Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 299 What are you thinking?

Chapter 299 What are you thinking?

"Why, what are you thinking about so preoccupied?" Xiang Heng looked at Yao Yiyi with a smile, and sat down in front of Yao Yiyi!

"Are you here?" Yao Yiyi forcefully smiled at him, although the smile was forced, but there was no sense of coping.

"Well, come and see you." Xiang Heng put down the supper she brought, looked at her and asked hesitantly, "Are you angry?"

"Ah?" Yao Yiyi didn't expect him to ask such a question suddenly, and didn't react for a while, "Why are you angry?"

"The phone call last time..." Xiang Heng hesitated to explain, "Actually, I also want to help..."

"Let's forget about the past, don't mention it again, and I know you and him are good friends, it's normal for you to help him." Yao Yiyi really didn't seem to care, and his tone was calm when he spoke.

"No, Yiyi, although this is just your matter and has nothing to do with me, but I want to tell you that there are many things about Shan Yisheng that you don't know. In fact, he is also very painful!"

Yao Yiyi couldn't help but want to laugh when she heard that, she didn't know they could tell her, just tell her, she would know!

Besides, how would Yan Qianqian explain it?

Yao Yiyi didn't ask, this matter has nothing to do with Xiang Heng, she has no right to question him.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it!" Yao Yiyi changed the subject, "What did you bring me?"

"Wonton!" Xiang Heng looked at the supper on the side, "Wini told me that girls like to eat this kind of food!"

Yao Yi nodded, not politely, and seriously lowered his head and started eating.

Xiang Heng sighed helplessly in his heart, with Yi Yiyi's character, would he care very much when he knew that Yi Sheng's amnesia was lying to her?

"What are you sighing for?" Yao Yi thought about it, and when he heard Xiang Heng's sigh, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered what you said to me that day!" Xiang Heng hesitated how to turn the topic to Yao's financial bills, "Didn't you say that Yao's financial bills are problematic?"

"That's right!" Yao Yi nodded and took a mouthful of soup with a spoon, "What's wrong?"

"I found some information, would you like to take a look?" Xiang Heng took out his briefcase and took out the information inside, "I think the result will surprise you!"

"Really?" Yao Yiyi didn't know what to pick up, hurriedly put down the spoon in his hand, and put the supper aside, "Let me see."

Xiang Heng handed her the document in his hand.

Yao Yiyi opened his eyes wide in surprise just after watching for a while, and looked at Xiang Heng in disbelief: "What's going on here?"

"Don't worry, just look down!" Xiang Heng smiled at her.

"It turns out that the Yao family has been evading taxes all this time?" Yao Yiyi felt that this matter was really incredible, "Then why did Shan Yisheng use his own branch to offset it? And, where did those taxes go? "

Yao Yiyi's star was obviously very excited, and he asked a series of questions!

"Yiyi, don't be in a hurry for now. You can take these documents back and have a look. How about we make an appointment tomorrow to have a good talk?" Xiang Heng comforted Yao Yiyi, saying whether this matter is serious or not. If it is not serious, it will involve imprisonment, which is not something that can be handled easily.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Yao Yiyi calmed down his emotions, organized the file "Love You" and put it in his bag, "It's not too late now, let's go back first?"

Xiang Heng nodded, and glanced at the almost untouched wontons. In fact, she was still anxious in her heart.

Xiang Heng sent Yao Yiyi back to Yao's house. He originally wanted to say some comforting words, but after thinking about it, a person's emotions can't be casually controlled because others can easily control them with a few words of comfort. In the end, I gave up and just said "have a good rest" softly!
Yao Yi nodded, obviously absent-minded: "Drive carefully!"

As soon as she entered the hall, she found that the atmosphere at home seemed to be very wrong, but now Yao Yiyi was not in the mood to take care of these things, what she wanted to do now was to go back to her room quickly, lock the door, and delete all the documents Xiang Heng gave her. Read it!
"Stop!" Yao Yiyi was stopped when he stepped onto the first step.

"Know that you are back?" He Qing's face was ugly, "You have really become more and more courageous recently, do you think that after staying in the company for a long time, your wings are hardened, so you don't take me seriously?"

Yao Yiyi raised the corners of his lips, turned around and looked at He Qing: "What do you mean by that?"

"You don't know what I mean? It's too much for you to do such a thing to Mo Wan today, although her usual attitude is not very good!"

"So what do you think I should do for her initiative to find fault?" Compared to He Qing's anger, Yao Yiyi was not angry or annoyed at the time, but there was a slight hint of impatience in his expression.

"Anyway, Mo Wan is my biological daughter. You are obviously telling me that you don't take me seriously anymore by treating her like this today. Yao Yiyi, I hope you can understand that your father has put me in front of you before he died. All and most of the family property was given to me, if I want, I have the right to drive you out of the Yao family and Yao family at any time!"

"Really?" Yao Yiyi sneered disdainfully.

He Qing thought that her rhetorical question had other meanings, so she asked with a dark face: "What do you mean by this sentence, did your father also leave you the family property? He must have left it for you, right? I knew it!"

He Qing's face was full of determination, and Yao Yiyi's eyes flickered inexplicably: "Why should I tell you?"


In this way, the original plan to drive Yao Yiyi out of the Yao family has to be postponed. Before, it was only guessed that Yao Qixiong left her property, but now she said that it seems that he really did!
Yao Yiyi looked at He Qing's angry face and remembered the documents in the bag. Yao's tax evasion must have something to do with her.

If possible, she really wanted to take out those documents and still ask her what happened to you in front of He Qing.

But she, now is definitely not the time!
"If there's nothing else to do, I'll go upstairs first!" Yao Yi glanced at He Qing, turned around and went upstairs without saying anything.

He Qing stood at the bottom of the stairs and gritted her teeth looking at Yao Yiyi's back!There is always a time to scare you!
Luo Minghao glanced at Luo Jiawei, lowered his head and took a sip of the soup: "Dad, tomorrow I'm going abroad to discuss business, the flight at nine o'clock in the morning!"

The Luo family stopped what they were doing, and pushed the glasses on the bridge of their noses: "Are you talking about cooperation with the Sawyer Group?"

Luo Minghao looked at him in surprise when he heard his words: "How do you know?"

As early as a month ago, Luo Jiawei no longer took care of the company's affairs, and only visited the company occasionally.

"Your father, after all, I have been in the company for so long. Even though I have started to let go of it now, I still know a lot of things in my heart. Minghao, you do well in the company. Dad doesn't ask you to be able to do the company well. It’s very big, just need to make the company develop well, and my father will die in peace!”

Luo Jiawei persuaded him earnestly. He had actually told Luo Minghao many times these words, and it was up to him whether he listened or not!
"Dad, I know, you've said these words countless times, and my ears are going to get calloused!" Luo Minghao said half jokingly and half seriously.

Luo Jiawei sighed softly, and said nothing: "Now that you are in charge of the consortium, don't hang out with He Qing and the others, and don't try to get Yao's idea anymore. It's enough for us to have the consortium!"

"Dad, I'm done eating. There are still things in the company waiting for me to deal with first, so I'll leave first!" Luo Minghao stood up and left after finishing speaking. Luo Jiawei shook his head silently as he watched him leave.

"How should I tell you those things?" Luo Jiawei put down his chopsticks and walked upstairs slowly. After so many years, he is no longer the young boy he was back then.

Luo Minghao took off his clothes and handed them to the secretary beside him: "I have something to deal with first, you go to the company and wait for me first, if there is anything urgent, you can call me."

"Yes!" The secretary stood there respectfully, watching Luo Minghao's car gradually drive away, then turned around and got in the car to leave.

"Aunt He, why did you bring me here in such a hurry?" Luo Minghao looked at He Qing, subconsciously looked around, but did not find Lin Mowan.

He Qing seemed to see his thoughts, and explained silently: "Mo Wan is sick, and she is lying in the hospital now!"

"Hospitalized?" Luo Minghao was quite surprised, "What happened to her?"

"It's nothing, but Yao Yiyi seems to have found out about our tax evasion!" He Qing glanced at him indifferently, bowed her head and took a sip of tea.

"Yao Yiyi found out!" Luo Minghao stood up violently, just as he was about to ask some questions and found that He Qing's expression was so calm, then the matter should not be as serious as he imagined.

"Don't get excited!" He Qing glanced at her and motioned him to sit down first: "At present, she only found out that Yao's bill is wrong, and she didn't find anything else!"

Luo Minghao nodded, but he was still very curious: "How did Yao Yiyi find out about this matter, we did it so meticulously!"

"I'm not too sure. It may be that I have read too many documents recently and found some minor problems. I don't think we should just sit around and wait for death!"

"What do you want to do?"

"Yao Yiyi seems to have the property left by Yao Qixiong in his hands, we can make a tough move!" He Qing looked at Luo Minghao with a sinister smile on his face.

Luo Minghao looked at her: "Really?"

"That's right! We didn't do anything ruthless because we had enough time before, but now we don't have time to wait any longer. It's time to make a ruthless move.

(End of this chapter)

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