Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 311 Pretending to be Easy

Chapter 311 Pretending to be Easy
"Minghao, I didn't expect you to still be in touch with He Qing!" Luo Jiawei said to Luo Minghao earnestly, "You used to listen to me, but this time you just refused to listen to my father. Do you think my father will hurt you?" you?"

"Dad, you misunderstood me. How could I think you were hurting me!" Luo Minghao looked at Luo Jiawei helplessly, wanting to explain but didn't want to.

"Then just listen to Dad this time, okay? You won't have a chance to listen to me in the future. Sooner or later, I'm going to go down to accompany your mother!"

Elderly people like this kind of topic, Luo Minghao glanced at Luo Jiawei impatiently: "Dad, if you seem a little bored, you should go and play with your friends more, how old are you now?" , I will think about these things." Luo Minghao was obviously impatient.


Luo Jiawei sighed, as if he wanted to say something else, Luo Minghao quickly interrupted him: "Dad, you don't have to persuade me not to talk to He Qing anymore, if I don't take revenge on Yao Shi, I won't let it go easily , Besides, I’ve already done so much, don’t you think it’s a pity to give up now?”

"It's because you've done enough wrong things, that's why Dad keeps trying to persuade you to turn around and do the right thing. Besides, what happened back then was not what you thought it was. Where did the revenge come from?" Mr. Luo Jiawei Tears flowed, maybe I shouldn't have lied to him before that his mother was killed by Yao Qixiong, now he won't be thinking about revenge!

"Dad, what are you talking about? In order to persuade me to give up the idea of ​​revenge, are you going to make up a lie to lie to me?" Luo Minghao was stunned, and then pretended to be relaxed and smiled.

He had been by Luo Jiawei's side since he was a child, and he could tell at a glance whether he was joking or not.

"Sigh!" Luo Jiawei looked at Luo Minghao and sighed forcefully, "What happened back then was not what I said before, it started more than ten years ago..."

"Stop talking!" Luo Minghao stood up suddenly, his hands hanging by his thighs and clenched into fists, "Dad, I have an appointment with people from other companies later, and I don't have time to accompany you now. Stay at home, if you really feel bored, you can ask a few of your friends to go out to have fun."

After finishing speaking, he walked outside without looking back, Luo Jiawei watched him leave and sighed secretly, he will find a chance to explain the truth to him in the end!
Luo Minghao walked very fast, he didn't need anyone's explanation, what happened back then was that the Yao family was sorry to the Luo family, there was no other so-called truth at all!
He was panting quickly. If the truth of the matter is really not like this, then what's the point of all the sacrifices he made?Moreover, he and Yao Yiyi have come to this stage!
Luo Minghao closed the car door forcefully, and said to the driver in the driver's seat in a rough voice: "Drive fast!"

"Sir, where are you going?"


"Tell He Qing, I want to see her!" Yao Yiyi stood at the door, looking at the men in black, speaking in a low voice.

She thought about what Chu Cheng said to her all night, and she felt that what he said was right. Now it is not time to be stubborn and curious. The most important thing now is to protect herself well, so that he can have It is possible enough to rescue Shan Yisheng and ensure his safety.

The man glanced at her, didn't speak, and turned to look for He Qing.

"You want to see me?" He Qing soon came, and Lin Mowan walked beside her. Recently, in order to keep an eye on Yao Yiyi, she has not been to the company.

Yao Yiyi looked at her with a calm expression: "I'm hungry, I want to eat!"

"Tsk tsk, Yao Yiyi, you think you are still the old lady of the Yao family, even if you are the eldest lady, you are not qualified to let mom serve you!" Lin Mowan was unhappy when she heard Yao Yiyi's words Yes, with a sneer.

Yao Yiyi smiled lightly, she was really hungry and didn't have much energy to speak.

He Qing glanced at her, with a half smile but not a smile: "How long did you think you would persevere, but I didn't expect you to give up so soon!"

"I'm just thinking about it, I still have conditions, but right now I don't want to do anything else, I just want to have a full meal first!" Yao Yiyi didn't care about her teasing, and said lightly.

He Qing glanced at her peeling lips, and smiled smugly, this trick really worked.

"Housekeeper, go to the kitchen to eat, miss!"

"Yes!" The housekeeper came out from behind He Qing, "Miss Yao, this way please!"

Yao Yi glanced at He Qing, and passed He Qing.

Lin Mowan didn't seem to understand what the two were talking about, and looked at He Qing in surprise: "Mom, she hasn't told us where the rest of the property is yet, why do you let her eat now?"

"You don't understand!" He Qing didn't want to say more, she turned around to look at Yao Yiyi's slightly flamboyant back, and raised the corners of her mouth.

Yao Yiyi said that he ate a little porridge to suppress his stomach, and then he started to eat. After all, he was hungry for a day and a half. Naturally, he had to eat a lot. After about an hour, Yao Yiyi was full and sat at the dining table Drink water.

"Okay, can we talk now?" He Qing couldn't wait to speak after watching her finish eating.

Yao Yi glanced at her: "If you want to know the remaining property, I can tell you, but I have conditions!"

He Qing looked at her suspiciously, with strong defense in her expression: "What conditions!"

"I told you the rest of my property, you can't say that you hurt me!"

He Qing's seriousness flashed across her face, and she nodded quickly: "Okay, I promise you!"

"I agreed so easily, I began to wonder if I should trust you!" Yao Yiyi looked at He Qing and smiled indifferently.

"You!" He Qing looked at her angrily, "What on earth do you want? If I don't agree, you will tell me the remaining property?"

"No!" Yao Yiyi answered quickly, "But I can't stand up to what you say, who knows if you will lie to me."

"So what do you want?"

"Now I will only tell you what property I have, but I will not give it to you. I will give it to you when I think you are credible enough."

"Then why should I trust you?"

"Do you think I can easily escape from your grasp?" Yao Yi was expressionless, with a hint of hatred in his eyes.

"That's right, you just stay at home honestly during this period of time. I have to deal with the sy group's affairs first. Don't cause trouble for me, otherwise, you will regret it!" He Qing said threateningly.

"Sy?" Yao Yi paused, "What about the sy group?"

"This matter has nothing to do with you, I just want to get sex, you don't need to worry about it!"

"Want to take advantage of Shan Yisheng's detention and want to buy Sy?" Yao Yiyi shouted in surprise, and then smiled contemptuously, "Such a trivial matter is worth your time to deal with?"

"Small matter?" He Qing seemed very interested, "What do you mean, and how did you know that Shan Yisheng was detained, and, judging by your demeanor, you don't seem worried!"

"I also have to thank your precious daughter for telling me about this at the first time!" Yao Yiyi stood up and got himself a glass of water, "As for the question of whether it is difficult or not, I think you should be better than me. Still clear!"

"No, I don't know, you should tell me!"

"What does my heart have to do with Shan Yisheng? He has lost his memory now. He doesn't remember the past between me and him. He already has other women by his side. From all the facts, you think I still need Have something to do with him? Of course, if he has the ability to help me now, I definitely wouldn't say such a terrible thing, but now even he himself is a mud bodhisattva, and he can't protect himself!"

"So what's your purpose in telling me this?"

"I can easily help you buy the Sy Group, and I can give you the last legacy my father left me!" Yao Yiyi looked at her without any trace of fear.

"What's the condition?" He Qing knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch.

"The condition is that you want me to own the shares of the sy group. It doesn't need to be much, you just need to let me earn enough money in sy to eat and live!"

"Your requirements are not low!" He Qing turned and walked towards the stairs, "I need to think about it."

"It doesn't matter."

Yao Yi glanced at He Qing's leaving back, clapped his hands and prepared to go upstairs, but Lin Mowan blocked her way: "Bitch, do you want to do something?"

"Lin Mowan, you are still as stupid as before!" Yao Yiyi looked at her ironically, "Is it good for me to play tricks on you at this time?"

"Who knows, only a bitch understands the thoughts of a bitch!" Lin Mowan laughed mockingly, "I thought you would keep going, but now I realize that you are a soft bone in your bones!"

"No wonder I haven't been able to read your mind. It's because you're so cheap!" Yao Yi nodded, and went back to the room away from Lin Mowan.

Lin Mowan gritted her teeth angrily, stood behind her and looked at her: "Yao Yiyi, don't be shy, I will definitely persuade mom not to agree to cooperate with you!"

She doesn't care if it's beneficial to cooperate with her, she just wants her to become worthless and have nowhere to go.

"Do you think your mother is as brainless as you?" Yao Yiyi taunted with a smile on his lips, stopped walking and turned to look at Lin Mowan, "I believe she should know what to do to be the best for her. advantageous!"

"Are you so sure?" Lin Mowan was full of dissatisfaction.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it! I'll wait and see to see if He Qing will listen to you or think about her interests." Yao Yiyi didn't have the desire to continue talking with her, and walked upstairs after speaking, letting Lin Mo Wan yelled behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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