Chapter 355 Rescued One by One
At this time, Shan Yisheng obviously couldn't hear Song Chao's words, but kept moving forward.

Not far away, there seemed to be the sound of a police car honking, and Shan Yisheng was taken aback, not only Shan Yisheng but also Yao Yiyi, but when Yao Yiyi saw Shan Yisheng's surprised eyes, He knew that this matter was not done by Shan Yisheng.

When Song Chao heard the sound of the police car siren, he was in a panic: "Okay, very good, Shan Yisheng, you actually asked your subordinates to call the police, haha, if that's the case, you just wait to report it to the police." Let your fiancée collect the body..."

Song Chao laughed, with a ferocious look on his face, obviously he had become a real desperado regardless of everything else.

Because Song Chao knew that once those policemen came, even if he didn't hurt Yao Yiyi, he would be judged to threaten the hostages.

Saying this, Song Chao actually changed his course and walked upstairs slowly, and the people around gave way to Song Chao one after another.

But at this time, because he saw Yao Yiyi being hijacked, he wanted to go behind Song Chao, but Ji Xi, who attacked Song Chao, planned to fail, and had to follow Shan Yisheng slowly up the stairs.

Yao Yiyi frowned. It seemed that this routine was really familiar. Many TV dramas have played the script of hostages being threatened on the roof, but now he won't be so unlucky, right?
Sure enough, everything was as Yao Yiyi expected.

"Song Chao, don't mess around, talk about everything properly." Ji Xi said, with undisguised worry in his voice.

"Speak well?" Song Chao laughed, with a bit of arrogance, "You go to the underworld and talk to me well..."

Immediately, he pulled Yao Yiyi slowly towards the edge of the roof, the figure could hardly stand up, trembling a bit.

"Even if I die, I'll have to take someone on my back..." Song Chao continued to walk to the side, watching Shan Yisheng tremble with fear.

At this time, downstairs, the police had already prepared the air cushion, and the onlookers were talking about it.

"What's the matter? Someone is going to jump off the building?"

"No, I heard that people from the TV station were threatened, and now the hostage in hand is Yao Yiyi..."

"Who is Yao Yiyi?"

"Yao Yiyi, you don't even know, it's the heroine who made headlines in the entertainment newspapers these two days..."


"Shan Yisheng, since you won't give me a way out, then just watch your fiancée die with me, hahaha..."

Song Chao has obviously entered a state of madness, looking at Shan Yisheng, his eyes are full of hatred: "The people I, Song Chao hate the most in my life are rich and heartless people like you. Money, you can do whatever you want, completely disregarding us poor people, driving us to nowhere..."

"Since you won't give us a way out, then I won't let Yao Yiyi go, haha, it really feels different to bring a rich man to be my back..."

What Song Chao, who was in a state of madness, didn't realize was that Yao Yiyi was slowly getting out of his control. Almost at that moment, Yao Yiyi pushed away the crazy Song Chao behind him and faced Shan Yisheng. ran over in the direction.

And Song Chao naturally reflected it in the first instant, grabbed the woman who wanted to escape, and almost subconsciously threw it to her side, and Yao Yiyi, who was already a little unstable, was thrown by Song Chao vigorously. After being sent off, he tilted his body, and then screamed.


"Yao Yiyi..."

The screams from the population downstairs seemed to foresee the tragedy.

Yao Yi subconsciously closed his eyes, and at the same time, Shan Yisheng and Ji Xi rushed over at the same time, trying to catch Yao Yiyi.

Being pulled heavily by someone, Yao Yi could only feel his knees slammed against the wall, excruciating pain. He only looked up, and saw Ji Xi looking at him nervously, his eyes filled with excitement. full of worries.

At this time, Song Chao had already been stunned to the side, and the police took advantage of Song Chao's gap, and ran up directly to arrest Song Chao and bring him to justice.

At this time, Shan Yisheng also ran to Yao Yiyi's side, and pulled Yao Yiyi up tightly.

Yao Yiyi was pulled up, his face was still pale, but with a smile, he looked at Shan Yisheng, and in the eyes of everyone, he hugged the man in front of him tightly.

And downstairs, there was a burst of applause.

Everything came to an end, and at this time Yao Yiyi also slowly recovered from the panic, looked at Ji Xi who had been standing by his side, and then slowly walked towards Ji Xi come over.

"Ji Xi, thank you." This time it was Yao Yiyi who sincerely said thank you to the man in front of him, because Yao Yiyi knew that if it wasn't for the man in front of him this time, he might have fallen to the ground , bruised and bruised.

Therefore, Yao Yi took the person in front of him as his friend and said thank you.

Ji Xi looked at Yao Yiyi, at this strong woman, with a smile on his lips: "You're welcome."

Yao Yi took a look at Ji Xi and smiled from the bottom of his heart.

And Shan Yisheng looked at the backs of the two with deep eyes.

Then he walked towards the two of them slowly, with a smile on his lips all the time: "Mr. Ji, this matter is thanks to you. On behalf of Yiyi, I would like to say thank you again."

Yao Yiyi was surprised, he clearly thanked Ji Xi just now, what happened to Yisheng now?

What Yao Yiyi obviously didn't notice was that the two people's eyes were as incompatible as a thunderbolt.

"Yi Yi has already said thank you to me, Mr. Shan is unnecessary." Ji Xi still had a gentle smile, but his words were somewhat compelling.

"So Ji always refuses to accept our thanks?" Shan Yisheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Ji Xi with a bit of depth in his eyes.

Yao Yiyi touched Shan Yisheng with his elbow, but the latter didn't seem to notice.

"Us?" Ji Xi smiled, "Since Mr. Shan said it was us, what's the difference between thanking you one by one and thanking Mr. Shan?"

"So, what is Mr. Ji thinking about?"

The two were laughing, but at this time Yao Yiyi finally realized that something was wrong, what happened to these two people, didn't they behave in the same way when they saved themselves just now?
Why is it that the enemy is meeting each other now, so jealous?
"Well, Mr. Ji, Yisheng and I are leaving first, see you another day." While talking, he pulled Shan Yisheng away from here, Yao Yiyi believed that if he hadn't come forward to pull the man away, the two of them might have faced each other to the end There won't be any good solutions in the dark.

And Ji Xi looked at the two people leaving, the smile on the corner of his mouth widened, this Shan Yisheng seemed to be very hostile to him.

If the two were in a cooperative relationship, they would definitely be invincible in all shopping malls, but now they are clearly in a hostile relationship, but Shan Yisheng is really looking forward to what will happen when they meet next time...

(End of this chapter)

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