Chapter 321
"President, someone is looking for you." The secretary knocked lightly on the office door, opened the door and walked in without waiting for the people inside to make a sound, and looked at Luo Minghao who was sitting on the seat reading the documents.

"En?" Luo Minghao slowly raised his head after a long time, and looked at her curiously, "Do you know who it is?"

"She said her name is Yao Yiyi, and she belongs to the Yao family!"

The movements of Luo Minghao's hands paused, and he didn't speak for a long time. The secretary gave him a somewhat uncertain look: "President?

Luo Minghao's gaze was on the document in front of him. He hadn't seen Yao Yiyi for a long time. Ever since the old man made it clear that he and He Qing should have less contact with each other, he had hardly seen her. He met her occasionally. The second side is also outside.

"Take her to wait for me in the conference room, and I'll be there later." Luo Minghao concealed the emotion in his eyes, and turned his head to look out the window. Now that the weather is completely hot, there are indeed some things that cannot be concealed.

He didn't know why Yao Yiyi came looking for him, but he knew that Yao Yiyi would not come to him easily if there was nothing to do!
About 10 minutes later, Luo Minghao stood up and adjusted his clothes slowly, and then walked slowly towards the meeting room.

"Minghao, I will help you plan from now on here!"

"Minghao, you can't look at other girls except me from now on!"

"Minghao, how about I bring you a delicious lunch when I'm working in the company?"


The president's office was reluctant to go to the meeting room, after all, they were on the same floor, but Luo Minghao walked very hard, every step seemed to be stepping in the mud, and his mind could not help but think of the conversation a long time ago.

It's been so long, so long that he can't remember the time.

Luo Minghao gently pushed open the door of the conference room, and saw Yao Yiyi sitting on his seat at a glance. He didn't know what he was thinking, and his eyes were a little empty.

"One by one..." Luo Minghao swallowed, glanced at her and immediately looked away, "What can you do with me?"

Sit down opposite her.

Yao Yiyi raised her head and looked at Luo Minghao. She didn't speak, but just looked at him quietly with her beautiful eyes.

Luo Minghao became nervous in an instant. Although she had lost her memory and forgotten herself, many of her little habits remained unchanged.

"Long time no see." Suddenly Yao Yiyi raised the corners of his lips, "You haven't been home recently."

It took Luo Minghao a few seconds to realize that the home she was talking about was the Yao family, and he moved his lips, not knowing how to answer the words.

"Actually, you lied to me, right?" Yao Yiyi didn't show any expression on his face, "You're actually not my brother at all."

"You're still so smart." Luo Minghao seemed to have no desire to explain, looking at Yao Yiyi with a bit of nostalgia in his eyes, "It's the same as before."

Yao Yiyi looked at him, puzzled.

Luo Minghao smiled and said nothing, Yao Yiyi had complicated emotions, it turned out that Xiang Heng really didn't lie to himself, it turned out that the person in front of him really had nothing to do with him.

"Then how do you know my nickname?" Yao Yiyi was still puzzled.

"If you have a chance, you will know about this matter, and now that I have explained it to you, you will also fall into confusion!" Luo Minghao stood up and looked at him, and finally looked away with some difficulty, "Is this what you want to ask? "

Yao Yi nodded, turned around and left after knowing what she meant. Luo Minghao looked at her back and smiled silently. He had suffered countless days and nights in order to plan and take revenge on her. Now, because of the remorse and guilt in his heart, he The torment is about to begin again!

Yao Yiyi walked outside slowly. Today's sun is very good, just shining on his body, his skin is slightly hot.

Now that Luo Minghao has admitted that he is not her brother, then Chu Cheng is also a fake, what kind of old classmates from the past were all brought by He Qing to lie to him?

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi felt even more sad. She believed in Chu Cheng so much, but finally found out that she had been being stupid all along.

However, why did Luo Minghao admit it so readily?
Yao Yiyi shook his head, and the question that came to his mind, he should meet Chu Cheng first, maybe he can answer it for himself.

Yao Yiyi took out his mobile phone: "Chu Cheng." As soon as the call was connected, he couldn't wait to say, "Do you have time? I want to meet you."

"Yiyi?" Chu Cheng was slightly stunned when he received Yao Yiyi's call, and he quickly reacted, "Do you want to see me?"

"Let's meet first, and we'll talk about it later." Yao Yiyi's tone was cold.

Chu Cheng's heart skipped a beat, with a bad premonition, but he still didn't refuse.

"Okay, where are you, I'll come right over." Chu Cheng sighed slightly, did He Qing say something to her?
The two met at a restaurant where they often met, and Yao Yiyi took a taxi directly there. What he didn't expect was that when she arrived at the restaurant, Chu Cheng had already arrived first.

"Are so early?"

"Well, I ran over as soon as I heard you said that I had something to do!" After speaking, she looked at her curiously, "Why are you looking for me this time?"

"I've been wondering about a question?" Yao Yiyi sat down and asked the waiter for a glass of water, "Are you familiar with He Qing?"

"En?" The smile on Chu Cheng's face froze, "Why do you ask that?"

"You said you were my former classmate and still had a crush on me, then tell me what I was like before." Yao Yiyi didn't get aggressive and changed the subject.

"You...what were you like before?" Chu Cheng never expected Yao Yiyi to ask such a question, he asked Yao Yiyi tentatively, "Yiyi, did you find something?"

"I found out what you were hiding from me, so Chu Cheng, do you want to tell me the truth?" Yao Yiyi lowered her eyes, she always regarded the man in front of her as a good friend, but in the end, she still failed The end of everything being deceived.

Seeing Yao Yiyi's expression, Chu Cheng immediately panicked. He wanted to explain but didn't know how to speak, so he froze and didn't speak.After a long time, I forced out a few words: "He Qing and I are at odds, one by one, I can't explain many things clearly, but I can tell you that I really didn't intend to harm you."

Yao Yiyi smiled wryly and shook his head, what's the matter, whether it's Chu Cheng or Luo Minghao, they can't explain the whole thing clearly, but if they really want to talk about it, what else can't be explained clearly of.

"Just tell me, from the very beginning, was it because of He Qing that you approached me?"

Chu Cheng didn't speak.

Yao Yi nodded, his nose was a little sore, he stood up and walked away without looking back.

Yao Yiyi received a call from He Qing when he was getting ready to go to Xiang Heng in the car. Her tone was very bad. Yao Yiyi knew that he was not in a good mood if he didn't see him in the company.

"Yiyi, you haven't been in the company all day, where did you go?" The tone was not kind.

"Well, I have something to do outside, so I'll go back right away!" After speaking, Yao Yiyi hung up the phone. In order to prevent her from calling again, Yao Yiyi directly turned off the phone.

Throwing the mobile phone into the bag, Yao Yiyi exhaled forcefully. Perhaps such an arrangement should not be made today. See you at the same time. With so many people, she feels that what she knows today is completely unbearable.

But now there are times when these two times are completely unbearable.

Soon arrived at Xiang Heng's office, Yao Yiyi got out of the car after paying the money, standing in front of the office suddenly felt a lot easier, perhaps because he had known Xiang Heng a long time ago, so when he confirmed in his heart When he was his elder brother, he was not as excited when he saw Luo Minghao and treated him as an elder brother. Time really can change everything, at least, she has also become quite different from before.

He wasn't very surprised by her arrival, perhaps because Yao Yiyi had told him about it before.

"Yi Yi, sit down." Xiang Heng raised his head buried in the document, and smiled calmly when he saw Yao Yi Yi.

Yao Yi nodded, and sat down opposite him. She didn't know what to say for a while, she was never a person who would be sensational, but now that she knew he was her brother, she admitted that she was very excited, but she couldn't say it out. .

Xiang Heng didn't speak, waiting for her to speak.

"I stayed at home a while ago because..." Yao Yiyi bit her lip, hesitating whether she should say it or not.

"Yiyi, think for yourself, I won't force you if you want to say it or not!" Xiang Heng put the pen in his hand gently on the table with eyes full of seriousness.

"Before, I was locked at home by He Qing. I couldn't answer the phone, I couldn't go out, and I wasn't even given food." She didn't have much fear when she experienced this, but now she thinks it's nothing, so Her tone was indifferent, as if she was talking about something that happened to someone else.

"He Qing is too much!" Xiang Heng's expectation was very excited. She is Yao Yiyi and Douduo, the person he and Shan Yisheng tried their best to protect, but she was hurt by He Qing like this!
"Listen to me slowly." Yao Yiyi comforted him with his eyes, "Shan Yisheng told me before that the car accident in Italy was also arranged by He Qing, but I was sent to the hospital because Get something from me!"

"What?" Xiang Heng frowned, in a bad mood but couldn't help being curious.


"Property?" Xiang Heng stood up and poured a glass of water for Yao Yiyi, "Isn't all the property of the Yao family under He Qing's name?"

"Yes, but He Qing is too suspicious and too greedy. He thinks that I am the only daughter of my father. No matter what, my father will leave me some property, so he took great pains to bring me to the Yao family. My mother is I want to get the remaining property behind me!"

(End of this chapter)

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