Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 334 Meeting Single Dad

Chapter 334 Meeting Single Dad
"Dad, Yiyi is your future daughter-in-law." Shan Yisheng continued, with a smile and pampering that could not be concealed in his expression and voice.

And Shan Senheng looked at his son's appearance, and he knew how deep the relationship between the two was. Although he didn't take care of Yisheng for a long time, he knew his son like a father, and Shan Senheng knew his son very well. , once emotional, it will go deeper and deeper.

Looking at the two, Shan Senheng had a satisfied smile on his face.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he warmly invited the two of them to have dinner at home: "Yisheng, you two haven't had dinner yet, come home with me and have dinner..."

The enthusiasm in Shan Senheng's words and the expectation in his expression made Shan Yisheng and Yao Yiyi unable to bear to refuse. In addition, the two of them had not had dinner so far, so they just looked at each other, and then I understood the meaning in the eyes of both parties.

Yao Yi only knew that Yisheng's parents had divorced when Yisheng was very young, but Shan Yisheng never told him the specific reason, let alone that Shan Senheng had re-established a family now.

When the three felt Shan Senheng's home, a gentle female voice came slowly, "Senheng, you are back..."

Just as the voice fell, a woman came out of the kitchen.

She was only about forty years old, with a dignified appearance, like a good wife and mother, when she saw Shan Yisheng and Yao Yiyi again, she was obviously stunned for a moment.

Under such circumstances, Yao Yiyi suddenly didn't know what to say, while Shan Yisheng stood aside, obviously speechless.

Shan Senheng smiled and said to the woman: "Shu Li, this is Yisheng, and her girlfriend..."

There was no embarrassment in her words, but when Chen Shuli heard Yisheng, surprise flashed in her eyes, and it was fleeting, and then she warmly invited the two of them to eat together.

There was no intention of blaming Shan Senheng in the expression and words. Yao Yiyi looked at Chen Shuli's appearance, and suddenly understood something in his heart, and said with a smile: "Auntie, I'm sorry to bother you so late..."

"It's not a problem, it's not a problem, we rarely have people here, it will be lively if there are too many people..." Looking at Yao Yiyi's eyes filled with smiles, "Boss, the second child has guests, come out quickly... "

Immediately, two teenage children ran out, surrounding Shan Yisheng and Yao Yi with very curious eyes, and one of the older children frowned and asked, "Father, who is this brother?" Who, looks like you..."

The so-called Tongyan Wuji, but Yao Yiyi could clearly feel the stiff body of the man beside him, and sighed helplessly in his heart.

And Shan Senheng looked at Shan Yisheng with a flash of apology, and before he could speak, Chen Shuli smiled and said, "This is Tongtong's brother, remember to call him brother when we meet in the future, remember Tongtong? "

The child nodded sensible and cute, "Oh, I see."

Chen Shuli saw that the child was so sensible, and a trace of relief flashed across her face.

And Yao Yiyi looked at Chen Shuli, and suddenly understood why Dad Shan chose to divorce.Although the woman in front of her was far behind Xu Zishan in appearance and temperament, she was a real woman, no, it should be said that she was a real woman that a man needed.

Although I haven't had much contact with Xu Zishan, and I have heard some rumors about Xu Zishan in the past, she is nothing more than a strong woman, a rare opponent in the market, etc., but Yao Yiyi is very sure at this moment, Xu Zishan may be a strong woman in the mall, but she is definitely not a good woman at home, and all a man needs is a woman who can take care of the house.

Shan Yisheng looked at the happy family in front of him, his eyes shone with envy.

Glancing at his own father, he seemed to realize that the father he had always admired when he was young was now slightly white on the sideburns, and the wind and frost of the years had ruthlessly eroded him after all.


Xu Zishan sat alone on the sofa, quietly thinking about Yisheng's attempt to sell the apartment this morning, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong.

The obedient son in his memory seemed to be able to resist him after meeting Yao Yiyi, the most important thing is that the status of that woman in Yisheng's heart is higher than his own.

This made Xu Zishan feel a sense of crisis, as if some important things were slowly disappearing in her life...

Fortunately, I came back earlier, otherwise things would definitely get out of hand. Now that the two are not married, I must stop this matter.

Thinking of this, Xu Zishan showed a stern expression on her face, picked up her mobile phone, and dialed the number.

And here, Shan Yisheng and Yao Yiyi were sitting at the dining table, seeing their father and family smiling happily and warmly, they suddenly felt very moved in their hearts, and also...envious.

Once upon a time, I had such a family, but it was ruthlessly destroyed.

Chen Shuli smiled and prepared dishes for Shan Yisheng, saying that there is nothing delicious at home, so just eat whatever you want, while Shan Senheng looked at Chen Shuli with a satisfied and happy smile on his face.

Bowing his head and putting the food in his mouth, Shan Yisheng suddenly felt his heart was warm and warm, and his voice was slow but firm: "Thank you, auntie, it's really delicious."

The steam from the food slowly blurred Shan Yisheng's eyes.

Yao Yiyi has been paying attention to Shan Yisheng's expression. Naturally, he saw the envious expression in the latter's eyes, but felt distressed in his heart.

It is obviously a simple dinner for ordinary people, but it is Yisheng's lifelong dream.

He stretched out his hand quietly, holding the man's hand tightly, hoping to give Shan Yisheng some warmth. Feeling Yao Yiyi's movement, the man turned his head, with a bit of gratitude in his eyes, and a little bit of love. relieved.

Without that phone call, this meal would be the happiest meal Shan Yisheng had in his life.

Looking at the familiar number, Shan Yisheng frowned slightly.After picking up the phone, after saying a few words, Shan Yisheng had a somewhat apologetic expression on his face.

Chen Shuli didn't feel unhappy at all, and there was a bit of worry in her expression: "Yisheng, is there something important?"

After a meal, everyone became cordial.

"Auntie, it's nothing serious, you don't have to worry, but I'm sorry, I have to go back now." Saying that, he glanced at Xiang Senheng and Chen Shuli apologetically.

Shan Senheng frowned, as if thinking of something: "I'll take you out."

At the door of the hut, Shan Senheng seemed to be worried: "Is it your mother?"

For some reason, Shan Senheng had an intuition that this call must be from Xu Zishan, and he saw Shan Yisheng nodding his head.

After a long time, just when Yao Yiyi thought that Shan Senheng would not say anything, Shan Senheng said: "Yisheng, there are some things that your mother has to do, and you know your mother's temper, she is always so persistent." Be strong, sometimes, let her be a bit..."

Yao Yiyi and Shan Yisheng were stunned at the same time, they didn't expect Shan Senheng to say such words.

Shan Yisheng took a deep look at his father, and said with a bit of solemnity in his voice, "Dad, I understand."

Yao Yiyi sighed deeply in his heart. The marriage between Shan Senheng and Xu Zishan was a mistake, but fortunately, the two realized it earlier, so they chose to divorce, and Shan Senheng had already found his own. As for Xu Zishan, the woman who always thinks she is superior, is actually the most pitiful woman...

It's just that Xu Zishan never admits it, or maybe Xu Zishan just maintains her superficial aloofness, and she must be very lonely in the middle of the night.

Yao Yiyi suddenly remembered who said something, the higher you stand, the colder you feel...

On the way back, Shan Yisheng suddenly felt inexplicably tired and kept silent, while Yao Yiyi naturally felt Shan Yisheng's tiredness, and the two of them held hands tightly, conveying strength to each other.

in the apartment.

Yao Yi couldn't believe it, and Shan Yisheng beside him was obviously very angry.

"Mom, what do you mean?" Yao Yiyi tugged Shan Yisheng's sleeve fiercely, signaling him not to be impulsive, although he felt very incredible about Xu Zishan's proposal.

"The literal meaning, don't you understand?" Xu Zishan frowned, obviously dissatisfied with the two people's reactions.

"Yiyi and I live well, why are we separated, Mom, I don't agree with this matter..." Shan Yisheng clearly expressed his attitude with a strong voice.

"Auntie, I think the same thing as Yisheng about this matter. Although I know you don't like me, I am trying to change myself. I hope you can give me a chance to prove that I can stand on the side of Yisheng. by my side." Yao Yiyi looked at the woman in front of him with a firm expression on his face.

Listening to the strong words of the two, Xu Zishan's chest heaved with anger, her voice was a little anxious, she looked at Shan Yisheng: "Yisheng, let me ask you one last time, are you separated or not? "

Shan Yisheng glanced at his mother indifferently, and suddenly understood why his father chose to divorce his mother, and said in a calm voice, "Mom, I will not agree to this matter, and you should stop talking about it..."

After speaking, he was about to drag Yao Yiyi upstairs, then suddenly turned to Xu Zishan and said, "Mom, why don't you give others a chance, don't always be so aggressive."

Perhaps Xu Zishan didn't notice it, but Yao Yiyi did. When he said this, a look of pain flashed across Shan Yisheng's face.

In fact, Shan Yisheng who said this sentence is the most painful, after all, it is his mother...

Xu Zishan's angry voice came from behind: "You guys, you guys... Yisheng, you will regret it..."

(End of this chapter)

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