Chapter 303 Too Arrogant
Shan Yisheng felt that Yao Yiyi's expression that day was too flat, and he didn't know if it was true that she was not angry as she said.

"President, here are all Yao's bills in the past few months. These are obtained after a lot of effort. They should not be fake bills!" Qin Meihui handed the injured documents to Shan Yisheng, turned around and prepared to go out .

"Wait a minute!" Shan Yisheng didn't look at the documents on the table, but looked up at her, "I'll ask you a question."

"You ask?" It was rare for Shan Yisheng to speak to herself in such a tone, and Qin Meihui suddenly felt a little flattered.

"Would you be mad at me if I told you now that I don't have amnesia?"

As smart as Shan Yisheng, there were times when she was so stupid. Qin Meihui stood there with her eyes wide open, without any reaction for a long time.

Shan Yisheng looked at her stubbornly, waiting for her answer.

It took Qin Meihui a long time to realize that she was fluent in speech, but this time she couldn't avoid stammering: "Boss...President, is your question hypothetical or serious?"

"Is there a difference?" Shan Yisheng frowned, puzzled.

"Of course there is a difference!" Qin Meihui nodded, "If you are hypothetical, this matter is not true at all, and I have no need to be angry, but if it is true, I will not be angry, because..."

Qin Meihui drew the long tail, Shan Yisheng was faintly anxious: "Because of what?"

"Because I'm just your subordinate, but if we are lovers, we will definitely be angry!"

Qin Meihui knew that his question must have something to do with Yao Yiyi, but she couldn't care about these things right now, the highlight seemed to be...

"President, just now you said you didn't have amnesia?" How could it be, he obviously forgot everything, even Yao Yiyi, but now he said he didn't have amnesia?
"En!" Shan Yisheng didn't have too much energy to explain to Qin Meihui, "You go out first, I still have things to do!"

"Yes!" Qin Meihui nodded, although there were many questions in her heart, she still didn't ask any more questions, turned around and left the office.

Shan Yisheng frowned and thought for a while, then took out his mobile phone and called Xiang Heng.

"I told Yi Yi about the fact that I didn't have amnesia, and I think her mood is a little bit wrong!"

Xiang Heng heard Shan Yisheng's distressed tone: "You told Yiyi so soon? How is her mood?"

"It's very silent, I always feel that something is wrong!"

"Don't think about it for many years. It's not like you don't know what Yiyi's personality is like. Maybe she is angry in her heart, but she won't blame you if you explain it clearly to her!" Xiang Hengqian smiled, "Did you explain it to her?"

"Not yet, I'm afraid that He Qing will find out if the two meet for too long, so I'll tell her to explain to her next time!"

"Hurry up and find a chance to explain clearly, don't let Yiyi guess alone there!"

"I know!"

"Yisheng, you are so worried because you think you are afraid that she will misunderstand you, don't worry, it will be fine once you explain clearly!" Xiang Heng comforted.

"En!" Shan Yisheng didn't speak, and after hanging up the phone, he closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair to think about something.

Maybe it was really what Xiang Heng said, he was just too worried.

But why is my heart in a mess?
"Mom, let's do it. Yao Yiyi has become more and more arrogant recently. Although she just confronted me last time and didn't do anything to hurt you, she has always been concerned about how close the relationship between the two of us is." Yes, I know, Lifespan is no longer afraid of you at all, this time I was the one who hurt, there is no guarantee that the next time it will not be you!"

As soon as Lin Mowan came home from the hospital, she blew cold wind in He Qing's ear, with sinister hatred in her eyes.

"En?" He Qing took off the bracelet from her hand and put it on the dressing table, "Do you have any good ideas?"

"I... I didn't, but mom, you must have a good idea, teach a bitch like Yao Yiyi a lesson!" Lin Mowan walked into He Qing and sat down beside her.

"Don't worry, this matter needs to be done thoroughly, and no one can catch any tricks. Otherwise, even if we succeed in getting Yao Yiyi, we won't have a good life." He Qing Instead of reprimanding Lin Mowan, he glanced at her approvingly, "Perhaps, we can also find Luo Minghao to discuss this matter!"

"Luo Minghao?" Lin Mowan said with contempt on her face, "Forget it, he doesn't know what he's been up to lately, you see that time he didn't come here because you asked him to come, otherwise it would have been ten days and a half months No news!"

"What do you know, this matter has certain risks. If Luo Minghao is involved, once the matter is exposed, we can find someone to take the blame!" He Qing turned her head and wanted to look out the window, "I am determined to win!"

"But mom, how do you want to deal with Yao Yiyi?" Lin Mowan had the same idea as Lin Mowan said once in a while, "Bitch like Yao Yiyi, we should be more ruthless, otherwise , I can't kill her!"

"Of course I know this! How about it, don't go to the company tomorrow for now, go and find some people for me. As for the later time, I will arrange it myself!"

"Looking for someone?" Lin Mowan dropped the phone in her hand, and looked at He Qing puzzled, "Who are you looking for?"

"You really want me to speak so clearly!" Seeing that Lin Mowan insisted on speaking so clearly, He Qing couldn't help showing a bit of dissatisfaction on her face, "There are so many people on the road, what should be done should not require me to step Shall I teach you step by step?"

"I understand!" Lin Mowan suddenly realized, a look of surprise flashed across her face.

"Well, after you find someone, set them up for me. Remember, don't act rashly by yourself!" He Qing remembered the last time she hurt Yao Yiyi by herself behind her back, and finally turned into a move. Stones on their own feet.

This time is no better than the last time, if there is a little accident in this matter, then they will all be exposed!
"I know, Mom!" Lin Mowan smiled proudly.

Yao Yiyi, now is your time to look good!

Let's see if you can still be so embarrassing in front of me!
"Yiyi, have you been so busy recently that you don't even have time to meet me?" Bo Shanchen was quite helpless. Since the two of them had a simple meal last time, they hadn't contacted each other. Yao Yiyi seemed to be iron. Ignoring himself, looking at her for a long time to ask her out for dinner, but she was politely rejected. Bo Shanchen would shake his head and smile bitterly every time. What about the two of them, are they destined to have no intersection?
"I'm sorry, I'm really busy recently, and I need time to sort out a lot of things." Yao Yiyi didn't actually find excuses for not seeing Bo Shanchen. One head and two big, how can there be any mood to meet other people.

"Yiyi, are you scared by me?" Bo Shanchen put down the blinds, turned around and looked at the messy documents on the desk. These were originally to be dealt with, but they were put on hold because of a bad mood.

"You think too much. I just regard you as my friend, so you won't put any pressure on me at all!" Yao Yiyi explained lightly. Today she asked for leave to rest at home. After leaving the company, I just look at the documents day after day, which seems monotonous and troublesome.

"..." Bo Shanchen laughed inexplicably when he heard Yao Yiyi's words, and he was a bit dumbfounded, "Yiyi, are you saying these words to comfort me?"

In fact, it would be better not to say it.

One sentence completely denied the relationship between the two people.

Yao Yiyi got up from the bed, walked to the window, and opened the curtains vigorously. The room on the second floor was much more spacious, and the view was particularly good. Standing on the balcony and looking down, one could see the garden of the house at a glance. Looking to the left, there is a huge swimming pool. Yao Yiyi can't swim, so he has never been there.

"If you don't think of me as a wealthy wolf, then come out for dinner tonight. Maybe we won't have many chances to sit and eat together professionally in the future!" Bo Shanchen lowered his eyes and his voice was a little low.

Yao Yi subconsciously wanted to refuse, but most women seemed to be emotional animals: "Okay, where will we meet tonight?"

Perhaps his words were too sensational, and she couldn't refuse for a while.

"Let me think about it," Bo Shanchen raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, "What do you like to eat?"

"Whatever, I don't choose!" Yao Yiyi sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the floor. She didn't know if she was so casual before, but now she is not so particular.

"You're really easy to deal with!" Bo Shanchen joked, with such a good temper, he didn't look like a rich lady at all.

However, perhaps it was because of their good temper and personalities that made He Qing's mother and daughter so arrogant.

"One by one." Bo Shanchen changed his hand, took out a cigarette from the table with his right hand, and lit it. The movement was not very skilled, and he even frowned slightly when he took a puff of the cigarette.

Yao Yiyi realized that he might have something to say, so he waited quietly without interrupting.

"When I can help you in the future, I will do my best to help you!"

"Thank you." Yao Yiyi was moved for a while, no matter whether this sentence is true or not, he said it out of his heart.

"Are you suddenly touched, think I'm good, think about me, I might stay for you!" Probably no one who is really old can speak in this tone, just kidding, and Bo Shanchen hasn't done this for a long time I've spoken before, but this time he couldn't help but speak his truth in a joking tone.

He is leaving?Yao Yi was surprised.

"I'm sorry..." Yao Yiyi felt guilty, feeling that he really couldn't force it.

(End of this chapter)

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