Chapter 339 Preparedness
Walking leisurely on the empty road, I have never seen so many expressions on a woman's face, seemingly helpless, sad and sighing...

What surprised Ji Xi the most was that the woman on the road didn't look disgusted after seeing the trash, she walked over naturally and threw the trash in the trash can, so calm and at ease , unlike ordinary women who avoid garbage when they see it.

Such subconscious actions made Ji Xi feel very cordial.

Although I don't know the woman's name now, but because of Yao Yiyi's actions and behavior, I feel very relaxed and inexplicably happy.

Ji Xi thought to himself, today must be a sunny day.

After breakfast, Yao Yiyi tidied himself up, because Yao Yiyi knew that today was the most important day for the Yao family, and he absolutely could not lose this bidding.

The phone rang suddenly, looking at the familiar phone number, Yao Yiyi's mouth curved slightly.

"Hey, Yisheng." Yao Yiyi's voice was full of nostalgia, as expected, he hadn't seen her for a day, like three autumns.

"Yiyi, how have you been these two days?" Shan Yisheng's voice was as pleasant as the magnetism in his memory, and his voice was full of longing just like Yao Yiyi.

"I'm fine, Yisheng, don't worry about me." Yao Yiyi controlled her desire to cry, but the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"Yiyi, how is the cooperation with Xili Group going?" Shan Yisheng's tone was full of worry.

In fact, it was only a day's absence, but the thoughts in the hearts of the two people are already tens of thousands.

"The cooperation case is progressing well. The bidding starts today. As long as I can win this bidding, everything will be fine in the future..."

When mentioning the cooperation with Xili Group, Yao Yi felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart.

"Well, that's good, let's work hard one by one." After a pause, Shan Yisheng thought of something and said, "Yiyi, I miss you, do you miss me?"

The deep and hoarse voice was somewhat charming, gently making Yao Yiyi feel a softness in his heart, but his eyes were slightly red, and there was a bit of choking in his voice: "I want to."

The voice over there seemed to become much lighter in an instant, "Well, Yiyi, come on, Yisheng will always support you."

Gently hung up the phone, Yao Yiyi tightly clenched the phone, as if the man's temperature was still on the phone, so warm, as if the man's words were still echoing in his ears.

Yisheng and Yao Yiyi will definitely work hard.

In the office, Shan Yisheng looked at the phone that had been hung up, and there was still a happy smile on the corner of his mouth. Although the two had separated now, the relationship between the two was closer.

However, suddenly, as if thinking of something, he picked up the phone and dialed the number: "Help me find out where the bidding site of Xili Group is today."

After a while, a clear and crisp voice rang out: "It's at 201, Area A, a high-rise building."

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he walked out of the office slowly.

Yao Yiyi looked at the towering building in front of him, and took a deep breath. This is Yao Yi's subconscious action. Whenever he encounters important things, he can't help but take a deep breath. Cheer up, and while doing so, relax your mind.

In this bidding, I must win.

Stepping into the high-rise building, Yao Yiyi realized that all kinds of people gathered, apparently for this bidding, all of them were handsome and handsome in suits and leather shoes, and only he was alone, fighting alone.

After finding 201, Yao Yiyi first found a place to sit down, quietly waiting for the start of the bidding activity, and at the same time, Yao Yiyi was also observing the activities of the crowd.

It's nothing more than the top executives of some companies exchanging greetings, trying to get as much business as possible for their own companies.Yao Yiyi frowned, he actually hated this purposeful gathering the most.

Suddenly, everyone became surprised, because Yao Yiyi clearly heard the commotion among the crowd, followed everyone's gaze, and saw a fashionable modern girl appearing in front of everyone.

Yao Yiyi admitted that the woman in front of her was very beautiful, with wavy curly yellow hair and a shawl, wide sunglasses covering her fair face, bright red lipstick with a bit of wildness, and the most important thing was that the visitor was dressed in tight black The windbreaker set off his fiery figure. Yao Yiyi could clearly see some oily old men staring lewdly at this bold and open woman with obscene eyes, which made Yao Yiyi frown in disgust.

But why does this woman look familiar?
Images of some characters flashed through my mind. This woman seemed to be Ning Mengna, the female boss of Diming Advertising Company.I have to say that Ning Mengna is a stunner who causes nosebleeds, and she rarely appears on the scene, but because of this, every time Ning Mengna goes out of the country, it will always cause people to scream and men's eyes to tighten to follow.

Yao Yiyi basically had no contact with this woman, so she didn't know who Ning Mengna was, but looking at the eyes of everyone, this woman must also be the leader of the mall.

There are only two reasons why a woman can stand in this position. The first is that there is a man behind her who can support her, and the second is that this woman is ruthless enough.

But whether it was the former or the latter, Yao Yiyi knew that this woman was not something he could provoke.

But what everyone didn't know was that at this moment Ji Xi was smiling at the man in front of him, and his voice was difficult to distinguish between emotions and anger.

"I really want to know, where did Mr. Shan get his confidence? I'm so sure that I can accept Yao Yiyi?" Ji Xi looked at the man in front of him calmly, but there was a hint of persecution in his voice.

Just when I was about to go out in the morning, I ran into Shan Yisheng who came uninvited, but Shan Yisheng went straight in, directly explaining the purpose of coming here.

Yao Yiyi?Ji Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, the name seemed very familiar.

A flash of light flashed in my mind, and a beautiful handwriting suddenly appeared in my mind...

Ji Xi naturally knew that the purpose of Yao Yiyi's doing this was just to attract his attention, but what Ji Xi had to admit was that he was indeed attracted by Yao Yiyi's approach, although until now I have never met Yao Yiyi in person, and I don't know how Yao Yiyi behaves in the world, but just relying on the sound of last night, it is indeed very good.

But this morning, Shan Yisheng, a man full of legends, wanted to let him choose Yao Yiyi. Although he had a good impression of Yao Yiyi, who had never met, the feeling of being forced was very uncomfortable. At least, Now the goodwill towards Yao Yiyi drops instantly in my heart, and I always subconsciously believe that Yao Yiyi must have asked Shan Yisheng to intercede.

(End of this chapter)

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