Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 333 Selling the Apartment

Chapter 333 Selling the Apartment
What Shan Yisheng didn't expect was that his mother would be so angry, which was beyond Shan Yisheng's expectation.

Looking at the back of his mother leaving angrily, Shan Yisheng suddenly realized that the matter seemed to be more serious than he imagined, and his mother was even more unfavorable to Yao Yiyi than he imagined.

Last night, Shan Yisheng thought about it all night. Things would definitely not be as simple as what Yiyi said. When he walked out of the kitchen, Shan Yisheng found that his favorite blue and white porcelain in the apartment was gone, and Yiyi's hand was also gone. Scratching the wound during the day, Shan Yisheng subconsciously determined that it was actually his mother who was embarrassing Yao Yiyi.

But there is his mother on the one hand, and the woman he loves deeply on the other, which makes Shan Yisheng very embarrassed.As for Yao Yiyi's attitude last night, he obviously didn't want to embarrass himself. Thinking of this, Shan Yisheng felt very guilty for Yiyi.That's why Shan Yisheng wanted to sell this apartment in the morning, and then went to the city center to buy a house as a new house for himself and Yiyi, but what he didn't expect was to make his mother so angry.

Shan Yisheng was thinking, suddenly a pair of slender hands rested on his shoulders, turned around, and saw Yao Yiyi looking at him worriedly.

Shan Yisheng's heart moved, and he wrapped Yao Yiyi's hand in his big hand, so harmonious and warm.

On the other hand, Yao Yiyi took advantage of the situation and buried her face in the man's broad chest, her voice was hoarse as if she had just woken up: "Yihe, don't worry, I'm fine, my aunt treats me...very good"

Yao Yiyi saw everything that happened just now, but Yao Yiyi didn't want Shan Yisheng to make the relationship with his mother so tense because of him.

Listening to Yao Yiyi's words, Shan Yisheng felt that he was really sorry for Yiyi, "Yiyi, my mother..."

Suddenly, it seemed that there was nothing to say, and there seemed to be no need for words like apology between the two of them.Shan Yisheng just hugged Yao Yiyi tightly in his arms, "Yiyi, let's go see the sea, shall we?"

Yao Yiyi naturally knew that Shan Yisheng wanted to relax himself, so he agreed.

But suddenly, as if thinking of something, there was a bit of surprise in the words: "Yihe, you don't go to work today? What about the company's affairs, not that there seems to be something important in the company recently... ..."

Before the word "matter" was uttered, Shan Yisheng interrupted with a doting smile: "Nothing is as important as today's matter, the most important thing for us today is to go for a walk on the beach , relax
The dusk by the sea was cool, and the breeze was blowing slowly. Yao Yiyi felt an unprecedented comfort. He closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the waves, as if all the unhappy things had been left behind in his mind.

Under the setting sun, Yao Yiyi's Qianli figure slid a gentle color on the beach, while Shan Yisheng just stood by and looked at Yao Yiyi with doting eyes.

In Shan Yisheng's eyes, no matter what, Yao Yiyi is the most beautiful.Seeing the sincere smile on Yao Yiyi's face, Shan Yisheng felt an unprecedented satisfaction in his heart.

If there is a woman like this, what more can I ask for?
"Yiyi, what dream do you have?" Shan Yisheng asked unconsciously.

The sound of the sea waves drowned out Shan Yisheng's voice, Yao Yiyi looked back at the man with a smile, and asked loudly: "Yisheng, what were you talking about just now, the sea breeze is too strong, I didn't hear it..."

"It's nothing, it's too cold here, let's go back." Seeing the satisfied smile on Yao Yiyi's face, Shan Yisheng suddenly didn't want to ask what dream Yiyi had.

One by one, do you know, my dream is to open my eyes every day to see your unrestrained and free smile. I hope that one day, we can take our children and take a leisurely stroll by the seaside, never Not so much resistance.

Yao Yiyi smiled and returned to Shan Yisheng's side, with dependence in his voice: "Okay."

The two walked back slowly, their backs cast Chang's shadow on the golden sand, cuddling each other.

The two walked slowly, but suddenly Shan Yisheng stopped his steps and looked ahead, as if he saw something.

Yao Yiyi looked at Shan Yisheng in surprise and asked, "Yisheng, what's the matter, what's the matter?"

Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Shan Yisheng felt his eyes reddened, and when he heard Yao Yiyi's question, he subconsciously replied: "Yiyi, I'll take you to meet someone."

Immediately, without waiting for Yao Yiyi to agree, he took Yao Yiyi and ran on the beach.

Yao Yiyi couldn't hide the surprise in his heart. In his memory, it seemed that it was the first time he saw Yisheng's... gaffe.

What could have caused this tall, extremely calm man to become so restless?

But soon, Yao Yiyi knew the answer to the matter.

Shan Yisheng stopped slowly behind a person, as if hesitating whether to move forward.

Looking at the hunched figure in front of him, Yao Yiyi suddenly realized something, but while Shan Yisheng was still hesitating, he tightly held the man's hand and walked forward slowly.

If I'm not mistaken, that person is...

"Dad..." Yao Yiyi could hear how excited Shan Yisheng's voice was, and there was even a bit of choking.

Yao Yiyi glanced at Shan Yisheng distressedly, and then his eyes fell on the middle-aged man in front of him.

Shan Senheng seemed to be very surprised by Shan Yisheng's appearance, but after the surprise, he was more moved, because Yao Yiyi found that not only Shan Yisheng's eye sockets were reddish, but Shan Senheng's eyes were also in an instant turn red.

Yao Yiyi had thought about seeing Shan Yisheng's parents countless times, but what she never expected was that when she saw Yisheng's mother Xu Zishan, she would treat herself as a thief, and now at the seaside, she actually met Shan Yisheng. Yisheng's father, but to be honest, Yisheng's father looks much gentler than his mother...

"Yisheng..." Shan Senheng's voice was choked up, and then he looked at Yao Yiyi who was beside Shan Yisheng, "This is it?"

In fact, there is no need to explain, Shan Senheng also knows that this is Yisheng's girlfriend, but for some reason, he still wants to hear Yisheng say it with his own ears, as if it is like that, his heart has settled down.

I and Xu Zishan divorced relatively early, and there are many things that Yisheng can't take care of, which makes Shan Senheng feel very guilty.So Shan Senheng very much hoped that there would be a good girl by Shan Yisheng's side to take good care of Yisheng.

Carefully observing the girl next to his son, Shan Senheng said with a satisfied expression on his face, "Okay..."

Yao Yiyi introduced himself: "Hi Uncle, I'm Yao Yiyi."

(End of this chapter)

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