Chapter 337

Xu Zishan finally returned to the apartment. When Shan Yisheng woke up and saw her mother standing beside her, she knew what was going on.

It's just that Shan Yisheng didn't relax at all in his heart. If his mother came back, it would mean a compromise one by one, for himself...

Hehe, Shan Yisheng, in vain you are still a dignified CEO, you are a leader in the business world, but you can't even handle your own life well...

"Yisheng, Yao Yiyi has already agreed to my conditions, so from now on, the two of you must live separately, and you start living together before you get married, what will it look like..." Xu Zishan looked at her son, but There was still a bit of anger in the voice, obviously dissatisfied with Yao Yiyi.

"Mom, Yiyi is really good, why don't you try to accept Yiyi?" Shan Yisheng didn't get up, his voice was exhausted.

"I just don't like her. Yisheng, any woman is fine, but she's the only one who can't. In short, I feel a headache when I see her. So, Yisheng, I don't agree if you want to marry her." Xu Zishan's words were inevitably childish, but Shan Yisheng felt helpless and sad for a while.

"Mom, believe me, as long as you give Yiyi time, she will become a good daughter-in-law in your heart. Even if you don't believe in Yiyi, don't you believe in your own son?" Shan Yisheng's tone was full of bitterness. , looking at his mother with pain in her expression.

Seeing the painful look on her son's face, Xu Zishan frowned slightly, "Yisheng, tell me, are you serious about Yao Yiyi?"

Listening to his mother's words, Shan Yisheng suddenly felt a little funny. Both he and Yao Yiyi wanted to get married, and now his mother asked himself if he really wanted to marry Yao Yiyi. marry.

At first, I thought that there would be no obstacles between the two of us, but I didn't expect that in the end, the biggest obstacle came from my mother.

"Mom, Yiyi and I have experienced so many things that you don't know, even experienced life and death, isn't that enough?" Shan Yisheng tried to convince his mother.

"Yisheng, marriage is not a child's play. This matter must be considered carefully. Besides, you are not very old now, and there are still many choices..."

Before Xu Zishan finished speaking, she was interrupted by Shan Yisheng sternly: "Mom, Yiyi and I have passed the age of vows and vows. The reason why we choose to get married is not only because we love each other, but also because we love each other. We trust each other and know in our hearts that we are the best choice for each other. We are not children and have already passed the impulsive age, so Mom, I hope you can give me and Yi Yi a chance. Over the years, I have never asked for it You, even if your son begs you this time, okay?"

The painful expression on Shan Yisheng's face made Xu Zishan feel very uncomfortable, but Xu Zishan still insisted, and did not change her mind because of Shan Yisheng's pain: "Yisheng, don't worry, no matter what, Mom will definitely Help you find a woman who is more suitable for you than Yao Yiyi."

After finishing speaking, Xu Zishan suddenly didn't dare to look at her son's face, and hurried out of the room.

From Xu Zishan's point of view, this Yao Yiyi must have used some kind of demon method to fascinate her son, otherwise how could her son not marry that woman now.

Listening to her mother's words, Shan Yisheng sighed deeply again, with helplessness in her voice, Mom, why don't you understand.

The reason why two people can be together is because they are suitable for each other. How can there be a woman who is more suitable for you than Yiyi in this world...

And Yao Yiyi began to live apart from Shan Yisheng from the day Xu Zishan returned to the apartment. They were obviously under the same roof, and they were obviously in love with each other, but they didn't have the slightest freedom...

In order to let his brother not worry, Yao Yiyi did not tell Xiang Heng about this matter, but it did not mean that Xiang Heng, a shrewd man, did not know.

In Shan Yisheng's office, the expressions on the faces of the two men were very bad.

"Sheng, what does your mother mean?" Xiang Heng pushed open the door and came in, asking.

When she first moved to Shan Yisheng's apartment, Shan Yisheng swore to protect Dodo well, but now Dodo has suffered such a big grievance, in order not to worry herself, she doesn't tell herself , but I am her brother, how could I not care about such a thing?
Looking at the extremely excited and angry Xiang Heng, Shan Yisheng was speechless, looked at Xiang Heng with guilt in his eyes, and his voice was full of guilt: "Heng, I didn't think carefully about this matter, I didn't I didn't expect that my mother would choose to come back at this time, which made Yi Yi suffer such a big grievance..."

Looking at the guilt and remorse on Shan Yisheng's face, Xiang Heng took a deep breath. Xiang Heng knew that this incident was not at all to blame for the man in front of him. On one side was his mother and on the other was his beloved woman. It's not a good choice to put this matter on anyone's body, right?
Xiang Heng took a deep breath again, "Yisheng, I know this is a difficult decision for you, but as Dodo's brother, the last thing I want to see is Dodo If you are wronged, you are my brother, and Dodo is my biological sister. If the two of you are together, if you can be happy, I will definitely offer my blessings, but if... Dodo receives a lot from you. Big grievance, even like now...Because of your mother's relationship, I separated from you, I think it is necessary for me to stand up for Duoduo..."

He paused for a while, as if he had thought of something, and there was a bit of self-deprecating taste in his voice: "This silly girl, in order not to worry you, I found out about my aunt here, but I don't know where she is. What a grievance..."

As soon as Xiang Heng finished speaking, a flash of shock flashed in Shan Yisheng's eyes, but then all kinds of complex expressions came up together.

One by one, I never told myself about this matter.

"Heng, give me some more time, and I will take care of everything." Shan Yisheng's expression was full of exhaustion, and even Xiang Heng could not bear to see it.

It seemed that he wanted to say something, but in the end Xiang Heng swallowed it back: "Sheng, I always choose to believe in you. No matter what the outcome of this matter is, I hope that Dodo will be hurt as little as possible."

Looking into Shan Yisheng's eyes, Xiang Heng's eyes were full of expectation.

Xiang Heng knows that no matter what the outcome of this matter is, it will definitely be Dodo who will be hurt in the end, but now his request is only to minimize the harm to Dodo, how the matter will develop, or do what is best, listen Destiny.

Dodo, brother can help you, that's all.

(End of this chapter)

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