Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 296 Don't Worry

Chapter 296 Don't Worry
"I seldom see you recently, are you busy with business in the office?" Shan Yisheng wore earphones and looked at the road seriously. He is going to meet a client now. There are very few vehicles on the road. Originally, he needed one An hour's journey of about four and 10 minutes is enough!
Xiang Heng glanced at Meng Weini beside him, her eyes full of doting: "The affairs in the office have already been busy, and I have been with Dodo all this time, you don't know, now she stays alone in Yao Shi, He Qing's attitude towards mother and daughter is still as bad as ever, Yisheng, I think we need to speed up!"

Meng Weini, who was lying in Xiang Heng's arms and watching TV, pricked up her ears and listened carefully when she heard the word "Duo Duo". She hasn't seen her for a long time, and she doesn't know how she is doing recently.

Shan Yisheng was stunned for a moment when he heard Xiang Heng's words, and suddenly heard a horn sounding from behind, looked up and saw that the traffic light had changed from green to red.

Slowly start the car: "Well, I think so too!" Thinking of what happened that night, Shan Yisheng began to feel uneasy, "Has she been very close to Bo Shanchen recently?"

"Bo Shanchen?" Xiang Heng glanced at the LCD TV, and motioned for Meng Weini to pour some water for him, "No, she doesn't have anyone around her recently, and I often see her working overtime late by herself!"

Xiang Heng thought that Shan Yisheng was jealous indiscriminately, and laughed at him mercilessly: "Why, are you worried that you will fall in love with other men?"

Shan Yisheng didn't speak, Xiang Heng knew he was right, and said with a faint smile: "You should have confidence in her!"

"I know..." But in the matter of feelings, you can have confidence if you have confidence. It is not useless to think that he has been silently liking her behind him all the time.

"But you have to know that no matter how deep love is, it can't compare to a shoulder you can rely on when you are sad. Xiang Heng, you must not know how much I am jealous of the shoulders beside her now!"

Xiang Heng put away the smile on his face, and sighed softly: "I know, but we have all come to this point, you can't be so low, all the bad things now will get better soon!"

Shan Yisheng remained silent for a while, Xiang Heng suddenly remembered something, and said again: "I have something to tell you!" Xiang Heng took the water Meng Weini handed him, and kissed her other face, "Yiyi seems to have discovered something wrong with Yao's bill, but we can't find any useful information. Shall we show her those documents?"

"Know it one by one?" Shan Yisheng was surprised, why so fast?
"Yes, so I was thinking, instead of letting her go to great pains to find it, why don't we tell her directly, what do you think?"

"If He Qing finds out about Yiyi's billing problem, will she do anything harmful to Yiyi?" Shan Yisheng was a little worried and couldn't put Yiyi in danger.

"She should still not dare to make any big moves now!" Xiang Heng asserted.

"That's good! But there is one more thing I need your help with..."

Yao Yiyi sat in his seat in a daze, remembering that night when Shan Yisheng came to find him, everything was so inexplicable.

She didn't say anything, did she come to him on purpose just to express her anger?

But thinking of the sound of him breathing next to his ear, he couldn't help but blush and his heart beat, Yao Yiyi stretched out his hand to cover his chest, secretly gritted his teeth and scolded himself for being useless.

Suddenly the phone on the table rang, Yao Yiyi was startled, picked it up and glanced, it was Chu Cheng.

"Hello?" Yao Yiyi was slightly surprised, what's going on now, so many days have passed and he still hasn't come back, "Are you planning to stay in Singapore forever?"

Yao Yiyi joked with him.

Chu Cheng was taken aback, and a bitter smile appeared on his face: "I also want to go back. The matter here has not been dealt with, and I may not be able to go back for the time being!"

"En!" Yao Yiyi felt a little disappointed. Once Chu Cheng left, he was the only one who ate, went to, and went to and from get off work in the company every day!
"I'm still at work now, did you call here specifically for something?" Yao Yi glanced at the documents in front of him and sorted them out with one hand.

"Have you forgotten?" Chu Cheng said in disbelief, "Today is your birthday, I called here specifically to ask what gift you want, and I will bring it to you when I go back!"

"Birthday?" Yao Yiyi's expression was a little dull, she had already forgotten these things.

"I can tell you've forgotten it just by looking at it!" Chu Cheng laughed, "I'll bring you back what you want!"

"I can't think of it for a while now. You can figure it out. If you like it, bring me a copy!" Although she doesn't care about birthdays, it is still an amazing thing to be remembered like this. People are very happy about things!
After chatting casually for a few words, the two hung up the phone. In the blink of an eye, it was night, and Yao Yiyi received a call from Xiang Heng unexpectedly.

"One by one." Xiang Heng's voice was a little weird, and he seemed to be holding back a smile, "Where are you now?"

"I'm still in the company, why, are you coming over today too?" Recently, the relationship with Xiang Heng has become very close, and when he thinks of Yao Yiyi, his mood will be much better, as if there is someone who can be warm at any time by his side. of their own people.

"No, I have something to do now. Can you come to the commercial building later? I need to find you!" Xiang Heng coughed lightly, and cast a glance at Shan Yisheng beside him.

The latter looked at him expressionlessly, but his eyes could not conceal the expectation.

"I'm not off work yet..." Yao Yiyi hesitated.

"It's okay, you can come back after half of the meeting, I can wait for you!"

"What's the matter with you?" Yao Yiyi didn't understand, what was the matter, why did he keep it so mysterious?
"Ang... I am, I just encountered a small problem and need your help, then we have agreed on it, don't forget, I am waiting for you on the 17th floor of the commercial building!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Yao Yiyi to answer, although a little naughty, he made an OK gesture to Shan Yisheng beside him: "It's done!"

Shan Yisheng couldn't hide a smile in his eyes: "Thank you!"

Xiang Heng shook his head and didn't say a word. It was what he had always hoped that they could get along well.

If two people can't be together in the end...

Xiang Heng shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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