Chapter 363 Single Doubt

Naturally, Xiang Heng knew what Yao Yiyi's eyes meant, but it didn't mean that Xiang Heng would definitely do what Yao Yiyi wanted. If Yao Yiyi hadn't stopped him that day, he would have put things in order by now. Shan Yisheng was told the truth, Xiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, if today, Sheng really came to ask about this matter, he would definitely tell Sheng the whole thing...

Because Dodo is his only relative, Xiang Heng doesn't want his only sister to suffer any harm again.

Although I got Xiang Heng's affirmative answer, but I don't know why, seeing Xiang Heng's smile, I still felt a little uneasy in my heart, and then shook my head, Xiang Heng is my brother, how can I doubt Xiang Heng.

"Heng, I heard that you went to the prison two days ago..." Seeing Yao Yiyi disappearing at the door, Shan Yisheng spoke directly. As for Xiang Heng, there was nothing to avoid between the two of them.

The most important thing is that now Shan Yisheng can be sure that Xiang Heng must know about this matter, because he clearly saw Yao Yiyi's eyes looking at Xiang Heng when he left.

"Yes, I have been there."

Xiang Heng admitted it very simply, but it was beyond Shan Yisheng's expectation. Seeing the undisguised surprise on Shan Yisheng's face, Xiang Heng smiled.

Then she got up slowly, "Sheng, do you still remember what you said when you took Duoduo away?"

Shan Yisheng looked up at Xiang Heng, who had an expression on Xiang Heng's face that he had never seen before.

"I will protect her and prevent her from being harmed in the slightest..."

"But did you do it?"

Xiang Heng looked at Shan Yisheng fixedly, with a sharp tone, and a look of pain flashed in Shan Yisheng's eyes.

"Heng, I'm sorry about what happened that day..." Shan Yisheng's face suddenly flashed a look similar to loneliness, but it disappeared only in an instant, which quickly made Xiang Heng think it was his own illusion.

"Don't say sorry to me, the person you are sorry about is not me..."

Xiang Heng said lightly, without a hint of a smile on his face, "I know there may be no need to say sorry between you and Dodo, but Sheng, you should know that Dodo is my only sister, I don't care Hope she's in any danger, you know?"

Xiang Heng looked at Shan Yisheng with a bit of pain in his eyes, and when He Sheng said these words, how could Xiang Heng feel better?Just for Duo Duo, some things still have to be said...

"I know." A sad smile suddenly appeared on Shan Yisheng's face, with a hint of bitter helplessness at the corner of his mouth, "Then, now you can tell me who is behind the scenes..."

Shan Yisheng finished these words lightly, but his palms were tightly clenched. Xiang Heng glanced slightly, and suddenly understood something in his eyes.

"Since you have already guessed the answer, Sheng, why bother?"

Xiang Heng turned his gaze away, not wanting to see Shan Yisheng in pain.

"It really is her..." Shan Yisheng had a look of pain on his face, and a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

But Xiang Heng's words actually told Xiang Heng the truth of the matter.

In fact, Shan Yisheng suspected Xu Zishan from the very beginning, because it was too a coincidence to meet Xu Zishan when he came out of prison that day, and Shan Yisheng naturally did not miss the nervous expression on Xu Zishan's face.

It's just that Xu Zishan is her mother after all, and Shan Yisheng quickly denied this idea, because in her impression, although Xu Zishan didn't care about herself very much, she didn't want to frame Yao Yiyi like this and destroy her life. reputation.

But now all the things are presented in front of her, but Shan Yisheng has to believe the truth of the matter.

"Sheng, this matter..." Seeing Shan Yisheng's painful expression, Xiang Heng wanted to comfort Shan Yisheng, but there was a wry smile on Shan Yisheng's face.

"Heng, thank you for this matter..." Thank you without thinking, but Xiang Heng understood what he was thanking in an instant.

The reason why Shan Yisheng wants to thank Xiang Heng is nothing more than to suppress the incident about Song Chao telling the truth in the police station. If the real situation of this incident is really probed by the entertainment reporter, I am afraid it will be another explosive incident. news……

So Shan Yisheng said thank you.

"Sheng, don't thank me for this matter. In fact, I have my own selfishness in doing this..." Xiang Heng looked at Shan Yisheng's eyes with a bit of pain, and suddenly felt a bit of regret in his heart. Is the choice really correct?

"I know, in fact, you did this for one by one." Who knew that Shan Yisheng interrupted Xiang Heng directly, with everything clear in his eyes.

"I'm also doing it for Yi Yi."

Shan Yisheng looked at Xiang Heng's faint opening, but there was a bit of refusal in the words: "Heng, I hope you can trust me and follow me one by one... I will definitely not let her suffer any grievances, including anyone."

There was a flash of determination in Shan Yisheng's eyes, and Xiang Heng happened to see it. Xiang Heng smiled, with a bit of helplessness in his voice, and looked at the door, "Duo Duo, since they are all here, come out quickly." ..."

Yao Yiyi was originally standing outside the door, and when he heard Shan Yisheng's words like a pledge of eternal love, he was moved in a flash.

Although the two of them have already passed the age when they vowed to each other deeply, it is impossible not to be moved when they hear Shan Yisheng's firm words.

But when Xiang Heng found himself lying outside the door, Yao Yiyi still had a bit of embarrassment on his face, "Um, well, when I came back, I saw you talking, so I waited outside the door..."

For a far-fetched reason, it was no surprise to see a mocking smile on Xiang Heng's face.

"Brother, you always tease me like this..." In front of Shan Yisheng, Yao Yiyi seldom showed this kind of little daughter attitude.

Shan Yisheng narrowed his eyes slightly, since the words just now have been heard one by one, of course he doesn't mind saying it again, Shan Yisheng took a deep look at Xiang Heng, and then turned his gaze to Yao Yiyi, the expression in his eyes Affectionate enough to melt Yao Yiyi.

"Yiyi, what I said just now is not just talking, I will protect you, no matter who it is, I will not hurt you..." Shan Yisheng paused, but finally said it firmly, " No matter who..."

And Yao Yiyi looked at Shan Yisheng's firm expression, and something seemed to flash through his mind. Could it be that Yisheng knew the truth of the matter and subconsciously looked in Xiang Heng's direction, but Xiang Heng's face just had a smile on his face? With a calm smile, it seems like nothing happened.

Looking at Xiang Heng's appearance, Yao Yiyi felt a bit puzzled, obviously Yisheng gave him the feeling that he already knew the truth of the matter, but looking at Xiang Heng's appearance, it seemed that he hadn't told Yisheng about the matter, What is the situation in front of you?
(End of this chapter)

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