Chapter 304
"Minghao, do you think it's better for us to start earlier?" He Qing looked at Luo Minghao intently, the office door was closed tightly, and the room seemed a little dark.

Luo Minghao lowered his head and thought for a while, and he said with some uncertainty: "Aunt He, have you thought about it, if you really want to attack Yao Yi, you should do it simply, otherwise, if the matter is discovered That's it, then we're done!"

He Qing glanced at Luo Minghao, and said dissatisfiedly: "Look at the posture I'm looking for you today, does it seem like someone who hasn't made a good decision?"

Luo Minghao's eyes flickered, and he said hesitantly: "Should we... think about it again, maybe there is a more suitable way, think about it, do something to Yao Yiyi, if Bo Shanchen finds out, we will also eat it." I can't walk around!"

He Qing sneered after hearing Luo Minghao's words, and looked him up and down: "Why, are you hesitating? I feel sorry for Yao Yiyi and don't want to make a move?"

After all, the two were lovers before, could it be that this kid still has Yao Yiyi in his heart?

"Aunt He is really joking!" Luo Minghao stood up, walked to the bookshelf in the office and flipped through it casually: "I'm just worried about any accidents." Putting his slender fingers on the bookshelf, he gradually began to use force, "Since Aunt He, you have already made your decision, then do it according to what you said!"

A flash of complicated emotions flashed in Luo Minghao's eyes, since he had already made a decision and asked him to come over to discuss it, it was a kind of discussion.

"I have indeed made up my mind, but I hope you can find a way for me, Minghao, your brain is always easy to use, so I want you to come and help me find a way!"

He Qing could see that Luo Minghao's mood was not very good, but she didn't tell the truth, the relationship between the two of them was not as good as before, and now Luo Minghao was just a flag for her and him to use.

No, to be precise.From the beginning he was just a flag.

A cruel smile flashed across He Qing's face.

"This..." Luo Minghao is not stupid, since this matter is not beneficial to him, why does he have to think of a solution?
"Why, Minghao, don't you have a good way to punish Yao Yiyi?" He Qing raised her eyes to look at Luo Minghao, raised her hand and took a sip of coffee, "It seems that I overestimated you."

Putting down the coffee in her hand, He Qing smiled disdainfully.

"Yeah, Aunt He still thinks highly of me!" Luo Minghao was not angry, and he was not stupid. Since he took over the consortium, Luo Jiawei has almost stopped intervening, but he can still manage it well, which is enough to see After all, he is still very smart!
At least in this respect is still very talented.

As soon as He Qing heard what Luo Minghao said, her complexion immediately turned ugly. She kept a dark face and said nothing. Luo Minghao knew that she was upset and didn't say anything. He stood up and nodded slightly: "There are still some urgent matters waiting for me in the company. Go deal with it, I'll go back first!"

He Qing ignored him, and Luo Minghao didn't care. He turned around and opened the door and left. Seeing that Yao Yiyi's seat was empty, a strange emotion flashed in his heart.

"Yiyi, do you remember what happened in Italy?" Shan Yisheng looked at Yao Yiyi opposite him with a serious expression.

"Italy? You mean the car accident?" Yao Yiyi asked with some uncertainty.

Shan Yisheng nodded, spreading tenderness.

"Why don't you remember!" Yao Yiyi said, even her voice was trembling slightly, she had the worst meeting in Italy, perhaps, she would never set foot on that place again in her life.

"The car accident that happened in Italy at that time was not a car accident, but someone deliberately tampered with our car!"

"Could it be..." Yao Yiyi looked at the expression on Shan Yisheng's face, and slowly opened his eyes wide, "Could it be He Qing?"

Shan Yisheng nodded silently. In fact, he was also shocked when he heard the news. Although He Qing was only Yiyi's stepmother, Yao Qixiong was not bad to her when Yao Qixiong was alive. A dead end!

"I didn't expect that she hated me so much, she wanted to let me die!" Yao Yiyi's eyes were sour, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

"No, the target of her doing these things may not be you!" Shan Yisheng reached out and wrapped her little hand in his own.

Yao Yiyi looked at the two hands clasped together, his palms were warm, giving her an inexplicable sense of security.

"Since it's not me, why did you do this..." Yao Yiyi looked suspicious, "It's you?"

"Yes, she wanted me dead, that's why she sent you to the hospital after the car accident, but didn't care about my life." Shan Yisheng looked at the water in the glass with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Why, did you do anything to offend her?" Yao Yiyi was puzzled. Although Yao and SY Group were competitive in the business world, there was no need to hurt people's lives, right?
"I don't know this yet, maybe after a while, maybe I can figure it out." Shan Yisheng looked at Yao Yiyi, "When I woke up at Yan Qianqian's house, I checked your phone online for the first time. News, I don’t feel relieved until I know you’re fine, but in order to find out about this matter, I pretended to have amnesia, and pretended that I’ve fallen in love with Yan Qianqian, all these are to deceive He Qing.”

Maybe it was really too nervous, Shan Yisheng was a little bit at a loss when he said these words.

"When the car accident happened, the two of us stayed together, but I still couldn't protect you, so I wanted to deal with He Qing so hard, even if I didn't stay by your side in the future, you are safe. "

Shan Yisheng looked at Yao Yiyi with tenderness in his eyes.

"You have done so much for me..." Yao Yiyi looked at Shan Yisheng incredulously, with disbelief in his eyes and deep self-blame. He had done so much, but she kept blaming he.

"Yiyi, in fact, there are still many things I haven't explained clearly to you. If I have a chance in the future, I will explain to you slowly. During this period of time, you must pay attention to your own safety in Yao's house. Don't let He Qing and the others have the opportunity to treat you. You do it!" Shan Yisheng told her worriedly.

"I see, why do you act like you won't see me in the future." Yao Yiyi glanced at him angrily, with a smile on his face, but there were big tears falling down.

"No matter what happens to me, don't worry, you know!" Shan Yisheng wiped away her tears, "Let's eat!"

"What's going to happen to you!" Hearing what Shan Yisheng said, Yao Yiyi felt inexplicably uneasy.

"It's okay!" Shan Yisheng smiled comfortingly at her.

(End of this chapter)

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