Chapter 306
"Do you know that you are breaking the law by doing this? This is called illegal imprisonment. If no policeman finds out, you will be jailed!" Yao Yiyi looked at the big men standing at the door viciously, with a strong warning in his voice.

"Miss, don't make fun of me. You think it's the first time I've done this kind of thing. If it was really that serious, I would have gotten into the game a long time ago. Why would I still be here? You just stay here honestly." Here, I won't be cruel to you, but if you keep making trouble like this, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

A man with a crew cut at the door took a look at Yao Yiyi with a rascal smile on his face.

"You..." Yao Yiyi coughed a few times. She had been locked in the room for two hours and didn't drink a drop of water. She felt her throat was dry and uncomfortable.

"I think you should save some energy, save your saliva for a few more days, so as not to raise your hands and surrender as soon as you are locked in, what a shame!"

The playful and mocking tone did not make Yao Yiyi feel angry, she looked at the other party: "How much money He Qing and the others gave you, if you let me out, I will give you twice as much!"

"Twice?" The man was serious, with a greedy expression on his face, "Okay, can you give me 20 now, and I'll let you go right away!"

"20!" Yao Yiyi was surprised, how could she have so much money on her body!
"Now I don't have so much money on me, can I give it to you later, I swear, I will definitely give it to you, you let me go first!"

"You talk so much nonsense without money!" The man obviously had no patience. He glanced at Yao Yiyi impatiently, and pointed at her, "Stay honestly, don't talk!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and said, "Be silly of me, let me let you go if you haven't got the money out, who will I ask for money if you run away!"

Yao Yiyi was quite helpless and loosened his shoulders. Just as he was about to enter the room, he heard a mobile phone ringing in the bag that fell on the floor. Yao Yiyi's eyes lit up immediately, and just as he squatted down and stretched out his hand, there was a hand behind him that was faster. Take the bag on the ground one step at a time.

"Ma'am is really careless. She actually forgot to take away your mobile phone. It seems that I have made a great contribution this time!" It was the same man who spoke just now, with a rather smug smile.

"Give it back to me!" Yao Yiyi panicked, reaching out to grab the phone.

Yao Yiyi's mobile phone is a full-screen mobile phone. When the two were fighting, the man accidentally connected the phone, and Chu Cheng's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Yi Yi? Why did you answer the phone so late?"

"Chu Cheng, get me out quickly, I was locked up by He Qing..."

Yao Yiyi's shout came from the phone, Chu Cheng frowned vigorously, what happened?
"Yiyi, what are you talking about...beep..." Before he finished speaking, a busy tone came from the other end of the phone, and Chu Cheng was inexplicably surprised. She just said that she was locked up by He Qing?
Chu Cheng hurriedly called again, but there was indeed no one answering, and in the end the phone was turned off.

It seems that something really happened to Yao Yiyi!
Thinking of what Yao Yiyi said just now, Chu Cheng dialed He Qing's cell phone number without thinking.

"Hello?" He Qing was lying in the bathtub and taking a bath with a mask on her face. At this time, even if she was in a good mood, she would feel irritable when being disturbed by others.

"President He, it's me!" Chu Cheng took a deep breath and walked to the balcony of the room to answer the phone. This hotel was booked with the help of people in the company, and the location is a little remote. Standing on the balcony and watching at a glance, occasionally one or two people will be seen passing by.

"Chu Cheng?" He Qing resisted the urge to hang up the phone, "Why are you looking for me at this time? Why, you've been in Italy for a long time, and you want to come back?"

"This time I'm not looking for you to tell you about me, I just want to talk to you!" Chu Cheng tried to make his attitude look respectful, "Is something wrong?"

When He Qing heard Chu Cheng's question, her heart skipped a beat. How did he know about this?

"Yi Yi is fine at Yao's house, what happened?" Trying to make her voice sound normal, He Qing comforted him, "You stay in Italy well, I will let you come back if something happens."


"Okay, I'll hang up if there's nothing else to do!" He Qing moved her lips slowly, wanting to hang up.

"Wait a minute, President He, you don't need to hide it from me. Just now I received a call from Yiyi asking me to save her, saying that she was locked up by you. Is this true?"

"What?" He Qing sat up abruptly, and took off the mask on her face, "You said Yao Yiyi called you just now?" She was so focused on locking her up that she forgot to take away her mobile phone!
"Yes, did something to Yiyi?" After hesitating for a while, Chu Cheng finally asked.

"What, I have to report to you for what I have done? Ask for your opinion?" He Qing's face was ugly, and her tone naturally became even worse.

"You misunderstood, I didn't mean that, I just want to know what happened one by one!"

"What happened to Yao Yiyi, you should ask her instead of me. Next time, don't bother me because of this kind of thing. I'm very busy and don't have time to answer your questions!" He Qing was obviously very upset. Patiently, "Also, don't forget, you have no position to question me with your current identity, don't forget your identity so easily!"

"I just want to ask about Yao Yiyi's situation!" Chu Cheng's tone was not as good as it was at the beginning.

"What will happen after you know about Yao Yiyi's situation? Let me tell you what happens if I lock Yao Yiyi up. You can get it now and come back to deal with me? Cheng Chu, it's important to have self-knowledge. Now what I ask you to do, you can do it with peace of mind, don't put yourself on the road to doom, you know?"

After finishing speaking, He Qing didn't wait for Chu Cheng to answer, she hung up the phone viciously, and threw the phone aside, bad luck!

Chu Cheng was holding the phone, it seemed that something had really happened to Yi Yi!
Why did He Qing lock up one by one?
Is it still for the property in Yiyi's hands?
Chu Cheng's eyes flickered, what should he do now?
Listen to He Qing, stay in Italy well?Or go back now, regardless of He Qing's warning, go back and save her?
But He Qing is also right, what can he do now?
If you don't go back, one by one will definitely be in danger!
Chu Cheng gritted his teeth and turned to pack his things.

(End of this chapter)

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