Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 364 Meeting Shan Ji

Chapter 364 Meeting Shan Ji
At this time, Xili Group and Ji Xi were sitting in the huge office, but the content that his subordinates reported to him just now came to mind.

Although Hou Yong learned that the woman might be Xu Zishan, it was possible after all, so Ji Xi naturally sent someone to the police station to inquire again.

"Mr. Ji, Song Chao did say that that person is Xu Zishan. After saying such words, Song Chao was beaten severely by someone. Since then, Song Chao has shown a kind of In a sluggish state, the events of the day were suppressed by others, and the police station was warned not to speak out about this matter..."

"who's that person?"

"Yao Group...Xiang Heng."

The words in my mind were replayed over and over again, Xu Zishan, Shan Yisheng's mother, Yao Yiyi's future mother-in-law, if this matter really becomes a big deal, it will probably become out of control...

No wonder Xiang Heng wants to do this, if he is Xiang Heng, he will make the same choice.

From that dinner party, Ji Xi knew that Xu Zishan didn't like Yao Yiyi very much. Although she didn't know the reason, she showed her strong hatred unabashedly.

And even if something like this happened, Xu Zishan should never have done it, she shouldn't be able to use herself like this...

Ji Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, the thing he hates the most in his life is being used by others...

It's just that this time, I don't want to stand out for myself, but for Yao Yiyi.

Such thoughts just flashed in his mind, but Ji Xi's heart was filled with surprise. When did this woman take such a big place in his heart?

Ji Xi admits that Yao Yiyi is the most special woman he has ever seen. She always has an inexplicable temperament that makes him want to get close involuntarily, so he gets close to that woman again and again. So it was the first time I confessed in front of a stranger...

That feeling is really amazing, and Ji Xi just wants to follow this feeling in his heart, and doesn't want to make himself regret it in the future. As for what will happen in the future, that is a matter of the future, now...

Slowly leaning back on the swivel chair, he took a light breath.

Since you want to follow the thoughts in your heart, then do something.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, with a bit of coldness and a bit of ruthlessness.

Sy Group, Shan Yisheng sat on the sofa, thinking about the truth of what he learned from Xiang Heng this morning in his mind, and still felt a little unbelievable in his heart. One, I did such a thing, and I met my mother in the future...

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then the secretary's voice sounded outside: "Mr. Shan, Mr. Ji is visiting. I wonder if Mr. Shan has time now?"

Mr. Ji?Could it be Ji Xi?Just what is he here for?Before he answered, a series of question marks rang in his mind, but it was only in the blink of an eye. The man's voice was deep and low, "Mr. Ji, please come in."

"Okay." The voice outside the door gradually receded and disappeared.

Why did Ji Xi come to find him?There was a flash of inspiration in his mind, as if he suddenly realized something, Shan Yisheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

This time, I seemed to only notice Yi Yi, but I forgot that there was another protagonist, Ji Xi.

If I guessed correctly, this man came to...

Xingshi asked the crime? !
Before his thoughts drifted away, he heard a strong knock on the door, Shan Yisheng frowned, so fast?
Then he said, "Please come in."

Ji Xi pushed open the door, with a gentle smile on his face all the time, but it didn't reach his eyes, and said pleasantly, "I didn't expect such a busy person like Mr. Shan to be able to spare time. It's really an honor for Ji... "

"What did Mr. Ji say? Mr. Ji's presence makes the company flourish. This is our honor..."

Both of them had smiles on their faces, and they spoke official words, but they could clearly see the flashing fire in each other's eyes.

"President Ji, you're here, what can I tell you?" Shan Yisheng straight to the point, in fact, this man who is always smiling is the most difficult one.

"Since Mr. Shan is so straight to the point, then Ji has directly stated the purpose of my visit this time..." Ji Xi smiled, "Perhaps Mr. Shan knows that I have already been to prison..."

Ji Xi looked at Shan Yisheng, but the latter's eyes flickered, and he didn't intend to continue.

It's just that Ji Xi didn't care, and still said to himself: "But Song Chao in the prison is already sluggish. Although I don't know how this happened, someone must have done it. You said yes Mr. Shan?"

"Of course, the police haven't been investigating this matter. I've been to the prison to know about Song Chao's situation, but judging from the current situation, it may be impossible to know the truth from Song Chao's mouth. ..."

Shan Yisheng practiced Tai Chi, and continued speaking in no hurry.

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Ji Xi's face darkened slightly, but then he returned to his gentle smile, and there was a bit of a smile in his voice: "That's natural, and I'm not going to be in Song Chao's mouth. What happened here, although Song Chao is crazy, but Hou Yong is not, right?"

Looking at the smile on Ji Xi's face, a deep look flashed in Shan Yisheng's eyes. If he guessed right, Ji Xi already knew the truth of the matter. As for how he knew it, Shan Yisheng didn't know. Because the news I got from Hou Yong was just a woman...

Did Ji Xi know that the person behind the scenes was actually his mother based on this news?

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Mr. Ji, what exactly do you want to say?"

"President Shan, I just want justice..."

Ji Xixiaoxiao then leaned back on the sofa, looking leisurely.

"Fairness, I don't understand what President Ji means?" Shan Yisheng was still pretending to be confused. Although it was impossible for him to be fooled by this matter, it would be a while if he could delay it for a while...

Thinking of this, a mocking smile flashed across Shan Yisheng's face.

"Oh, Mr. Shan, why pretend to be confused now, if I didn't know the truth of the matter, do you think I would stand here?" Ji Xi still had a smile on his face, and he seemed not in a hurry.

"Then what do you want to do?" Shan Yisheng's face was gloomy, looking at the man smiling brightly in front of him, a complex look flashed in his eyes.

"President Shan, Ji has already said it just now, I just want to play tricks on justice..." Ji Xi laughed, "A solution that is fair to me and Yao Yiyi..."

He seemed to have thought of something: "Oh, by the way, maybe Yao Yiyi doesn't want any justice. After all, to her, this matter might just be a family misunderstanding. Don't you think Mr. Shan?"

The corners of Ji Xi's mouth were raised, apparently in a good mood, but only he knew that such a self was really annoying, but this matter must have a result.

In fact, Ji Xi's purpose of saying this is nothing more than to let Shan Yisheng know that he really knows the truth of the matter.

And when he heard Ji Xi's last words, there was indeed a profound look in Shan Yisheng's eyes, which was elusive.

It seems that Ji Xi really knows the truth of the matter...

"Then, what exactly makes Mr. Ji think it's more fair?" Shan Yisheng pursed his lips slightly, looking at the man in front of him, the smile in his eyes had completely disappeared.

"In this case..." Ji Xi suddenly stood up slowly, "President Shan should treat it as a debt to Ji..."

Seeing the smile in Ji Xi's eyes, Shan Yisheng suddenly smiled, "Okay."

He happily agreed, although he didn't know what Ji Xi would...will do for him in the future.

And what happened after that time, no one can say for sure, and the most important thing is, if it is really embarrassing, if it is not possible, you will deny it yourself. The two people just made a verbal agreement, and no one by my side...

Although it is very unethical to do that, but as a human being, sometimes you have to play tricks, but this trick, Shan Yisheng narrowed his eyes slightly, as long as he can not play tricks, he will definitely abide by his agreement.

Even if it's just a... verbal agreement.

Ji Xi smiled and said yes, and even though he was about to turn around and leave, before he reached the door, he suddenly seemed to think of something: "By the way, there are still two agreements here, Mr. Shan is optimistic... Although Mr. Shan is in business The reputation in the world is very high, but since it is an agreement, it is not very good to make an oral agreement, and it is better to formally... Do you think it is Mr. Shan?"

Looking at Ji Xi's calculating gaze, Shan Yisheng frowned slightly, but secretly said in his heart, the cunning Ji Xi...

Then he took out a pen and signed his name on the two agreements.

"President Shan's font is very beautiful..." Since the goal was achieved, Ji Xi naturally did not hold back her praise.

"President Ji is polite." Shan Yisheng looked at Ji Xi with a gloomy expression, but the latter turned away with a faint smile on his face as if he didn't feel anything.

Although he didn't know what Ji Xi wanted to do, at least he wouldn't let himself do anything against morality.Although shopping malls are like battlefields, Shan Yisheng will not do things that violate morality...

It's just that Ji Xi doesn't seem as despicable as he imagined...

And at this time in a hotel, Xu Zishan quietly looked at herself in the mirror, and there seemed to be a few crow's feet in the corners of her eyes...

There was a knock on the door, Xu Zishan walked to the door, opened the door, and immediately put a smile on her face.

"Mengna, so fast, come in quickly..." Xu Zishan's happy voice sounded in the guest room, and then Ning Mengna's better face was slowly revealed.

It's just that Ning Mengna's voice was obviously somewhat surprised: "Auntie, why do you live here?"

Hearing the question, Xu Zishan's face flashed a look of disgust: "There is that woman's smell in the house, how can I live in it, so I have to move out..."

(End of this chapter)

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