Chapter 330
"Duo Duo, Sheng, I wish you happiness." The tone of the word "happiness" was intentionally drawn out very long, and sure enough, Xiang Heng saw Yao Yiyi's slightly reddened face with satisfaction.

But Shan Yisheng domineeringly hugged Yao Yiyi in his arms, with unconcealable joy in his voice: "That's natural."

Looking at the shadow of the car Juechen going away, Xiang Heng showed a satisfied smile on his face, this girl, after going through hardships, finally found her own happiness.

Sheng, you must protect Duoduo well, otherwise, I, Xiang Heng, will be the first to let you go.

And Yao Yiyi's life also started a new chapter in Shan Yisheng's apartment.

Shan Yisheng's bachelor apartment is not in the center of the city. I heard Yisheng said that this is his mother's apartment, and he only lives here temporarily.

At this time, Yao Yiyi had also lived in the apartment for nearly a week.Life in the apartment is naturally greatly improved.

Yao Yiyi still remembered that when he first arrived, the apartment was advertised as dirty and messy, but Shan Yisheng just took a casual look and said that he didn't have time.Yao Yiyi naturally asked why he didn't hire a nanny, who knew that Shan Yisheng replied in a nasty manner, this is his own private space, how can she allow her to interfere?

In the end, Shan Yisheng put his arms around Yao Yiyi, saying ambiguously that his apartment lacks everything, but the only thing missing is a hostess...

Yao Yiyi is helpless, Shan Yisheng will always have an arrogant and indifferent attitude in front of outsiders, but what everyone will never expect is that in private, Shan Yisheng's character is so easy to get along with, domineering yet gentle good man.

It's just that Yao Yiyi knew that in private, it was only in front of him.

So every time Shan Yisheng showed a very real and childlike appearance in front of him, Yao Yiyi felt an inexplicable satisfaction and emotion in his heart.

That kind of feeling is like something that everyone else wants, but it happens to be owned by oneself, which is very satisfying.

At this time, Yao Yiyi was busy with his daily tasks in the apartment, tidying up the room, but what Yao Yiyi didn't know was that the arrival of a person slowly changed Yao Yiyi's original happiness and tranquility. life.


The silver plane landed slowly, leaving no trace in the blue sky.

A stylishly dressed aristocrat walked down slowly, the woman's exquisite makeup was covered by the large red sunglasses, the years of wind and frost did not leave many traces on the woman's face, the wavy curly hair was scattered on the shoulders, and the whole body exuded a smile. This kind of aura makes people stay away unconsciously.

In most people's minds, people who are too noble and glamorous are definitely not easy to get along with.

A bright black Porsche stopped at the gate of the airport, and when the people in the car saw the woman, they hurried over with a respectful and apologetic voice: "Ma'am, something happened to the company, so I'm late, sorry. "

The speaker was Lao Wu, Shan Yisheng's special driver. Although Lao Wu received a high salary, Shan Yisheng drove most of the time by himself.

"It's okay, by the way, Old Wu, how is Yi Sheng doing recently? How is the company?" Xu Zishan asked as she walked towards the car.

Old Wu hurriedly opened the door for Xu Zishan, but he didn't dare to slacken the slightest bit of slack in his voice: "Under the leadership of Mr. Shan, everything is normal in the company."

Xu Zishan smiled in satisfaction when she heard the words: "This child, Yisheng, never knows that I won't worry about it."

"Go to the company." Xu Zishan gave the order like a queen, and Old Wu respectfully agreed.

Xu Zishan supported her hand, looked at the constantly changing scene outside the window, and suddenly felt a feeling of right and wrong.

Time seemed to be like this, passing by in the blink of an eye.

Sure enough, time is not forgiving.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Xu Zishan asked: "Old Wu, does Yisheng not know that I'm back?"

"Ma'am, I rushed over when I received your call, Mr. Shan still doesn't know."

"Well, that's good, let's go to the apartment." Xu Zishan said, but her eyes hadn't been drawn back from the things outside the window.

Old Wu turned the car around, although he was puzzled, but Xu Zishan always said one thing, and Old Wu didn't dare to ask one, two, three.

At the door of the apartment, Old Wu stopped the car and respectfully opened the door for Xu Zishan.


Xu Zishan walked out slowly, looked at the familiar but somewhat unfamiliar apartment in front of her, her eyes suddenly drifted very far away, and suddenly continued to sigh.

"Old Wu, you go back to the company first..." Watching Old Wu turn and leave, Xu Zishan suddenly thought of something, and said again, "Don't tell Yi Sheng about my return, I want to surprise him. "

Slowly walking into the familiar apartment, even though she had worked hard in the shopping mall for many years, the hard-hearted Xu Zishan felt the long-lost warmth, and her heart suddenly softened.

Slowly going upstairs, Xu Zishan's eyes were filled with deep nostalgia and nostalgia. In her memory, too many things happened to Xu Zishan here. Come rolling.

It was just a slight sound of opening the door, but it instantly brought back Xu Zishan's memories.

Xu Zishan frowned, but she was already vigilant in her heart. Xu Zishan knew that this was Yisheng's bachelor apartment, and outsiders were absolutely not allowed to enter unless they got his permission.

Thief?This thought flashed through her mind, Xu Zishan took out her mobile phone and took a few steps back slowly.

It's just that the person who came out was a woman, a beautiful woman...

Xu Zishan squinted her eyes subconsciously, but at this time Yao Yiyi was holding a pile of things, so she didn't see Xu Zishan standing on the stairs looking at her.

When tidying up the study in the morning, Yao Yiyi discovered many of Shan Yisheng's documents that had long expired, and sighed helplessly in his heart, Yisheng is really...

So, he wanted to burn these documents, but what he didn't expect was that Xu Zishan, who had returned, bumped into him.

"Miss, put down what you're holding, or I'll call the police..." Xu Zishan's cold voice rang in Yao Yiyi's ears.

Yao Yiyi didn't expect someone to come into the room, and with a trembling of his hand, documents, large and small, floated in the air like snowflakes.

And Yao Yiyi also saw the woman standing on the stairs looking at him with a frosty face through the gap in the file, with anger shining in her eyes.

The woman's face seemed to be somewhat familiar, but Yao Yiyi couldn't remember where she saw it for a while.

"Hello, may I ask you..." Yao Yiyi wanted to politely ask who the arrogant and glamorous lady in front of him was, but what he didn't expect was that before he could finish his sentence, he was severely slapped. interrupt.

"Seeing that you are still a girl at such a young age, you can actually do such a shameless thing..." While speaking, he picked up a document and looked at it, but his face became even colder in an instant .

"Who appointed you here? If I hadn't happened to meet today, who do you plan to send these documents into?"

Without giving Yao Yiyi a chance to explain, Xu Zishan looked at Yao Yiyi with scrutiny in her eyes, as if Yao Yiyi was a criminal now.

Yao Yi was taken aback, what's the situation now?
But Yao Yiyi knew that the person who was able to enter this house must be Yisheng who had a great relationship, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, as if there was a photo on the table in the study, the woman in the photo was very similar to the woman in front of him .

Could it be... Yisheng's mother?

Yao Yi smiled wryly in his heart, unexpectedly, Yisheng's mother would regard him as a thief as soon as she came back...

Being treated as a criminal is very uncomfortable, Yao Yiyi explained: "Auntie, you misunderstood, I was helping Yisheng tidy up the room, not stealing documents..."

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Xu Zishan gave Yao Yiyi a cold look, and said indifferently, "Don't be too close, since you can enter this room, you naturally know who lives here..."

"Auntie, things are really not what you think." Yao Yiyi took a deep breath, "Look, if I really planned to steal documents, how could I steal documents from a few years ago?"

As he spoke, he handed over a document in his hand.Yao Yiyi intends to speak with facts to convince the woman in front of her.

But facts have proved that sometimes it is very unreliable to speak with facts.

Who knew that Xu Zishan didn't look at the documents in Yao Yiyi's hands at all, and subconsciously took a step back defensively: "If I don't come back, then you will definitely not have these expired documents in your hands now."

Xu Zishan didn't believe Yao Yiyi from the bottom of her heart, so no matter what Yao Yiyi said, she believed that Yao Yiyi was lying.

The most important point is that Xu Zishan always has a sense of crisis when looking at the woman in front of her, especially when Yao Yiyi unconsciously said the word "Yisheng", Xu Zishan felt very harsh.

"Since you don't believe me, then you should believe Yisheng..." Yao Yiyi was really helpless, feeling very powerless against the woman in front of her with her strong words.

Handing over his mobile phone, it is obvious that Shan Yisheng's mobile phone has been dialed.

"Hey, one by one..." A deep and pleasant voice came from the phone, so affectionate, it hurt Xu Zishan's ears in an instant.

"Yi Sheng, there is a thief at home, what do you think should I do?" Xu Zishan's voice sounded, but after the facts were clear, Xu Zishan still believed that Yao Yiyi was the thief.

Yao Yi had to smile helplessly, as if he didn't like his future mother-in-law at first.

"Mom?" The voice over there was obviously more surprised than surprised, which made Xu Zishan frown.

(End of this chapter)

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