Chapter 322 His Favorite

"It turned out to be like this. At the beginning, Yisheng and I felt very strange. Why did we save you but ignored Yisheng? Now it seems that we saved you for the sake of property, but we really wanted to kill Yisheng." Xiang Xiang Heng's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a trace of dangerous information.

"Then why are you free again now?" Suddenly thought of something, Xiang Heng looked at Yao Yiyi puzzled.

"Because He Qing wants to acquire the SY Group, but has been struggling with no way out, so I told them the conditions. I can help them take down the SY Group, and I can also give them all the property. The only condition is After I successfully acquired the sy group, I will give me a part. In the end, he and she agreed, so things have become like this!"

Yao Yiyi shrugged, pretending not to care.

Xiang Heng looked at her appreciatively: "Yi Yi, you are very smart, at least you won't be so dangerous this way!"

Yao Yiyi smiled, but didn't speak.

"So next, do you want Heqing to acquire Sy Group?"

"Yes! She set a time for me, more than half of it has passed, and the agreed time will soon be here, but I still don't have a clue!" Yao Yiyi was a little depressed at this point, frowning, looked a little confused.

Xiang Heng glanced at her, but didn't speak.

Yao Yiyi also felt that he seemed a little impatient, took a shallow breath, and decided to slowly solve the doubts in his heart: "Shan Yisheng is the one who had a crush on me in high school, right? Just like you Just like my brother, you are lying to me, right?"

She didn't want to come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, she was just very sad, and at the same time curious, why they came to explain to her clearly, at that time she blindly believed He Qing's words, and Shan Yisheng never wanted to explain to her, if he wanted to If there is an explanation, things may not end up like this in the end.

"Yiyi, don't blame us. What happened at that time was not as simple as you imagined. He Qing had already plotted against your Yao family's property, and at that time you lost your memory again. Since you were young, you have always been The eldest lady of the Yao family lives a life without worrying about food and clothing. Although she occasionally has a small temper, she is naive and won't be wary of others. To train you, Yisheng let this matter go on like this Yes, you also know how unstable the relationship between the two of you was at that time, he was afraid that he would not be able to stay by your side all the time, that he would not have the chance to protect you for the rest of his life, so he..."

Xiang Heng didn't continue to say the following words, because he clearly saw that Yao Yiyi's eyes were red.

"Yiyi, don't cry, if Yisheng was here, he wouldn't be willing to see you cry, huh?"

"En!" Yao Yiyi nodded vigorously, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes. She is much stronger now than before, but no matter how strong she is, she is still a woman. A woman who loves Shan Yisheng, as long as she thinks about her attitude towards him at the beginning She felt very regretful about that. Was he in a very sad mood at that time?

"I just remembered all the misunderstandings I had with Shan Yisheng and felt sorry for him. How could there be such a fool in the world!"

Yao Yiyi was sobbing and weeping uncontrollably.

Xiang Heng walked to Yao Yiyi's side, stretched out his hand and patted her on the back lightly: "Yiyi, you must know that even I love you less than him."

Yao Yiyi stayed in Xiang Heng's office for a long time, and did not prepare to go back until her mood had completely stabilized.

"Yiyi, it's an extraordinary time. You have to be careful at Yao's house, and be careful what He Qing might do secretly." Xiang Heng explained to her worriedly, and Yao Yiyi nodded obediently.

When they arrived at the company, it was almost time to get off work. Yao Yiyi went upstairs and found that He Qing and Lin Mowan hadn't returned to school. He was surprised and felt that it was expected, maybe they were waiting for her to come back.

"You came back so late?" Not long after Yao Yiyi sat down, He Qing and Lin Mowan came over, "Where did you go?"

"En?" Yao Yiyi raised his head and glanced at them, without saying anything, "I just went out to meet someone."

"Meet someone?" He Qing's brows seemed to wrinkle even more in an instant.

Yao Yiyi's eyes flashed, he nodded, and repeated: "That's right, meet someone."

"Who does it take to meet, does it take a day?" He Qing asked, in fact, how much time was spent is not the point, the point is just who is meeting. Could it be that she went to see Shan Yisheng?

"Chu Cheng." Yao Yiyi seemed to know that she would guess wildly, so he spoke directly without hiding it.

He Qing recalled what Chu Cheng said before that she would not let it go, and immediately became vigilant, looking straight at her: "No matter what Chu Cheng told you, don't believe him!"


"Yao Yiyi, you are really innocent." He Qing thought that Yao Yiyi still didn't know anything, so she glanced at her with disdain, and Lin Mowan, who was next to her, also laughed when she heard He Qing's words.

"Do you still think that Chu Cheng really treats you sincerely? Forget it, Chu Cheng is just a pawn of mine, used to get close to your flag, that's why he stayed by your side for so long."

"Then since that's the case, why are you saying it now?" Yao Yiyi tilted his head to look at her, not surprised by He Qing's words, his expression seemed normal all along.

He Qing was immediately speechless by Yao Yiyi's question, and couldn't figure out why for a while, Lin Mowan glanced at He Qing, and snorted coldly: "Now you already know our purpose for you, no matter how much we hide it from you It doesn't mean anything, does it?"

He Qing nodded quickly, and gave Lin Mowan an appreciative glance. Yao Yiyi remembered what Chu Cheng had said to him, and immediately solved some doubts in her heart.

Chu Cheng said that he didn't mean to hurt her, but He Qing told herself that Chu Cheng was posing as her, and told herself not to believe his words easily, but if Chu Cheng is really just a flag of He Qing now, He Qing would How could you say this to yourself?
Yao Yiyi suddenly remembered that night Chu Cheng risked his life to find him and told him to be careful, but He Qing found out and there was no news.

Perhaps, there are still many things that she doesn't know, so she should talk to Chu Cheng again.

"Chu Cheng didn't say anything to me at first, I have to go back so late, don't you guys go?" Yao Yiyi changed the subject.

"Yao Yiyi, haven't you figured out how to buy Sy Group yet? Now it's almost the time my mother set for you!"

"What's the rush, I naturally have a way to deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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