Chapter 298 Boring
Now Yao Yiyi has no intention of arguing with Lin Mowan at all. She played this kind of child's game again and again, but she found it boring to death.

The matter of the company's accounts had already made her very sad, but now Shan Yisheng added another kick.

He prepared meticulously for her birthday, and she was naturally very happy, but he never told her in what capacity he was preparing for his birthday.

Friend, or ex-girlfriend?

No matter which one it is, it's not what she wants.

She didn't know if he was playing some ambiguous game with her by doing this, because just the day before, she saw him and Yan Qianqian together.

The two of them didn't know what they were talking about, his face was expressionless, but the smile on Yan Qianqian's face was very sweet at that time.

No one knew how much her heart hurt at that moment!
"When I go to work, I'm in a daze and deserted. No wonder the recent work is not efficient. If this continues, you can get out of Yao's. What are you doing here!"

Sure enough, only idlers have nothing to do to cause all kinds of troubles for others!
Yao Yiyi ignored Lin Mowan, picked up the cup and went to the tea room to pour water.

"No more words? No more words? Didn't you know how to speak before?" Lin Mowan's tone was obviously ridiculed.It seemed that he wanted to provoke Yao Yiyi.

"Don't quarrel with me every day if you have nothing to do, is it interesting?" Yao Yiyi finally couldn't bear it anymore and looked up at Lin Mowan.

"What do you mean by that!" Seeing Yao Yiyi's disdainful expression, Lin Mowan seemed to become more angry, and slowly approached Yao Yiyi.

"You don't understand what I mean, and I admire your IQ!" Yao Yiyi curled his lips, "Since you don't understand what I mean, please don't come to talk to me again. You're not tired, I'm tired too!"

After Yao Yiyi finished speaking, she took the cup and walked forward. Lin Mowan was so angry that she couldn't speak. When Yao Yiyi was not paying attention, she stretched out her foot and tripped her, saying that she knew that Yao Yiyi had been on guard early. When Lin Mowan stretched out her foot, she hooked her foot. Lin Mowan didn't pay attention for a moment, she was pushed forward by a force, and fell to the ground with a "bang" scream, echoing from the whole floor .

Yao Yiyi took out his mobile phone and looked at Lin Mowan who couldn't stand up on the ground: "From now on, no matter what you say in Yao's or Yao's residence, please pay attention to me. The surname is Yao!"

After speaking, I called 120...

He Qing heard screams in the office, ran out to take a look, and saw Lin Mowan lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment: "Mo Wan, what's wrong with you, what's the matter with you?"

"Mom, it's all Yao Yiyi, that bitch! I just told her to work hard and not be distracted, but she plotted against me!" Lin Mowan couldn't even say a word in pain, and only after a long time did she say a few words!
He Qing looked up at Yao Yiyi who was walking towards her, with a questioning expression on her face.

Yao Yiyi naturally also saw her emotions, smiled lightly, but said nothing, after all, she also knew that explaining to He Qing would be a waste of words!

He Qing glanced fiercely at Yao Yiyi for a few times, but said nothing. Just then, an ambulance arrived. He Qing watched Yao Yiyi being put on a stretcher before slowly walking towards Yao Yiyi: "Are you here?" Challenge my patience?"

"You are joking, I should be asking your precious daughter this sentence!"

"Where is the prison?" Shan Yisheng glanced at Qin Meihui, without any warmth in his eyes.

"After they brought him back, they took him directly to the small wooden house in the suburbs. Do you want to see him now?" Qin Meihui walked beside Shan Yisheng, originally thinking that they would see them immediately after they brought him back, but they didn't Thinking that in the end, they actually ordered them to lock him up.

"Yes, give me a call, I want to see him right away, and ask them to bring him back as quickly as possible!" Shan Yisheng pushed open the door of the office, and as soon as he arrived at the office, he took off his coat and hung it on the back of the chair superior.

Qin Meihui looked at him curiously, with a trace of puzzlement in her eyes: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Shan Yisheng glanced at her, but didn't say anything. Qin Meihui realized that she had asked a question that shouldn't be asked, and slightly lowered her head to apologize: "I'm sorry, I'll call right away!"

Shan Yisheng gave a faint grace.

In fact, he was supposed to meet that person when they brought him back from Italy, but he was told that the other party was unwilling to cooperate with them, so Shan Yisheng thought of locking him up for a few days to eliminate his Vigor!
After waiting for about an hour and a half, the person arrived. After Qin Meihui called, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

"President!" The man in the black shirt bowed his head respectfully towards Shan Yisheng. After staying in Italy for so long, he finally came back!

"Well, that's him?" His eyes were fixed on a tall man beside him. Others couldn't see his anger, but they could feel the coldness on his body.

"Yes, we originally agreed that as long as he cooperates obediently, we will give a satisfactory price. I didn't expect to go back on it later for some reason!"

Shan Yisheng frowned slightly, stood up and slowly walked into the Italian man, and said in fluent English: "I won't talk nonsense, if you cooperate obediently with us, I can guarantee you Nothing will happen, and you can return to Italy safely, but..." Shan Yisheng paused, "If you don't want to cooperate with us, I don't care, but you don't want to go back to Italy, Nowadays, many people who go abroad die in foreign lands, do you also want to die in China without understanding?"

Shan Yisheng's tone was very relaxed, but his eyes were looking straight at the man, and he found a little fear on her face.

"Can you really guarantee that I can return to Italy safely?" The man didn't seem to trust Shan Yisheng very much, and asked suspiciously.

Shan Yisheng nodded: "Do what you say!"

"Okay!" It seems that the reason why the man refused to cooperate was because he was worried that his life would be safe if he agreed to cooperate with Shan Yisheng and the others, so he refused, so after Shan Yisheng made such a promise, there was no hesitation I agreed!

Shan Yisheng nodded in satisfaction: "Very good!" He raised his head and said to the standing man, "Find him an apartment, watch him, and let him move about freely except not letting him out of the apartment! "


"Remember, if you don't watch him and let him run away, you won't be able to go around!" Shan Yisheng warned very seriously!
"do not worry!"

(End of this chapter)

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