Chapter 329 New Life
Xiang Heng originally wanted to tease Shan Yisheng, but what he didn't expect was that Shan Yisheng had a smile on his face, but his expression was very serious, "Yes. The most important point, Heng, you are not listed in."

Now it was Xiang Heng's turn to feel puzzled: "Where?"

As a lawyer, Shan Yisheng still cares about his own seriousness and rigor, but now the smile on Shan Yisheng's face is clearly challenging his dignity.

Shan Yisheng smiled, then sat down, and looked at Yao Yiyi affectionately, and at this time the latter also looked at Shan Yisheng with some doubts in his eyes.

This treaty clearly listed Shan Yisheng's various prohibitions, various prohibitions, and even some regulations that even Yao Yiyi thought were a bit too much, but now Shan Yisheng actually said this Treaty or condition left behind?

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Shan Yisheng looked at Xiang Heng: "Heng, I want you to change the last one."

Shan Yisheng's words carried the majesty of a king, but there was an elegant smile on his face, and his eyes were extremely serious when he looked at Xiang Heng.

"How to change it?" Xiang Heng asked subconsciously, apparently feeling a bit of doubt and curiosity about Shan Yisheng's conditions.

"Now here is the last one. If I violate any of the above regulations, you can unconditionally ask Heng to go home one by one." Shan Yisheng said lightly, "I will add one more point here. If I violate If any of the above items are fulfilled, all assets under my Shan Yisheng name will be transferred to Yao Yiyi's name."

The tone is still indifferent, as simple as saying what to eat today.

Just hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Yao Yiyi and Xiang Heng were both startled.

Yao Yiyi was the first to react, "Brother, I don't agree, this matter is related to the matter of the two groups, it's not what we say, it's just a pact in life, it's not countable... ..."

It's just that Yao Yiyi's words were cut off by Xiang Heng: "Duo Duo, you don't believe in Sheng?"

A rhetorical question instantly made Yao Yiyi freeze in place. How could he not believe Yisheng, but this matter has nothing to do with whether he believes it or not, okay?
Yao Yi subconsciously glanced at Shan Yisheng, who looked indifferently, looking at him with a doting smile in his eyes.

"I just feel that these two things should not be mixed together. After all, public and private matters must be distinguished..." Yao Yiyi defended, looking at Xiang Heng without flinching.

But Xiang Heng didn't look at Yao Yiyi again, but looked at Shan Yisheng with some depth in his eyes, and the latter also looked at Xiang Heng with no timidity in his eyes.

I don't know if it was Yao Yiyi's delusion, the two of them laughed brighter than Chunhua, but Yao Yiyi actually felt a silent war between them.

After a long time, Xiang Heng smiled and said: "Sheng, are you planning to exchange money and reputation for Duo Duo's peace of mind?"

The question was extremely sharp, Xiang Heng looked at Shan Yisheng, although he knew that asking this way might make Dodo unhappy, but there are some things that Dodo needs to have the right to know.

"If that's the case, I wouldn't add such an item at the end..." Shan Yisheng squinted his eyes, "This regulation is not for Yiyi's peace of mind, it's just Shan Yisheng's promise to Yao Yiyi, which has nothing to do with it." If our relationship can only be measured by money, then I am not worthy to stand by Yao Yiyi's side and accompany her through so many ups and downs..."

This is probably Shan Yisheng's most uttered words in history, and Yao Yiyi beside him has already burst into tears.

If feelings can really be measured by money, how can two people have what they are today?

It's just that Shan Yisheng, who has always been deep and introverted, will not say these things. The two of them just know it well, but today Shan Yisheng actually said it in front of the most important person in his heart. It is impossible to say that he is not moved. ...

"Yisheng..." Yao Yiyi shouted affectionately, his eyes seemed to be unable to accommodate any man except Shan Yisheng.And Shan Yisheng also looked back affectionately, only to see a certain Xiang Heng, a passerby beside him, curled his lips and sighed helplessly.

Xiang Heng never doubted Shan Yisheng's feelings for Yao Yiyi, because the two were not only good partners, but also very good friends. Xiang Heng still knew Shan Yisheng very well.But it is precisely because of the understanding that I know that all the things and words of this guy Shan Yisheng are stuffed in his heart, and he doesn't say it.

But if you don't say it, how will Dodo know?
That's why Xiang Heng chose to use the aggressive method to let Shan Yisheng confess his heart.

Seeing the two people looking at each other affectionately, Xiang Heng had a satisfied smile on his face.My younger sister has really suffered a lot. It's time for someone to love her well, so that I can feel more at ease...

"Ahem..." Someone coughed, reminding him of his existence.

But obviously the really not good.

"Okay, okay... I really convinced you." Xiang Heng said helplessly, "Under the current situation, if I, as a brother, want to stop me, I'm afraid I will be scolded to death..."

Smiling, the words seemed to be distasteful, but without the slightest malice: "Duoduo, brother will help you pack your things in a while, and I will move out today, hey, so that my brother, me, can worry..."

Yao Yiyi looked at Xiang Heng with gratitude and reluctance in his eyes.

Yao Yiyi didn't have a lot of things, so the three of them packed them up very quickly.

Xiang Heng hugged Yao Yiyi tightly in his arms, and his voice couldn't hide his reluctance: "Duo Duo, if someone bullies you, remember to call me, no matter where my brother is, it must be the first time Come to your side and beat someone up..."

"Well, brother, you... take care too." Yao Yiyi's eyes turned slightly red, remembering that this man has always been by his side to protect him, no matter what harm he suffers, he will always be the first to protect him. Time rushed to his side.

"Heng, actually you can go to my apartment to find Yiyi, you can come anytime you want to see her." Shan Yisheng's tone came, "Besides, I'm not imprisoning Yiyi..."

Although I know that Yao Yiyi and Xiang Heng have a deep relationship, and Yao Yiyi's departure must make Xiang Heng very sad, but the point is that my home doesn't seem to be very far away from here.

The calm, beautiful and elegant Shan Yisheng looked at Xiang Heng's reluctance, and rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Xiang Heng gave Shan Yisheng a hard look, this guy always destroys the atmosphere...

(End of this chapter)

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