Chapter 340 Ji Xi Appears
It's just that Ji Xi's decision will never be changed for anyone.

What made Ji Xi feel even more uncomfortable was that when this excellent man in front of him uttered the words Yao Yiyi, the kind of pampering in the man's eyes made Ji Xi very uncomfortable.

"It's not that I can be sure, but if Mr. Ji doesn't appoint Yao Yiyi, I feel that it will be a loss for Mr. Ji. The purpose of my coming is not to be a lobbyist for Yao Yiyi, because I know that by virtue of It is an insult to Yiyi if I still need my help with this matter."

Shan Yisheng narrowed his eyes, keenly aware of the unkindness in Ji Xi's tone.It's just that in my memory, I don't seem to have any intersection with the man in front of me, let alone a holiday.

But with that kind of vague hostility, Shan Yisheng believed that his feeling was not wrong.

"Whether there is a loss or not, don't worry about Mr. Shan. Since Mr. Shan is not here to be a lobbyist today, it is better to ask Mr. Shan not to come forward for today's bidding. As soon as the bidding is completed, I will definitely have a good deal with Mr. Shan in person." talk."

Ji Xi's face was somewhat gloomy, while Shan Yisheng just smiled and said nothing.

Suddenly, there was a noise downstairs, which attracted the attention of two people.

The two looked downstairs almost at the same moment, and saw two women standing in the middle of the first floor, and the person next to them was obviously pointing, not knowing what they were talking about.

When Ji Xi saw the person coming, there was a flash of surprise and unconcealable joy in his eyes, and when Shan Yisheng saw the person downstairs, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and he turned and left without saying a word.

Looking at Shan Yisheng's leaving figure, Ji Xi frowned and remained silent.

And in the middle of the first floor, Yao Yiyi looked at the woman in front of him, frowning and feeling a little inconceivable.

Originally, Yao Yiyi wanted to go out and buy a bottle of water to quench his thirst because he was a little thirsty, but he didn't expect that when Ning Mengna walked by, Ning Mengna bumped himself for no reason, and the point is, After Ning Mengna bumped into herself, she fell to the ground, her voice was a little feigned weakness, she said that she bumped into someone first, and she wanted to leave without apologizing.

Yao Yiyi frowned, and didn't want to pay attention to Ning Mengna at first, but she didn't expect that Ning Mengna's voice would rise, causing people around to watch.

But after the people around gathered around, they only saw Ning Mengna, who had fallen to the ground and hadn't gotten up until now, accusing and criticizing herself indiscriminately, making Yao Yiyi frowned again.

Looking at the lovely and pitiful Ning Mengna on the ground, Yao Yiyi frowned. In his memory, it seemed that he had never had an intersection with Ning Mengna, let alone a holiday, but the flash of resentment in Ning Mengna's eyes was It was captured by Yao Yiyi.

Is it possible that I have offended Ning Mengna?
"Let's comment. This lady bumped into someone. First, she doesn't apologize. Second, she doesn't want to help me up at all. She looks very ugly. Let's see, what's wrong with this world?"

Ning Mengna's aggrieved voice sounded, instantly arousing the sympathy of a large group of people.

"Yeah, when you bump into someone, you still look like someone owes you hundreds of thousands of dollars. You think you can walk sideways because you are beautiful..."

"That's right, that's right, these days, don't always rely on your beauty to be unscrupulous..."

"This society still values ​​morality and public morality. A scum like you really should be punished by law..."


Listening to everyone's accusations, Yao Yiyi was really helpless, and suddenly wanted to know, what does this matter have to do with whether he is beautiful or not?
But the voice turned cold in an instant: "Miss Ning, are you sure I hit you, not you?"

Listening to Yao Yiyi's words, Ning Mengna stood up in an instant, with an unconcealable anger in her voice: "Miss, what do you mean, maybe you mean that I pushed myself, and then Put the blame on you, don't you?"

But everyone just looked at the two of them, with the obvious mentality of watching the excitement in their eyes.

"What is the truth of the matter, I believe that Miss Ning knows better than me. Does Miss Ning have to ask me to call out the surveillance video here before Miss Ning is willing to give up? I am afraid that by that time, the ugly face will be It's not me anymore..."

Yao Yiyi's voice was very cold, and everyone felt that the surrounding air condensed instantly.

When Ning Mengna heard the surveillance video, a flash of panic flashed in her eyes, then she looked around and found no cameras, she was slightly relieved, her voice was still arrogant but not as loud as before: "If necessary, this is naturally Very good...”

Yao Yiyi's face changed slightly, he didn't expect Ning Mengna to be so difficult to deal with.

Yao Yiyi didn't intend to pay attention, and wanted to turn around and leave, but someone grabbed his clothes fiercely, and when he turned around, he saw an arrogant face appearing in front of him, "Miss, don't you have a guilty conscience? I want to leave so quickly..."

Yao Yiyi took a deep breath and said coldly, "Let go..."

But instead of letting go, Ning Mengna gripped her hand even tighter.

She ruthlessly tugged at her own clothes, but what Yao Yiyi didn't expect was that Ning Mengna let go of her hand in an instant, and looked at her with a bit of complacency on her face.

Yao Yi only felt that his body was falling backwards uncontrollably, and at that moment, everyone backed up in an instant, for fear that they would offend him by standing. It was an intimate contact, Yao Yi subconsciously closed his eyes...

But the expected pain did not come, instead he fell into a warm and familiar embrace.Opening his eyes, he bumped into a pair of deep and worried eyes, which turned out to be... Yisheng.

Subconsciously said: "Yisheng, why are you here?"

No matter what, it will always be you who stand by my side and warm me up in the end, Yisheng, thank you.

Everyone looked at the man who fascinated thousands of girls, and Ning Mengna was also stunned for an instant. This is Shan Yisheng, Prince Charming in everyone's heart.

Unparalleled handsome face, deep eyes, sharp edges and corners, but now there is only one person in the man's eyes, and that is the woman who is so beautiful that even he feels threatened.

When Ning Mengna entered the high-rise building, she enjoyed being the focus of everyone, but unexpectedly, after the woman stood up, all eyes turned to that woman, so Ning Mengna was very unwilling It was only then that he came up with this strategy to frame this very beautiful woman, but what he didn't expect was to meet Shan Yisheng, and Shan Yisheng's eyes were obviously full of this woman.

Unwilling anger flashed in Ning Mengna's eyes.

"Yiyi, are you okay?"

Listening to Shan Yisheng's worried words, Yao Yiyi looked at the man and frowned, "I'm fine, Yisheng, why are you here?"

"Of course I'm here to cheer for you..." The corners of his mouth raised slightly, looking at Yao Yiyi and said dotingly.

What Shan Yisheng didn't know was that his smile almost fascinated thousands of women present.

Yao Yiyi is naturally one of these thousands of girls, obviously a little distracted, Yao Yiyi just replied subconsciously: "Oh."

Apparently he hasn't come back to his senses yet, Shan Yisheng felt very proud when he saw the little woman in his arms looking fascinated by him.

The eyes of the two people met in the air, full of affection.

But he was interrupted by a blind person: "Mr. Shan, hello, I'm the boss of Diming Advertising Company, and I'm Ning Mengna."

Ning Mengna walked over slowly, looking at Shan Yisheng's eyes with the light of finding prey, obviously ignoring Yao Yiyi automatically, Yao Yi frowned subconsciously.

"En." But obviously, Shan Yisheng didn't look at Ning Mengna, but only looked at Yao Yiyi in his arms, with a nervous expression on his face.

Then he helped Yao Yiyi to the side, treating Ning Mengna as air.

Ning Mengna was taken aback for a moment, but then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, such a difficult man was her kind.

At this time, Ji Xi also came downstairs, causing everyone to scream again. Although Ji Xi is not as handsome as Shan Yisheng, Ji Xi is also extremely handsome. The most important thing is that Ji Xi always has a smile on his face. A gentle smile, unlike Shan Yisheng's unapproachable appearance, but Ji Xi seems to be very approachable.

Ning Mengna glanced at Shan Yisheng, then at Ji Xi, it seemed that it was difficult to choose between these two excellent men.

There is always a smile on the corner of Ji Xi's mouth, as if he is very close, but his eyes are always looking at Ning Mengna.

Finally, she stopped at a place one step away from Ning Mengna, and leaned down slightly. It was obviously a simple movement, but Ji Xi made these movements with an elegant and calm look.

"Woman, don't play Dan Yisheng's idea. Could it be that you really asked me to pull out the miniature camera here to clarify the misunderstanding just now?" The words were obviously threatening, but Ji Xi had a faint smile on her face. smile.

From the perspective of everyone, they can only see the intimate posture of the two people, but they can't hear what the two people are talking about.There were curious expressions on their faces.

However, the smile on the corner of Ning Mengna's mouth froze instantly as the man spoke, and before Ning Mengna could say anything, Ji Xi had already straightened up, and slowly turned towards Shan Yisheng and Yao Yiyi. Personal direction went over.

Ning Mengna looked at Ji Xi's far away figure, the stiff smile at the corner of her mouth had disappeared, replaced by a deep smile, two men and one woman seemed interesting.

Shan Yisheng looked at Ji Xi, squinting slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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