of this chapter)

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