Chapter 297 Your Birthday
Yao Yiyi thought that Xiang Heng needed to find him for something urgent, so he grabbed his bag and rushed to the commercial building after work.

But now when this matter is coming off work, the traffic jam on the road is severe, and the distance between the big business and Yao's is quite far, so it took Yao Yiyi an entire hour to arrive.

Standing in front of the commercial building, Yao Yiyi raised his head and looked at the layers, feeling a little dizzy. The decorations in this commercial building are all very high-end, and people who are not particularly rich and status will go up easily if they don’t go back. of.

Yao Yiyi glanced around casually, but didn't see anyone familiar, so he took a deep breath and rushed to the seventeenth floor.

The elevator was very spacious, and there was no one in it, only a pair of lovers embracing each other. Yao Yiyi glanced at them casually, with slight envy in his eyes.

The rarest thing is that two people love each other and can still be together.

Yao Yiyi gave a wry smile, and looked away, just as the elevator made a "ding" and reached the seventeenth floor, Yao Yiyi tidied up his clothes and walked outside.

"Hello, is this Miss Yao Yiyi?" The waiter standing at the door looked at Yao Yiyi politely, and put his hands respectfully in front of his belly.


"Come with me!" The waiter brought Yao Yiyi to the restaurant and opened the door, "Come in!"

"Okay!" Although Yao Yiyi felt puzzled, he didn't ask any further questions.

This is a very big coffee shop, Yao Yiyi looked around up and down, with unconcealable surprise in his eyes.

There is a big round lamp in the middle of the restaurant. It is not the kind of colorful color, but a single white color, which makes the whole restaurant as bright as day, but there are various colored lights in the corner, and it is also full of balloons. It looks very festive.

There was no one in the restaurant, and an elegant violin came from somewhere, creating a great atmosphere.

Although the restaurant was beautifully decorated, Yao Yiyi still didn't forget his business, why didn't he see Xiang Heng?

"Yiyi!" Suddenly the voice from behind made Yao Yiyi pause, it was not Xiang Heng's voice.

"It's you?" Yao Yiyi looked at Shan Yisheng with surprise on his face and anticipation in his eyes.

"Yiyi, today is your birthday!" Shan Yisheng walked into Yao Yiyi, his eyes full of affection, "I'm celebrating your birthday."

"Celebrate... birthday?" Yao Yiyi repeated in disbelief. Seeing the handsome face in front of him, he felt that all this was like a dream.

"Yes!" Shan Yisheng took Yao Yiyi's hand and was about to walk to the table, but found Yao Yiyi stopped there without moving.


"What exactly do you want to do?" Yao Yiyi looked at Shan Yisheng, "What is our relationship now, and what position do you take to celebrate my birthday? Shan Yisheng, now we have nothing to do with each other, why don't you do this?" is it necessary?"

She clearly has expectations in her heart, but she still wants to dig into the horns. Yan Qianqian is the rift between the two of them. As long as she exists between the two of them, she can't let herself not care about it in the slightest.

"I...Actually..." Shan Yisheng wanted to explain, but he couldn't say anything.

As soon as Shan Yisheng remained silent, Yao Yiyi became even more disappointed, turned around and left, Shan Yisheng wanted to hold her back, but found that he really had no position to keep her now.

Perhaps, I was too anxious!

"Mom, how are things going?" Lin Mowan asked worriedly when she saw He Qing sitting on the sofa in the hall as soon as she got home.

"Although Yan Qianqian met me, she is not willing to speak for me in front of her father. It seems that I have to go by myself in the end!" He Qing felt a little helpless. What's the point of trying so hard to get Yao's.

"Are you going to Italy?" Lin Mowan looked at He Qing, seeming to be interested, "Mom, shall I go too?"

He Qing squinted at her: "What are you doing? I'm here to talk about serious things, not for fun!" After speaking, she didn't even look at Lin Mowan anymore, and went upstairs to pack her things.

He bought the ticket for the next morning. At first, He Qing planned to take Yao Yiyi there. After all, she might be of some help to her, but she was afraid that she would discover more things because of this incident. Also gave up that idea.

Airplanes are naturally much faster than other means of transportation. After arriving in Italy, He Qing first found a hotel to stay in, called Yan Shengtian's secretary, and made an appointment to meet before going to sleep.

After all, the time to meet is at [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and she now has enough time to supplement her sleep.

Lin Mowan was naturally in a bad mood because He Qing didn't take her out, and when she saw Yao Yiyi, she didn't give her a good look, but fortunately, Yao Yiyi didn't have the time to talk to her.

The meeting with Yan Shengtian went smoothly, although he arrived late, but who would let himself ask for others!
"Boss Yan!" After waiting for a long time in the restaurant, he finally got someone to come. He Qing's face was very ugly, but she didn't show it.

"Mr. Yao came all the way to Italy to find me, is there something urgent for you?" Yan Shengtian pretended to be stupid, he knew what he had done.

He Qing cursed secretly in her heart: "I heard that Mr. Yan misunderstood me, I came here specially to explain it!" He Qing smiled super flatteringly, "The engagement of your daughter, Ms. Yan Qianqian last time, is actually true. If it wasn't us who did it, I hope President Yan can find out!"

"You mean I was wrong about this matter from the beginning to the end?" Yan Shengtian's expression was very bad.

"That's not what I meant. It's just that the rumors from the outside world are not credible. As the president of the Yao Corporation, I hope you can find out, otherwise our Yao Corporation cannot bear such a crime."

Yan Shengtian sneered and didn't say anything else. He was still so arrogant now that he wanted something from others, which made people inexplicably ridiculous.

He Qing found that her tone seemed to be too good, and she quickly smiled apologetically: "Recently, many cooperation orders in Yao's hands have not been negotiated, and I was also in a hurry. I hope you don't care too much!"

"Really?" Yan Shengtian asked in an unclear manner, with a pair of sharp eyes waiting for He Qing, if it wasn't her, who would it be?
After that, He Qing never saw Yan Shengtian again, and his secretary replied "The CEO is busy" when he made any calls. He Qing felt furious, but there was nothing she could do.

The last call was finally answered by me: "President He, don't worry, I'm not an unreasonable person. Once it is found out that the matter has nothing to do with you, I will naturally know it!"

It's not until this is the end of the matter.

Xiang Heng was leaning on the bar with a goblet, his eyes looked at the door from time to time, and after he didn't see the person he wanted to see, he frowned slightly dissatisfied, what happened to Yi Sheng, obviously he called the door first The phone made me an appointment, but in the end he was the one who was late!
Looking at the time, it turned out to be almost 10 minutes late!
Taking out his mobile phone, Xiang Heng was going to make a call to Shan Yisheng.Before the number was dialed, a pair of hands took over his shoulders, took a glass of wine from the bar, and drank it with his head up.

You don't need to look to know it's Shan Yisheng, Xiang Heng looked at him anxiously, and the glass of wine in his hand that he didn't get in time, with an ugly expression on his face: "You don't know what your stomach looks like? Drink it in one gulp With so much alcohol, do you want to sleep in the hospital tonight?"

Shan Yisheng's face was pale, and he didn't know if it was because he was in a bad mood or because he just had a drink.

"There's nothing wrong with being in the hospital!" Shan Yisheng put the empty wine glass in Xiang Heng's hand, "At least I won't feel so lonely!"

"What?" Xiang Heng thought he heard it wrong, turned his eyes to look at Shan Yisheng seriously, and found that something was really wrong with him today, so he couldn't help asking worriedly, "What's wrong with you today?"

Shan Yisheng didn't speak, but looked at the other drinks on the bar.

Xiang Heng thought he would drink more, and looked at him defensively: "You can't drink any more, the amount just now is already the limit!" After speaking, he moved the wine away.

Looking at Shan Yisheng's decadent look, Xiang Heng seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked tentatively: "Could it be that the birthday you prepared for Yiyi didn't go well?"

Hearing Xiang Heng's words, there was only a wry smile on Shan Yisheng's face: "It's not just that I haven't had a good time!" Finally, she turned around and left, leaving him alone in the huge restaurant.

Those beautiful flowers seem to be laughing at him as a joke.

"It's too hasty now, wait for some time... maybe it will be fine!"

Xiang Heng didn't know what to say, after all, this kind of thing is the most difficult to comfort people.

"Let's go and sit over there?" Xiang Heng looked at the sofa not far away, he felt that Shan Yisheng's temper is very unstable today, and the wine here at the bar can be easily obtained, which is not suitable for Shan Yisheng's stomach A person who is not good but wants to be brave.

Shan Yisheng seemed to have seen his thoughts, curling the corners of his lips: "I have no patience with myself, we can no longer sit and wait for death like this, the people in Italy have already put the people who tampered with my car I’ll be in China later, and I’ll see him tomorrow!” After speaking, he looked at Xiang Heng, “Over there, it’s all up to you!”

Hearing what Shan Yisheng said, Xiang Heng's smiling face instantly became serious: "Have you really thought about it? If you start now, you should be prepared to suffer for a few days!"

"En!" Shan Yisheng nodded vigorously, "I know, you don't have to worry about me, but you have to remember to take good care of me!"

"Don't worry, I know it well!" Xiang Heng looked away, this time he must catch He Qing and the others!This is He Qing's retribution.

And only in this way, Dodo and Yisheng will be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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