Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 312 I Will Handle It

Chapter 312 I Will Handle It
"Why are you moving so fast?" Xiang Heng looked at Shan Yisheng, with a slight blame on his face, he didn't expect him to start acting so quickly, and he didn't tell himself before, only after watching the news did he know that he had been detained .

"I said that I can't wait!" Shan Yisheng smiled lightly. Although he has been detained, he is still in good spirits. His handsome and cold face is sensational and indifferent. There is no difference from before.

"Alright, start early and finish early!" Xiang Heng lowered his eyes and nodded with a serious face.

"How are you busy with things over there?" Shan Yisheng moved her lips, "Is there any news recently?"

Xiang Heng's eyes flickered very quickly, and then he nodded as if nothing had happened: "Everything is going well, everything is fine, don't worry about things outside now, it's chaotic inside, you have something to do Let the police find me, I have already taken care of all the relationships inside!"

Shan Yisheng nodded, a little absent-minded, Xiang Heng looked at him worriedly: "Do you have something on your mind?"

Shan Yisheng glanced outside the door: "You said that if you know the news of my detention, will you come to see me?"

There was expectation in his tone, but he seemed to hope that Yao Yiyi would not come, which sounded contradictory.

The expression on Xiang Heng's face froze. He hadn't seen Yao Yiyi for several days. Later, he sent someone to investigate and found out that she had been staying in Yao's house for a while, and he didn't know if something happened. .

"By the way, bring someone to see me in a few days!" Shan Yisheng suddenly remembered something, and said slowly.

"Who are you seeing?" Xiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in confusion.

Shan Yisheng raised his lips in a good mood, and spit out three words. Although Xiang Heng didn't know why he wanted to see him, he still agreed without any hesitation.

"Okay, after a while the rumors won't be so tight, I'll arrange for the two of you to meet."

"Thank you!" Shan Yisheng looked at Xiang Heng, his spirit was not very good, presumably it was because he was too busy these days, and he had to worry about himself, so he didn't get a good night's sleep.

"Knowing my hard work, I must make this matter come to an end quickly, otherwise, the two of us will be busy for nothing!" Xiang Heng pretended to be indifferent and smiled.

After the two of them said some irrelevant words, Xiang Heng left. The driver had been waiting outside the detention center. When he saw Xiang Heng coming out, he got out of the car and opened the back seat door to let Xiang Heng get in the car.

"Sir, where are you going?"

"Go back to the office!" Xiang Heng looked at the front with a serious face, but he was thinking about Yao Yiyi in his mind.

Although the people he sent found out that Yao Yiyi had been staying at Yao's house all the time, but judging from her guess, she might have encountered some kind of problem. The matter of Shan Yisheng was so big, if Knowing one by one, she will definitely not be indifferent. Now that she can stay at home with peace of mind, there is only one way to say that she is controlled and free.

Xiang Heng narrowed his eyes hard, why didn't he think of this before!

"Hello? Is this Mr. Chu Cheng Chu?" A polite inquiry came from the other end of the phone, and Chu Cheng felt a thump in his heart, feeling that something bad had happened.

"Yes, I am. May I ask what you want from me?" Chu Cheng asked anxiously, but he didn't realize that his voice trembled slightly when he asked this sentence.

"It's like this!" The other party didn't have any emotion when he spoke, "We have a patient named Chu Chen with a strange smell here, is it your father?"

As soon as Chu Cheng heard that it was related to his father, his whole heart immediately lifted up, and he stood up abruptly: "Yes, I am, what's wrong with him?"

"He was seriously injured and his life is dying. Where are you now? If possible, please come to Jiaren Hospital as soon as possible!"

"Okay, just wait, I'll come right away!" Chu Cheng changed his mind and ran out of his apartment.

Mom and Dad stayed at home well, how could they be seriously injured for no reason?Chu Cheng was puzzled, and after thinking about it, he suddenly remembered He Qing's phone call.

"Send a few people to Chu Cheng's house to take good care of his parents, don't be too polite, what should I do, what should I do..."

Chu Cheng's steps suddenly stopped, he was panting heavily, his eyes were filled with bloodlust!
Hepai must have done it, this woman, how could she be so ruthless!

Dad was already disabled and unable to move, yet they managed to do it!
Chu Cheng gritted his teeth fiercely, walked outside quickly, and stopped a car casually: "Go to Jiaren Hospital, hurry up!"

The driver was also a talkative person. Seeing Chu Cheng's anxious expression, he knew that something must have happened to his relatives, so he casually comforted him: "Young man, don't worry, I'll take you there right away."

Chu Cheng was not in the mood to talk to him at this time, the car was really fast, but fortunately there was no traffic jam, the car stopped at the gate of Jiaren Hospital after 10 minutes, Chu Cheng hurriedly paid the money and left. Run to the hospital.

As soon as he entered the hospital, he saw his mother crying at the counter, Chu Cheng felt his heart constricted, and quickly walked to her side: "Mom, what's wrong?"

"Xiao Cheng, why did you come back now? Your father..." Chu's mother was sobbing, unable to complete a sentence, "Your father had an accident, he was beaten unconscious, and now he is in a serious condition. In the ward, the doctor said that if you don't pay the money, you won't perform the operation, what is the reason for this, is life more important than money!"

Mother Chu has been crying for a long time, and her eyes are already swollen. The front desk on the other side heard Mother Chu say: "I'm sorry, there is a clear rule in the hospital that you need to pay..."

"Shut up!" Chu Cheng replied sternly to her, and randomly took out the bank card in the bag: "Arrange the surgery for me as soon as possible, if you can't let me see My dad is standing in front of me safely, and I will sue you!" Chu Cheng's eyes were scarlet.

The lady at the front desk knew that Chu Cheng was very emotional now, so she stopped talking and quickly finished all the procedures: "Okay, hurry up and go to the doctor with the list."

Chu Cheng grabbed the bank card and payment slip and helped Chu's mother to go to Chu's father's ward. Knowing that Chu's mother was in a bad mood, he comforted her softly: "Mom, don't cry, Dad will be fine, you see I also paid the money, and I will have an operation later, and I think Dad can wake up!"

Chu Cheng's voice trembled, and he didn't know whether he was comforting Chu's mother or himself.

(End of this chapter)

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