Chapter 313 Make a plan
After all the procedures were done, the doctor also started to prepare for the operation: "Hurry up and get ready, the operation will start in 10 minutes!"


A few nurses walked out quickly to prepare for the operation. Chu Cheng supported Chu's mother, watching her holding hands and begging bitterly: "Doctor, you must not let him have any accidents, you must not..."

"Don't worry, I'll do my best!" The doctor was used to this kind of thing, and his face didn't have much ups and downs. "Okay, you can wait outside with peace of mind!"

After speaking, he pushed the two of them away and walked towards the operating room. Chu Cheng was already sobbing.

Seeing that the two old people in the family had turned into such a state, Chu Cheng naturally felt uncomfortable: "Mom, how could such a thing happen?"

"I don't know!" Chu's mother was sobbing, "I remember that the weather was very good that day, so I went to the back mountain to pick some vegetables. I didn't expect to hear the noise at home when I was halfway through the picking. Quickly ran back to take a look, and found that a group of people were causing trouble at home and beat your father like this!" Chu Cheng said that he cried more and more that day, and Chu Cheng shook hands hard. Tighten her hands, this thing must have been done by He Qing, I didn't expect that she really didn't take back that order!

Chu Cheng gritted his teeth in hatred, but he couldn't do anything. In the end, he still had to obediently do things for her under her command!

"Xiaocheng, do you know who these people are? Your father and I have lived in fear all our lives. We have never done anything wrong. Why did such a thing happen in the end..."

"Mom, don't be like this!" Chu Cheng couldn't help but blushed when he heard Chu's mother's words, and helped her to sit on the chair by the corridor, "Mom, don't be like this, Dad will definitely get better, sure It'll be fine!"

Although he knew that his consolation was weak, but it would be of some use at this time. Slowly, Mother Chu's mood gradually stabilized. The two of them leaned together, waiting for the doctor's news.

I don't know how long I waited, the door of the operating room opened, but the attending doctor didn't come out, only a little nurse ran over nervously: "The patient's condition is very dangerous now, here is a critical illness notice, there is nothing wrong If there is a problem, sign it as soon as possible, the patient is still waiting for the operation!"

Chu Cheng only felt that his mind was blank. Could this be the evil he planted?

Because Chu's mother couldn't accept it for a while, and she was too worried, she fainted immediately when she heard the news. Chu Cheng quickly supported her, and immediately became big and big: "Mom, mom, are you okay?"

"Sir, I advise you to sign the notice first, and then help your wife go to the rest room to rest." The nurse looked at Chu Cheng expressionlessly, "If you are delaying like this, your Dad will be in more danger."

"Bring it here!" Chu Cheng endured the rage in his heart, helped Chu's mother, took the document handed over by the nurse, signed his name, and pressed his lips when handing it to her, "Please do your best!"

"We will definitely do our best!"

Chu Cheng nodded, and helped Chu's mother to go to the lounge, He Qing, since you didn't show mercy, don't blame me!
"Until now, I haven't found any good way to acquire Sy Group!" He Qing frowned, and threw the documents on the table vigorously, as if to vent her anger.

"Mom, why are you in such a hurry? This matter is not in a hurry now. Can we slowly figure out a solution? I still don't believe that we will not be able to do what Yao Yiyi has only done!" Lin Mowan sat Looking at He Qing from the forehead sofa not far away, her eyes were a little bit unwilling, Yao Yiyi had been forced to such a point with great difficulty now, and she couldn't be given a chance to stand up!
He Qing frowned unhappily when she heard Lin Mowan's words, looked at her and asked, "Do you have any good ideas?"

Lin Mowan immediately fell silent, she didn't understand this aspect at all, even if she told He Qing that she had any method, she probably wouldn't adopt it.

"You have nothing to do. What are you talking about here? Do you think that Shan Yisheng has been detained by us for a long time now? Shan Yisheng has been in the mall for many years, and there must be one or two around him who are willing to help him. We We must speed up and try our best to buy Sy Group before him!" After all, He Qing is much more sophisticated and thinks things more comprehensively.

"Then what should we do? Do we really want to cooperate with Yao Yiyi? We don't know if Yao Yiyi is lying to us, what if she is playing tricks!"

Although the current situation is really what Qing said, she still doesn't want to cooperate with Yao Yiyi.

"Playing tricks?" He Qing sneered, "That depends on whether she has the ability to make up her mind. The Yao Group was founded by her father, and she will not just sit and watch the Yao Group go bankrupt!"

He Qing seemed to have grasped Yao Yiyi's mentality, and when she spoke, she also looked confident.

Lin Mowan thought for a while, and asked unwillingly: "What about Luo Minghao, maybe he will be more reliable!"

"Don't mention him to me!" Said Luo Minghao and He Qing seemed very angry, the original confident smile on his face disappeared, replaced by anger.

Lin Mowan realized that she seemed to have asked the wrong question, she was a little puzzled, and walked to He Qing's side a few steps: "Mom, what's the matter, I always said that Luo Minghao was wrong before, and you said I was wrong at that time. How come..."

"That old guy Luo Jiawei didn't know why he asked Luo Minghao to keep in touch with us, and the last time I drove to him for advice, he would also say that it would take a while, and it was obvious that it would be delayed, hmph really Naive, does he really think that as long as his heart is severing the relationship and not communicating, the previous cooperative relationship will not count? If what we did is exposed, he will still be unable to bear it and walk around!"

"How could this happen!" Lin Mowan frowned forcefully, her face was full of dissatisfaction, "Then it seems that we really can only cooperate with Yao Yiyi?"

"Mo Wan, don't think things are so bad!" He Qing knew what Lin Mowan was worried about. She didn't like Yao Yiyi since she was a child, and it's normal to hate Yao Yiyi now, "Although we agreed to Yao Yiyi's request now, But once Yao Yiyi successfully acquires the Sy Group, we can use some means to deal with her properly, do you think I will be so stupid as to keep a bomb by my side?"

"It seems that you have already made a plan!"

Lin Mowan pursed her lips and smiled sinisterly at He Qing.

Chu Cheng looked at Chu's father lying on the bed, his whole body was covered by a white cloth, no matter how strong he is usually, he couldn't help but shed tears, what a crime this is all made of!
Chu's mother hasn't woken up yet, and when she wakes up later, she will definitely ask about her father's situation.

"Young man, let's be sad and let it change. We have tried our best. The patient's body is already weak, and with so many external injuries and internal injuries..."

She didn't go on with the rest of the words, and the doctor also sighed softly. She has been in the hospital for nearly 30 years and has saved countless patients on the operating table. This time it is really difficult to reduce it. Disabled people were beaten half to death, and anyone who saw it would sigh.

Chu Cheng stood beside him without speaking, his face was almost expressionless, but his clenched hands revealed his emotions.

Seeing that Chu Cheng ignored him completely, the doctor was not angry, shook his head lightly, and walked away. There were only two father and son left in the whole ward, but it's a pity that Yin and Yang are separated now.

The ward is just an ordinary ward, the space is not that big, but it is still clean, and the air is very quiet, except that occasionally a burst of suppressed sobbing can be heard.

Chu Cheng stood upright, with his hands drooping naturally by his thighs, no one knew what he was thinking.

Suddenly Chu Cheng knelt down straight and softly called Dad!

He regretted it, maybe if he wanted to do it, he should be a thoroughly bad person, don't fall in love with Yao Yiyi, don't feel pity in his heart, maybe it won't be like this now.

But things have come to this point, there is no regret in the world to be able to eat!
That being the case...

"Dad, just wait, I will avenge you!" Chu Cheng sniffed vigorously, who said that men don't flick their tears easily, but it's just not the time to be sad!

"He Qing, since you have treated me so hard, I don't have any worries now, I will fight with you!"

Chu Cheng knelt on the ground and gritted his teeth. The blue veins on his forehead were faintly visible. After a long time, he stood up, looked at Father Chu with nostalgia, and walked out the door.

Chu's mother had been in a coma for several hours. Chu Cheng walked to the door and looked at her through the small window on the door for a long time before opening the door and walking in gently. As soon as she sat down, she saw Chu's mother opened her eyes: "Little Cheng, Is your father's operation finished yet?"

After saying a few short words, Chumu closed her eyes forcefully, but her eyes still seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Mom, are you hungry, shall I go buy you some food first?" Chu Cheng deliberately avoided that topic, he was afraid that Chu's mother would faint again after hearing the news.

"You child, I asked about your father's situation. Why do you keep telling me about other things? Tell me quickly, is your father's operation finished?" Because of working in the fields for a long time, Chu's mother's skin was dark. Sometimes there are obvious wrinkles.

Seeing his mother like this, Chu Cheng choked up again, unable to speak.

Chu's mother seemed to realize something, but she didn't dare to guess randomly. She patted Chu Cheng's hand lightly, her eyes dazzled: "Tell you, how is your father doing? Is it healed? I have to go and see To see him!"

After speaking, he struggled to get out of bed to see him, Chu Cheng suddenly hugged Chu's mother: "Mom, let's live well from now on!"

(End of this chapter)

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