Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 295 It's All Misunderstandings

Chapter 295 It's All Misunderstandings
He Qing felt that what Luo Minghao said was quite correct. Under such circumstances, if he didn't talk to the people from the Sino-Ocean Group, then the Yao family would probably be doomed. This has not been destroyed, and if the order cannot be received, it is simply impossible to develop!
With this in mind, he picked up the phone and called Yan Shengtian. He is now far away in Italy. It is impossible to talk face to face. The only way is to talk on the phone first. Maybe I can go to Italy without running!

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" He Qing called the phone in the office, and it was normal not to answer it by herself.

"Is your president there? I'm afraid I need to find him urgently!" He Qing's tone was not very good, with a slight hint of urging, afraid of the slightest hint of impatience from her friend.

The other party seemed to hear He Qing's emotions from He Qing's tone, and after a pause, he said, "Who are you?"

"President of the Yao family!" He Qing didn't want to say more!
The other end of the phone was quiet for a while. After all, He Qing was also sitting in the CEO's seat, so she knew that she was asking for Yan Shengtian's approval.

Although she was extremely reluctant in her heart, she was still waiting patiently on the phone.

"Sorry, our president is busy, can you call next time, if you want to see our president, please make an appointment first, thank you for your cooperation!"

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone very quickly. This He Qing really hoped that the other party could not understand Chinese, so that she could swear a few words as she wanted!
"You don't even answer my phone!" He Qing put down the phone fiercely, full of anger.

Seeing He Qing's angry words, Lin Mowan couldn't help thinking for a while, and said hesitantly: "Mom, I remember you told me last time that Yan Shengtian's daughter is abroad, you can start with her first. Try it!"

When He Qing heard this, she really thought of Yan Qianqian, the two had met before.

Looking at Lin Mowan in astonishment, this woman finally became enlightened.

"I remember when you said that! But Yan Shengtian's daughter also treats people indifferently. Is it useful to find her?"

Lin Mowan shrugged to indicate that she didn't know, but she didn't speak.

He Qing simply stopped asking her and called Shan Yisheng instead.

Because she didn't know Yan Qianqian's phone number at all.

"I'm looking for Mr. Shan!" This time, He Qing's tone was much different, as if she was here to find fault.

"You are?" Qin Meihui was stunned for a moment, then asked.

"He Qing!"

The call was finally received at the president's office, and Shan Yisheng was very curious about what the purpose of He Qing calling her was: "What's the matter?"

"President Shan, it's been a long time!" He Qing said hypocritically, "I'm looking for you this time, can you help me invite your fiancée out for a meal, I need her for help!"

Hearing these words, Shan Yisheng raised his eyebrows and asked Yan Qianqian, when did the relationship between the two of them get so good, why didn't he know?
"Okay!" Shan Yisheng replied easily, I will tell you, but I don't know why you are looking for her? "

Shan Yisheng decided to probe first, but He Qing hesitated and didn't say anything, Shan Yisheng smiled lightly, no hurry, anyway, he will know sooner or later!
Xiang Heng put the preserved egg porridge in his hand gently on Yao Yiyi's desk, but the latter was still startled because he was too focused.

"It's you!" Yao Yiyi opened his eyes wide and looked at Xiang Heng's clean face, showing a faint smile.

"Yes!" Xiang Heng nodded, "I've been quite busy these few days, and I just finished all the work today. I know you must still be in the company, so I came here to see you!"

"I have encountered some troubles recently, I guess I can be busy for a while!" Yao Yiyi lowered his head again, as if he was about to devote himself to his work again!
"Don't rush to work!" Xiang Heng slightly mischievously covered the documents on the table with his big hands, and tried with his mouth the preserved egg porridge he specially brought her, "You must be working overtime at such a late hour I’m going to be hungry, let’s drink the porridge first, to warm my stomach!”

As early as when Xiangeng came in, Yao Yiyi felt a faint fragrance, but he didn't expect to bring supper for himself, he was moved, and looked at Xiang Heng with gratitude.

How could Xiang Heng receive such stares, and quickly waved at her: "I just happened to feel hungry when I passed by, so I ate a bowl by myself, and then I brought you another bowl by the way!"

Yao Yiyi didn't seem to care about his "By the way", she raised her lips into a faint smile, seriously, it's preserved egg porridge!
Perhaps because of the better design of the box, the porridge that Xiang Heng brought all the way was still warm, neither too hot nor too cold, and Yao Yiyi ate it spoon by spoon with satisfaction on his face.

"You just said that you encountered some problems, what are the problems?" Seeing that Yao Yiyi had almost eaten, Xiang Heng asked hesitantly.

Although he only works in the legal profession, he thinks that he has been exposed to a wide range of industries before and is good at many things.

"Huh?" Yao Yiyi swallowed the porridge in his mouth, his slender thumb unconsciously slid around the box, hesitating whether he should tell him the matter or not!
Seeing her hesitation, Xiang Heng thought it might be something important that it was inconvenient to talk about, so she stopped asking, and just about to change the subject, Yao Yiyi said: "I think Yao's financial problems are very serious. !"

Xiang Heng was taken aback, did not expect Yao Yiyi to say such words?
Did she discover something?
"En? Why do you say that? Have you noticed something is wrong?" Xiang Heng asked Yao Yiyi deliberately pretending that he didn't know anything.

"Yes, I didn't find out before. I have compiled more financial statements in the past few days, and I gradually discovered that there are many places where the expenditures are wrong. I originally wanted to find the previous information, but was told All the previous information has been shredded, so even if I want to check it, it will be a very laborious thing!"

Xiang Heng's eyes flickered. Shan Yisheng had told him not to tell Yao Yiyi about this before, so he had to ask Shan Yisheng for his opinion before deciding whether to tell her.

Not because he was afraid that Shan Yisheng would get angry, but because he was afraid that his reckless actions would break his plan!

"Look slowly!" Xiang Heng said a few perfunctory words casually and then stopped talking.

Yan Qianqian was already asleep when Shan Yisheng returned to the apartment at night. In order not to have any positive conversations with Yan Qianqian these days, he deliberately stayed busy in the company until late before returning to the apartment.

Shan Yisheng walked to the door of Yan Qianqian's room, and when he was about to knock on the door, his fingers froze immediately, let's wait until tomorrow morning.

When Yan Qianqian got up the next morning, it was rare to see Shan Yisheng, and a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes. How could she not feel anything about his attitude towards her these days? I'm hiding from myself!

So what happened today?

Yan Qianqian deliberately pretended to be very happy and sat beside Shan Yisheng: "You haven't gone out today?"

"Well, I have something to tell you!" Shan Yisheng kept a distance from Yan Qianqian calmly, and said calmly.

Yan Qianqian became interested and looked at Shan Yisheng: "What's the matter?" It actually made you wait for me to get up willingly.

"The president of the Yao family wants to meet with you!" Shan Yisheng stood up, her straight and slender legs hidden under her suit pants, she looked unattractive, "But I'm curious, when did you get so familiar with them?"

Yao's president?

Yan Qianqian was also stunned, looking up at Shan Yisheng: "What is she looking for me for?"

Hearing this question, Shan Yisheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, lowered his head to look at Yan Qianqian's expression, and after confirming that the doubt on her face was not pretended, he retracted his gaze: "I don't know, just let me inform you Say hello, I hope I can take you there on time!"

"Are you going too?" Yan Qianqian was surprised.

Shan Yisheng was noncommittal, if he didn't go, how would he know what you were talking about!
Yan Qianqian originally didn't want to go, but seeing that Shan Yisheng didn't intend to refuse, so he couldn't find any reason.

He Qing didn't expect Yan Qianqian to agree so readily, but this kind of thing couldn't be delayed, so she didn't think much about it.

The location was set at a high-end restaurant in the commercial center. When we met, Shan Yisheng asked Yan Qianqian to go in first, and he had to park first!
In fact, he just didn't want He Qing to be defensive after seeing him and not willing to speak!

Sure enough, He Qing really thought that Yan Qianqian was the only one who came to her, and she didn't hide her words: "Qianqian, I have something important to discuss with you this time!" The smile on He Qing's face was flattering. .

Yan Qianqian has seen such things a lot, so he smiled at her naturally: "What is it?"

"It's like this, the last time you got engaged to Shan Yisheng..." He Qing saw Shan Yisheng sitting down in front of her in a suit and leather collar, and suddenly stopped what she was about to say.

Shan Yi Shengzhong sat on the back of the chair and frowned, indicating that she could continue talking.

"President Shan..." He Qing had no choice but to finally see Yan Qianqian, so she could only continue, "Didn't someone make trouble when you got engaged last time? People have been speculating that we did it. I looked at it There must be some misunderstanding, now President Yan really thinks that we are playing tricks behind our backs and going against us everywhere, I asked Miss Yan out this time, and I hope you can explain it to us!"

He Qing glanced at Shan Yisheng, and finally put her gaze on Yan Qianqian.

"You'd better talk to my dad about this in person!" Yan Qianqian said arrogantly, "I've never cared about his affairs!"

The expression on He Qing's face froze.

Shan Yisheng sat beside her with his head slightly lowered, unable to see his expression clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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