Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 356 Two people quarrel

Chapter 356
After leaving, Yao Yiyi and Shan Yisheng walked slowly on the road, enjoying the rare peace and tranquility.

After the two left the TV station, they did not choose to drive, but chose to walk. Yao Yiyi looked at the sky, the sky was blue, and in his memory, it seemed that he could rarely enjoy this kind of quiet moment. rare.

"Yi Sheng, I haven't enjoyed such a good time for a long time, I really yearn for this kind of ordinary life..." Yao Yiyi sighed deeply, but looked straight at the sky, The voice is full of longing.

"Yiyi, I'm sorry..." Shan Yisheng stopped his progress and looked at the woman beside him with complicated eyes. Shan Yisheng always knew that Yao Yiyi yearned for a simple and quiet life, and this kind of life is his current life. Can't give it at all.

Especially what happened today made Shan Yisheng feel very guilty.

Listening to Shan Yisheng's apology, Yao Yiyi smiled, and then turned around to look at the guilty man beside him.

"Listen, Yisheng, what happened today is not your fault, not anyone's fault, so don't blame yourself, or else, I will feel bad."

"Yiyi..." Looking at Yao Yiyi's bright eyes, a flash of guilt flashed in Shan Yisheng's heart, and then he hugged Yao Yiyi tightly in his arms.

"Come back one by one, okay?" Shan Yisheng said, with strong anticipation in his voice.

"But Auntie..." Xu Zishan was what Yao Yiyi was most worried about, because Xu Zishan didn't agree, so Yao Yiyi didn't have the confidence that he could perform very well in front of Xu Zishan.

"It's okay, my mother moved out of the apartment yesterday, Yiyi, you believe me, I will let my mother accept you, and let her know that you are the best daughter-in-law in the world."

Shan Yisheng's voice was firm, no matter how powerful Shan Yisheng was, but Xu Zishan was her mother after all, so she couldn't disobey her parents.

"En. I know, Yisheng, I have always believed in you." Yao Yiyi put his arms around Shan Yisheng, and Yao Yiyi's voice was full of dependence.

"By the way, Yisheng, do you have a prejudice against Ji Xi?" Yao Yi asked subconsciously with a frown when he thought of this question.

Hearing Yao Yiyi's question, Shan Yisheng frowned slightly, as if he was very unhappy at the mention of Ji Xi.

And Yao Yiyi didn't notice the look of the man around him, he just talked to himself, hoping to eliminate Shan Yisheng's prejudice against Yao Yiyi, what he didn't know was that his rhetoric directly made Shan Yisheng even more I'm disgusted with Ji Xi.

"Yisheng, don't look at Ji Xi's easy-to-get-together appearance, but as far as I know, his appearance should be a disguise established because of being hurt, so if you want to establish a cooperative relationship, It is necessary to delve into Ji Xi's heart, to know what he is thinking, only in this way, can we know ourselves and the enemy and win every battle..."

Listening to Yao Yiyi's analysis, I don't know why, but I feel very uncomfortable. Although the little woman in front of me is completely thinking of herself, Shan Yisheng still feels 12 points uncomfortable in her heart. It's the same as if the items were plundered by others.

"One by one, we'll talk about this later..."

Shan Yisheng frowned and said, his face was not very good-looking.

On the other hand, Yao Yiyi was a little bit stubborn, and still insisted on his own thoughts, "Yisheng, I'm serious, if you can let go of your prejudice against Ji Xi, you will find a lot of things in him. Advantages, and these are things we need to make good use of in the mall, so Yisheng, for the sake of your future, I think you should make some changes..."

"Changing what?!" Shan Yisheng became angry without warning, startling Yao Yiyi.

At this time, the anger was obviously uncontrollable: "Yao Yiyi, we have experienced so many things, but you were bought by Ji Xi after spending a few days with Ji Xi, and discovered his advantages. Did you discover many of his advantages, and that's why you feel that Shan Yisheng is not as good as Ji Xi, right?!"

Shan Yisheng admitted that he regretted it, and when he saw Yao Yiyi's pale face, he already regretted it, but the dignity of a man made Shan Yisheng unable to save his face and apologize to the woman in front of him.

"Hehe, Yisheng, you miss me so much. In your heart, have I always been such an existence?" Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Yao Yiyi suddenly laughed at himself, and his voice was hard to understand. Concealed disappointment, "Yisheng, in my heart, I have never compared you with anyone, because I know that you, in my heart, are always unique and unmatched..."

From the corner of Shan Yisheng's eyes, he saw Yao Yiyi's self-deprecating face, and his heart ached, but for some reason, Shan Yisheng just couldn't say a word of apology.

"Yisheng, I won't go to the apartment tonight, I think... we all need to think about it..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Yao Yiyi's mouth, then he took a deep look at Shan Yisheng, turned and left.

Seeing Yao Yiyi turning around and leaving, Shan Yisheng suddenly wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth, but he didn't utter the words to keep him, and then he swung his fist and hammered hard on the tree trunk beside him.

Shan Yisheng admitted that he was scared, afraid that Yao Yiyi would leave him.I was afraid that Yao Yiyi would not be by Yao Yiyi's side when Yao Yiyi needed him the most, and at the same time, a man Ji Xi who could almost stand shoulder to shoulder with him appeared, even Ji Xi was better than himself, so he was Really scared.

That kind of fear entangled him tightly like weeds, and he was so depressed that he couldn't breathe, but today, under his sight, let Yiyi get hurt, so Shan Yisheng actually had a feeling of pain in his heart. Back down, back down to let yourself face each other with bad words.

But my original intention is obviously not like that...

Shan Yisheng had a remorseful expression on his face, but Yao Yiyi's figure had disappeared at this time.

Shan Yisheng took a deep breath, then slowly turned around and walked back.

At this time, Yao Yiyi was watching Shan Yisheng's every move not far away, watching Shan Yisheng hammer his fist on the tree fiercely, and then saw Shan Yisheng turning around slowly...

And Yao Yiyi leaned against the wall behind him, and slowly slid down, tears streaming down silently.

Yisheng, what happened to us?
Wan Lai was silent, the lights flickered on and off, but it was destined to be difficult for the two of them to fall asleep tonight.

One of them is Yao Yiyi, and the other is Shan Yisheng.

Yao Yiyi lay on his little bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, always feeling that something was wrong.

So when Yao Yiyi appeared in front of Xiang Heng with a tired face in broad daylight, Xiang Heng's voice was a bit teasing: "Duo Duo, what did you do last night, you are so tired?" look like?"

Xiang Heng only knew that Yao Yiyi and Shan Yisheng left last night, and didn't know about the quarrel between the two, so naturally there was no worry in his voice, and he thought that the two had reconciled as before.

"It's okay, brother, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night..." Yao Yiyi could naturally hear the ridicule in Xiang Heng's words, and waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

"Looks like Yisheng put in a lot of effort last night..."

Seeing the teasing smile on his brother's face, Yao Yiyi smiled wryly, but he didn't say anything about the quarrel between the two.

At this time, Xiang Heng naturally discovered Yao Yiyi's unusual behavior, "Duo Duo, did something happen?"

"It's okay, brother, it's really okay..." Yao Yiyi said, but his eyes turned red uncontrollably, and the doubts in Xiang Heng's heart naturally deepened, and he asked immediately.

"Duo Duo, did something unpleasant happen between you and Sheng, please tell me?"

Listening to Xiang Heng's caring and worrying words, Yao Yiyi's tears flowed down uncontrollably. In front of his relatives, some emotions are always uncontrollable.

Yao Yiyi was crying, slowly talking about what happened last night, while Xiang Heng listened, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes.

Listening to Yao Yiyi explaining the ins and outs of the matter clearly, Xiang Heng half-jokingly said: "Duo Duo, brother asks you a question, you have to answer it honestly..."

Watching Yao Yi nod, Xiang Heng finally asked the question in his heart: "Duo Duo, what do you think about that Ji Xi..."

In fact, Xiang Heng knew that Yao Yiyi always had Shan Yisheng alone in his heart, but some problems were from a man's point of view, especially when Shan Yisheng met such a strong opponent as Ji Xi again, he would inevitably not be paranoid... …

Is it just that Sheng doesn't trust Dodo so much?

"Of course not, brother, you know I'm against Yisheng... so it was impossible at that time..."

When hearing Xiang Heng's question, Yao Yiyi showed a wry smile, but he denied it without hesitation.

Yao Yiyi admitted that he admired Ji Xi somewhat in his heart, but that was only appreciation, nothing more.

"I know, Dodo, but according to your words, Sheng doesn't necessarily think so. Hearing you praise another man like that, if it's you, Dodo, think about it, can you accept it? "

"Besides, Ji Xi is so outstanding that he can even be compared with Sheng, and your tone is full of praise for Ji Xi. Which man do you think is careless?"

"And now you are with Ji Xi every day, although everyone knows that you and Ji Xi are together for work, but Dodo, if Ji Xi really has a crush on you, or likes you, can you stop it?" Suddenly, Xiang Heng said again, "Duoduo, you have to know that when a man likes a woman, there will be light in his eyes, and this light, don't you think Sheng can feel it?"

(End of this chapter)

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