Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 336 Persuading a Single Mother

Chapter 336 Persuading a Single Mother
Xu Zishan did not leave, but found a high-end hotel in the city center to live in, because Xu Zishan believed that Yisheng would bow to her, her son, Xu Zishan still knew very well, filial piety, is the biggest advantage of Yisheng .

At the same time, it is also the most convenient place for Xu Zishan to use.

His running away and disappearing was just a means and method to force his son to bow his head.

In the apartment, looking at the man with tightly furrowed brows in his sleep, Yao Yiyi sighed in distress, "Yi Sheng, I don't want you to be in trouble, if this is the case, then I will help you make a decision .

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and helped Shan Yisheng tuck the corner of the quilt, then walked out of the room and dialed the phone.

The voice on the other side of the phone was full of surprises that could not be concealed: "Duoduo, why did you remember to call me?"

"Brother, I want you to do something for me..."

Listening to Yao Yiyi's words, the over there suddenly gradually became silent. After a long time, there was a bit of seriousness in the voice over there, as if thinking about something: "Duo Duo, have you decided?"

"Well, brother, I've already made up my mind on this matter, so don't try to persuade me anymore." Yao Yiyi's voice was firm, without any wavering.

Sure enough, Xiang Heng sighed from over there: "Duoduo, since you have already made up your mind, I can't say anything. At 02:30 in the afternoon, you are waiting for me at the time coffee shop, and I will give you what you want." I'll tell you what I know."

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to say, just call himself, but after thinking about it, he nodded and agreed: "Okay."

But Xiang Heng who hung up the phone was lost in thought. After a long time, he sighed deeply and murmured, this silly girl...

Then he dialed the phone: "Help me find out which hotel Xu Zishan is staying at."

Time Cafe.

Looking at Xiang Heng who walked over from afar, Yao Yiyi's eyes were filled with surprise and miss, "Brother."

Xiang Heng's complexion seemed a little stinky: "No, this is what you want to know."

Looking at the address on the business card, Yao Yiyi showed a happy smile on his face, and then sweetly said to Xiang Heng: "Brother, thank you."

In front of Xiang Heng, Yao Yiyi always felt that she always acted like a baby, as if she would never grow up. If she really had so many wings and could take care of herself so that she would never grow up, how much would that be? it is good……

Turning around and wanting to leave, Xiang Heng's very unhappy but helpless voice came from behind: "Silly girl, are you really happy doing this?"

Hearing Xiang Heng's worried words, Yao Yiyi felt his eyes turn red. In fact, Xiang Heng will always be the one who worries about him the most and knows himself best.

Yes, are you happy?The answer is definitely not happy.

Turning around, there was still a smile on his face, but it was mixed with a bit of bitterness: "Brother, I have no choice in this matter, because I don't want to embarrass Yi Sheng, you don't know, I have never seen Yi Sheng. Sheng looks so fragile, I... really feel bad..."

Because of her distress and caring, even if she wronged herself, Yao Yiyi felt that it didn't matter.

Xiang Heng looked at Yao Yiyi's expression, with worry on his face, and strode over, his tone was not so loud, but worried: "Duo Duo, brother will always be your backing, if you If you have been wronged, just tell me, and I will always protect you."

Because you are my only sister.

"Brother, thank you." The smile on the corner of his mouth widened a bit, "Brother, I'm fine, as long as Yi Sheng can be happy, that's what I'm happiest, although things between the two of us have been hindered a little , but I believe that I will be able to serve customers, and I will definitely let Yi Sheng's mother accept me, otherwise, how can I be your sister?"

The half-joking words instantly relaxed the atmosphere between the two of them.

Xiang Heng rubbed Yao Yiyi's hair helplessly: "Of course, I don't want to see who my sister Xiang Heng is."

"So, brother, don't worry, I will handle it well." Glancing at Xiang Heng, "Then, brother, I will go to her first, no matter how many difficulties lie ahead, I will not give up. "

"Enen, let's go." Xiang Heng said, looking at the back of Yao Yiyi turning away.

I hope everything will go well. I thought it was the right choice for Sheng to take Duoduo back to live, but now it seems that things are not as smooth as I imagined.

The single mother is not optimistic about Dodo, so Dodo's future path must be very difficult, but Dodo don't give up, brother, I will always support you forever.

If one day, Dodo, you can't go on anymore, you must know that your brother is still standing behind you.

Yao Yiyi called a taxi, looking at the address on the card, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, Yao Yiyi knew that Xu Zishan must have done it on purpose, if he really wanted to leave, why would he choose the largest taxi in the city center? Checking in the hotel allows Xiang Heng to easily find out where she lives. Since Xiang Heng can find out, then Yi Sheng must also be able to find out easily. In fact, this is Xu Zishan's real purpose, which is to make herself bow her head. Or Yisheng bowed his head.

Although he saw Xu Zishan's purpose clearly, the real situation was that he had to bow his head, his eyes full of bitterness. Yao Yiyi admitted that there were 1 people in him who didn't want to see Xu Zishan, but as long as he thought of Yisheng had a painful look on his face, and he had to make up his mind.

Yao Yiyi knew that Yisheng would not have fallen out with Xu Zishan if it wasn't for him, so because of Yisheng, this grievance couldn't be counted as a grievance.

Looking at the big Xingyu Hotel in front of him, Yao Yiyi took a deep breath, took the elevator directly, and entered the tenth floor of the hotel.

Yao Yiyi knew that this was the place where he would negotiate with Xu Zishan.

At this time, Xu Zishan was sitting leisurely on the sofa watching TV, but her eyes were full of pride. No matter what, that woman Yao Yiyi was not pleasing to her eyes, so she would never agree to the two of them. Things, this is my bottom line.

In fact, Xu Zishan once thought about trying to accept Yao Yiyi, but no matter how hard she tried, she was still unable to accept her. Perhaps there was always an inexplicable conflict between women. That's how it is...

His thoughts were indeed interrupted by the sound of the doorbell, and the corner of Xu Zishan's mouth curled up. It seemed that his position in Yisheng's heart was still very important.

Xu Zishan got up slowly to open the door, but when she saw the woman standing in front of the door, there was a bit of surprise and a bit of unconcealable anger in her eyes.

I thought it was my son Yisheng who would stand in front of me with a face full of remorse, but what I didn't expect was that Yao Yiyi was standing in front of me. For a moment, Xu Zishan wanted to slam the door again. Close it hard.But the woman in front of her said: "Auntie, what happened before was wrong with Yisheng, can you go back, if you are outside, Yisheng is really worried..."

Seeing the woman who was so arrogant yesterday standing obediently in front of her, begging herself in a low voice, she felt an indescribable pleasure in her heart, but Xu Zishan still heard her sneering voice: "Didn't you still swear yesterday that you would rather die than surrender?" Well, you are pretending to be pitiful here now, Yao Yiyi, you are really hypocritical..."

Xu Zishan's ironic voice came from beside her ear, but Yao Yiyi didn't fight back, she still had a low eyebrow and a pleasing expression, but her voice was not humble: "Auntie, in fact, our purpose is the same after all. They all hope that Yisheng can be happy, don’t they? I know that if you and Yisheng quarrel, Yisheng will definitely not be happy, so I hope you can go back..."

Xu Zishan admitted that when she heard Yao Yiyi's words, she felt very relieved, but after all, the most important thing in Yisheng's heart was herself, wasn't she?

Just looking at the face with a cold and unchanging expression in front of him, I felt as unspeakably uncomfortable as if I had eaten a fly.

"Going back is very simple, it's just..." Xu Zishan looked at the woman in front of her, and suddenly elongated her tone.

"Auntie, don't worry, Yisheng and I will definitely live separately according to your request. After all, we are not married yet." Yao Yiyi felt that his voice had sunk into the dust, so humble.

For the first time, for the one I love, I am so humble, but I don't have any dissatisfaction.

"I've also considered this point. After all, you and Yisheng are not married yet. If you live together, it will definitely attract criticism. It's not good for Yisheng's reputation, is it?"

Xu Zishan looked at her nails casually, and looked at the woman in front of her leisurely, but what she said was a little aggressive.

"Auntie, you are right. For Yisheng's reputation, I will...separate from Yisheng." It turned out that I could say the word separation so calmly, with a bitter smile on my face, but Yao Yi Yi still looked at Xu Zishan, calmly said what she should say, as long as Xu Zishan can go back, any difficulty can be overcome.

"Since this is the case, I will go back. You go back first, and I will go back after I pack up my things." Xu Zishan still had a bad tone, commanding Yao Yiyi like a queen.

Yao Yiyi bent over to Xu Zishan, and then slowly left.

From the beginning to the end, Yao Yiyi always had a decent smile on his face. From the beginning to the end, Yao Yiyi never took a step into the house. From the beginning to the end, Yao Yiyi tightly clenched... his hands.

But at the moment of getting into the taxi, tears could no longer be suppressed.

Yisheng, I'm sorry, I hope you will be fine, our relationship has not changed, I hope that through my own efforts, I can get your mother's affirmation, and then we will be together openly and aboveboard.

Yisheng, wait for me.

(End of this chapter)

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