Chapter 307 Imprisoned
"Strange, why did Yi Yi leave so early recently?" Xiang Heng stood under Yao's building. He used to work in the company Yi Yi, and would not leave until late without working overtime. Recently, he even mentioned that he would leave that day Get up early.

"Maybe it's because there aren't many things going on in the company recently, so why didn't you work overtime one by one?" Meng Weini sat in the passenger seat and waited for a while, seeing that neither Xiang Heng nor him had returned, she got out of the car and walked to his side, "One by one Yi is such a big person, you don't have to worry about her!"

"Well, I see, let's go back! You should be tired today too!
Xiang Heng nodded, and looked back to help Meng Weini walk to the car.

I don't know why, but I always feel uneasy.

When he got home, Xiang Heng called Shan Yisheng.

"It's so late, you haven't slept yet." Shan Yisheng seemed to be dealing with the company's affairs, and his voice was particularly happy when he spoke.

"Well, I went back to her house for you today, so I came back late." Xiang Heng said something simply, without forgetting what he wanted to ask, "Have you seen one by one recently?"

"I've seen it, I had a meal with her a few days ago!" Shan Yisheng held the mobile phone in his left hand, and typed on the notebook with his right hand, still very fast, "What's the matter? What happened? "

"It's okay!" Xiang Heng was not worried when Shan Yisheng said that he had met Yao Yiyi, "You'd better go to bed early, sleep so late every day, be careful that your body can't handle it."

"Well, you don't have to worry, I know it well!" Shan Yisheng smiled lightly, "Is everything almost arranged?"

"Well, things are almost arranged, but Yisheng, you use yourself as a bait, is this trick really okay? If things don't work out, you may ruin your future!"

Xiang Heng's tone suddenly became serious.

"This seems to be the only solution. I don't want to wait any longer, Xiang Heng. In fact, this matter should mainly depend on you. Don't put too much pressure on it. In case something really happens to this matter , you just need to help me take care of them one by one!"

"You've already said that, do you think if you were me, you wouldn't feel any pressure?" Xiang Heng rolled his eyes in a rare and inelegant way.

"This is what I want." Shan Yisheng laughed suddenly, his voice was deep and faintly magnetic.

"It's been a long time since you laughed like this!" Xiang Heng sighed softly, he could see how he got here all these years, "Don't worry, even if I exhausted this old Fate, I will also let you stay together with Yiyi."

"With your words, I still have nothing to worry about!" Shan Yisheng put all the files in the computer together and saved them, and his movements were familiar and experienced, "Well, it's getting late, you should go to bed quickly .”

"You also rest early, your body is important."

"En!" Shan Yisheng hung up the phone after answering, closed his tired eyes, rubbed his temples, and continued to work.

The economic benefit of Sy Group's branch is not very good, he needs to find a way to deal with it!
"Yao Yiyi, I really didn't expect your mouth to be so hard. Why, do you think I'm not cruel enough to you? So you don't feel scared at all, do you?" The slightest ruthless light.

Yao Yiyi has been hungry for a day and a night, and she feels that she has no strength in her body.

"Do you think you are not cruel to me? He Qing, is your conscience eaten by a dog or something? I don't remember what your life was like before you married into the Yao family, but look at you Now, you have so many things now, and you are still not satisfied. You said that my father left me property, and I ask you. Yao’s Yao’s house and multiple houses are now under your name. What else does Dad have? Can the property be left to me?"

After saying so many words in one breath, Yao Yiyi felt that he could not even breathe, so he held his chest and panted hard.

"Haha, Yao Yiyi, you are so naive and cute!" He Qing heard Yao Yiyi's deterioration as if he had heard some ridiculous joke, "Do you really think how good Yao Qixiong is to me? All these things he worked so hard to leave to me? You are wrong, in fact, you don’t know, before he died, all these things belonged to you, and he left them all to you, do you understand?” Maybe it’s because it’s already At this point, He Qing didn't have any worries anymore, and said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said.

"No...impossible!" Yao Yiyi's face was full of disbelief, "Then why are all these things in your hands now?"

"Yao Yiyi, you are really stupid and cheap!" Lin Mowan, who had been silent all this time, also said silently, "Of course I used my brain to turn all those things that shouldn't belong to us into ours, otherwise Now that we are under your feet, how can we have the day when we are in the early days!"

" mean, you tampered with my father's will?" Yao Yiyi looked at He Qing and Lin Mowan in disbelief, and the hatred in his eyes became even stronger.

"Yes, it was me who made a move, why, hate me, hate me to your heart's content, now I can finally let you experience how I felt when I was a child!" Lin Mowan seemed to be insane, "When you were young, you were praised by others The princess in the palm of my hand, but I can only be made fun of and looked down upon by others, and now our seats should be changed!"

"Why do you think so, I don't even remember what happened when I was a child!" Yao Yiyi's memory has not yet recovered, and she doesn't remember her childhood at all. Even if she really did this, she shouldn't have done it Big revenge, it's because children are ignorant.

"Don't make excuses. If you're sensible, you should hurry up and hand over the rest of your property, otherwise..." Lin Mowan didn't finish her sentence, but there was a hint of hatred in her eyes.

"Okay, we won't say much about other things. I'll give you another day to think about it. If you don't say anything, don't blame me for being cruel to you!" He Qing glanced at Yao Yiyi, then turned to look at the people beside her. The servant said, "Go and give her something to eat, don't be too nice, just make sure he doesn't starve to death!"

After speaking, she took He Qing out of the room. Yao Yiyi sat on the ground, watching the two people leaving, with various emotions mixed in her heart. It turned out that she only thought that the two of them just had opinions on her, not I like myself, but I didn't expect them to be so vicious!
Chu Cheng booked a plane ticket for the next morning to fly to China, and as soon as he got off the plane, he rushed to Yao's residence non-stop, and now he doesn't know what's going on one by one.

He Qing and Lin Mowan went to Yao's house when they felt Yao's house. Although the housekeeper still remembered Chu Cheng, they were just servants after all. When Chu Cheng asked to see Yao Yiyi, they all stood aside. Dare to speak out.

Once a bad decision is made, they will be the ones to blame!

"Then what exactly do you want? Just stand here and let me wait forever?" Chu Cheng was anxious, and looked upstairs from time to time, looking at the maids in front of him, his eyes flashed, maybe, He can force his way!

"Okay, okay, since you guys won't let me go up, I won't go up..." Chu Cheng slowly withdrew his gaze, and the nerves of the maids who blocked him were tense after hearing his words. Naturally, he relaxed, but who knew that the other party rushed upstairs before he could react, and the expressions of the maids suddenly changed, and someone shouted: "Stop him quickly!"

Everyone ran upstairs.

Chu Cheng panted and looked at the men standing in front of him. They were all wearing sunglasses and were tall, so it was hard to tell that He Qing had spent a lot of money this time, and even invited someone to watch them.

"Sir, I think you should be more conscious, go downstairs quickly, otherwise we won't be merciful!" The housekeeper walked to Chu Cheng's side at some point, with an indifferent expression.

"You really want to help He Qing like this? Don't you know that illegal detention is against the law? Are you going to go to jail with He Qing?" After speaking, everyone's eyes flashed one by one, only one maid's face appeared Chu Cheng sneered silently in his heart. They really were some dirty people, and she, He Qing, was willing to get involved with such people.

"Sir, you'd better go. We have notified Madam, she will be back soon. If you continue to make trouble like this, there is no guarantee that Madam will not do anything radical."

"Are you threatening me?" Chu Cheng looked at the butler with disbelief.

"Mr. Chu Cheng, you have misunderstood, I am reminding you, I think you are also very clear about Madam's strength, so I will not say more, if you want to keep yourself safe, you have to obediently listen to Madam's words !" From the beginning to the end, there was no expression on the housekeeper's face, Chu Cheng looked at him, thinking secretly how He Qing trained a person to be a face.

"Forget you!" Chu Cheng heard the housekeeper's words, turned around and went downstairs, since He Qing had come now, there was no need for him to force his way, otherwise He Qing would probably tell him to get out of Yao's house as soon as he came back.

They need to have a good talk about this matter.

"Mr. Chu Cheng, would you like something to drink?" Seeing that Chu Cheng really turned around and went downstairs, the housekeeper relaxed a lot. Now the second floor is almost a forbidden area. Once the wife comes back and sees him on the second floor, not only he If I can't eat it, I guess I don't have any good fruit to eat!

"No need, I'll just sit here and wait for President He to come back." Chu Cheng looked at the door, and it sounded like he was gnashing his teeth carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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