Chapter 335 Family Story
Yao Yiyi finally knew what Xu Zishan meant by regret.

When the two woke up in the morning, they realized that Xu Zishan had disappeared.All the salutes disappeared in the apartment, as if there had never been such a person among the co-workers, but Yao Yiyi knew in his heart that something had changed.

Shan Yisheng looked at his mother's empty bedroom, a look of pain flashed across his handsome face, when Yao Yiyi walked into Xu Zishan's bedroom, he saw Shan Yisheng sitting on the bed with a look of pain in his eyes.

Walking slowly to the man's side, Yao Yiyi sat down.

I have never seen Shan Yisheng so fragile. It seems that in my impression, men always look like they are fine when the sky is falling. Is the man in front of me really the calm Shan Yisheng?
Yao Yi had a distressed look in his eyes: "Yisheng..."

In fact, Yao Yiyi wanted to ask Yisheng if there was anything wrong with you, but the problem is that even if you ask, what can you do? Under the current situation, all words have become pale and powerless, and only long-term company is the best. Long confession.

Yisheng, you must be very regretful in your heart, right?Yisheng, don't be afraid, one by one will always be by your side, standing behind you, watching your every move, you are never alone, you know?
For a long time, it seemed that the atmosphere in the air had become silent, and only the heartbeats of the two people could be heard in the silence, as if the whole world stopped the hustle and bustle at that moment.

"Yiyi, thank you." Shan Yisheng spoke slowly, with a somewhat hoarse voice.

Yiyi, thank you very much for standing by Shan Yisheng's side and silently supporting him when he was weak.

Yao Yiyi didn't speak, but his expression said it all. There was no thank you between him and Shan Yisheng.

"My father and my mother have been divorced since I was very young." Shan Yisheng said suddenly, his eyes suddenly became a little bit erratic, but there was a faint sneer in his voice, "Actually, my father has always He is a very gentle man, every time he has anything to do with my mother, he will be tolerant in every possible way..."

This is the first time that Shan Yisheng told himself the story of his childhood, so Yao Yiyi listened carefully, feeling the pain of Shan Yisheng, Yao Yiyi tightly held the man's hand, wanting to give He is encouraging and warm.

"As for my mother, everyone only knows that she is a strong woman in the mall, invincible all over the mall, hehe, everyone just envies my dad for being so lucky to marry such a woman, but in fact, only we know, we Dad, how miserable is he..."

"At that time, my mother would definitely not stay at home for more than a day. In my memory, I seem to have never seen my mother's shadow, whether it was on my father's or my birthday, although she often called me a lot. money, and asked me to buy anything, but at that time, what I hoped most was that my mother could accompany me and my father at home, even if it was just a simple day, almost every birthday was accompanied by my father Let me tell you, your mother is working hard outside for you to have a better life, she doesn’t care about herself, and she tells herself that she will understand when she grows up..."

Speaking of this, Shan Yisheng took a deep breath, and those distant memories came rolling in with the words. I thought that the world would gradually erase all traces of things, but what we don't know is that some things happen at will. As time goes by, it will become more and more clear, leaving indelible traces in memory.

"But Yiyi, do you know that they didn't wait for me to grow up, they... already got divorced." Shan Yisheng smiled lightly, with bitterness in his mouth, "I went to high school abroad. Mom, she almost never called me once, all the calls were from my dad, telling me to let me study abroad, everything at home was fine, there was nothing wrong with me at that time Really naive, I took my father's white lies as a beautiful reality. I didn't know until I came back from abroad that my father and my mother had already divorced. In order not to distract me, the two made an agreement. Don't let me know about one thing..."

Yao Yiyi has never let go of the man's hand. The man's palm is so generous. When he needs it, he is always desperate to give him warmth. Now these hands need the same warmth, and he must be the source of that warmth. .

"I used to hate my dad, hated him for not telling me the truth, hehe, at that time I naively thought that if I had known about this matter earlier, I would have rushed back from abroad earlier, maybe I could have made it in time, is allowed……"

Yao Yiyi knew what Shan Yisheng meant, and seeing Shan Yisheng's pained appearance, his heart ached even more, "Yisheng, this matter is not your fault, even if you came back at that time..."

Before Yao Yiyi finished speaking, he was interrupted by the man: "Yiyi, you are right, even if I came back at that time, the result would still be the same, there will be no change because of my return, just I was not reconciled at the time..."

"I still remember asking my mother why I was crazy at that time. I will always remember that my mother's expression was so indifferent at that time, and she explained everything..."

"I still remember hearing the news of my father's remarriage. My mother just smiled contemptuously, but I felt a nameless anger in my heart. I once wanted to go and spoil their wedding scene..."

Speaking of this, Shan Yisheng suddenly laughed, but his voice was full of bitterness: "Yiyi, am I ridiculous..."

"Yisheng..." Yao Yiyi said, his voice was full of distress.

"But when I saw my dad again and saw how happy their family was, I suddenly understood that my dad and my mom were never suitable. Even if they were together, it was very reluctant. Okay, I'm very relieved, I can tell that that woman is a good wife, a good mother..."

The envious look on Shan Yisheng's face hurt Yao Yiyi's eyes deeply. After being with Yisheng for such a long time, it seemed that he never knew that there were so many sufferings in the man's heart.

That is to say, from that moment on, Yao Yiyi vowed secretly in his heart that he must give Yisheng a warm home, no matter what price he paid.

Obviously it is such an ordinary wish, but for Yisheng, it is a dream out of reach, unable to enjoy the warmth that all families should have, Yao Yiyi never knew that there was actually a dream in the heart of that tall and invincible man. Such deep pain.

At that moment, Yao Yiyi suddenly felt that he seemed to have never had a good understanding of Yisheng, and never knew that there were so many difficulties in Yisheng's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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