Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 365 2 people negotiate

Chapter 365
Naturally, Ning Mengna did not miss the disgust on Xu Zishan's face when she mentioned Yao Yiyi's face. She felt happy, but she frowned, as if she didn't understand Xu Zishan's words: "That woman, aunt, you It's Yao Yiyi, I think this woman is quite attractive, you don't know, after Yisheng rescued that woman on the rooftop last time, I once asked Ji Xi if he liked Yao Yiyi... ..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Zishan hurriedly interrupted: "What did Ji Xi say?"

Seeing Xu Zishan's anxious look, Ning Mengna's eyes flashed a smile, but her tone was somewhat exaggerated: "Ah, I'm sorry, Auntie, Yao Yiyi is your future daughter-in-law no matter what, I I really shouldn't be talking nonsense here..."

Hearing Ning Mengna's voice, Xu Zishan's tone was somewhat disdainful: "Daughter-in-law? As long as I, Xu Zishan, didn't get my consent, Yi Sheng wouldn't dare to marry her home..."

Listening to Xu Zishan's words, Ning Mengna felt relieved a lot, but at the same time she was still a bit worried: "But seeing Mr. Shan's nervous look last time, I should like that Yao Yiyi very much in my heart... "

"Huh." Xu Zishan snorted coldly, "Like is just a matter of time, as long as we get along for a long time, both men and women will naturally develop feelings, Mengna, this is why I keep you close to Yisheng, because in our The only suitable daughter-in-law in my heart is you..."

Listening to Xu Zishan's words, Ning Mengna's voice was filled with excitement and unconcealed joy: "Auntie, this..."

"Mengna, don't refuse. I think you like it. It's exactly the same as me back then. Now your main task is to win Yisheng's heart back, you know?"

Seeing Xu Zishan's appearance, Ning Mengna's heart flashed with amusement, but she still couldn't show anything on her face, and said seriously: "I will definitely not disappoint my aunt, it's just..."

Ning Mengna hesitated, as if she had encountered something embarrassing, but Xu Zishan spoke directly.

"Just what, don't you want to be the daughter-in-law of our single family?"

"Of course I am willing..." Ning Mengna's voice suddenly dropped, with a bit of trouble on her face, "But the problem now is that I can't connect with Mr. Shan at all, let alone other things... "

The reason why Ning Mengna agreed so readily was that Dan Yisheng was indeed a man who fascinated all women. He had enough charm and courage to make all women obsessed with him. The second was that she had to Using Shan Yisheng's strength to develop your own company can kill two birds with one stone, unless you are a fool, you won't do it...

And obviously, Ning Mengna is not a fool, but a woman as smart as Xu Zishan...

"That's not a problem, as long as you follow me into the apartment, even Yisheng won't dare to say anything..." Xu Zishan smiled with a bit of ruthlessness in her voice.

Seeing the embarrassing blush on Ning Mengna's face, Xu Zishan smiled in satisfaction.

At this time, Yao Yiyi obviously didn't know that he had been calculated by his future mother-in-law, but he was focused on the cooperation case with Xili Group.

At this time, Ji Xi was sitting opposite Yao Yiyi, watching Yao Yiyi's hard work, suddenly a little funny, thinking about it, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, it was a pure smile.

Yao Yiyi just raised his head and met Ji Xi's eyes in mid-air, but the latter didn't dodge, and directly met Yao Yiyi's eyes, which made Yao Yiyi stunned, Ji Xi's smile now, really It's very charming...

Although he is very reluctant to admit it, Yao Yiyi has to admit that Ji Xi is really handsome. His handsomeness is different from Shan Yisheng's incomparable coldness, but a warm gesture, like a winter day The person in the desert meets the sunshine, and the person in the desert meets the clear spring. It is a very comfortable feeling. Seeing Ji Xi's smile at this time, Yao Yiyi admits that he has been bewitched. How can there be such a warm man...

"Yiyi, Yao Yiyi..." There seemed to be a gentle voice in his ear, and then the smile on the corner of Ji Xi's mouth seemed to continue to widen.

"You look so handsome now..." Almost subconsciously murmured, Yao Yiyi didn't seem to realize what he had said until he said this, and his face flushed instantly, unexpectedly, unexpectedly Thinking, Yao Yiyi, your fame for a lifetime is actually ruined by a smile...

For a moment, Yao Yiyi really wanted to slap him, when did he become such a nympho?
Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the man beside him, and sure enough, he saw the corners of the man's mouth widening.

Yao Yiyi, where do you put your old face...

Yao Yiyi felt that his heart was going crazy, and now it seemed that it was impossible to withdraw his words, Yao Yiyi felt a bit desperate: "Actually, you should always laugh like this..."

But as soon as the words were spoken, Yao Yiyi wanted to slap himself again, because it was obvious that the smile on Ji Xi's face gradually darkened, then disappeared, and finally changed into the usual gentle smile.

Although it was the most familiar smile, Yao Yiyi still felt very helpless. Although this kind of smile looked gentle and harmless, it was alien and unfamiliar, making it difficult for people to get close.

But what does it matter to me?Yao Yiyi was slightly annoyed in his heart.

"Yiyi, let's go eat..." Ji Xi suddenly said, seeming to have noticed Yao Yiyi's remorseful expression and a slight smile in his voice, "Yiyi, you don't have to be yourself. responsibility……"

Hearing Ji Xi's words and seeing the familiar but unfamiliar smile on Ji Xi's face, Yao Yiyi smiled.

In fact, it was not easy for Ji Xi, the environmental training made Ji Xi cultivate a gentle and harmless face as a mask to protect himself from harm, and Shan Yisheng did the same. Yisheng looked extremely cold on the surface, but facing When he was himself, he had a gentle look. In fact, no one would have imagined that a man who is so serious in ordinary times would have such a gentle side...

Thinking of Shan Yisheng, the appearance of a man appeared in his mind, Yao Yiyi smiled slightly.

This man has no idea what he is doing...

It's just that his thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing, Yao Yiyi smiled apologetically at Ji Xi, then hid aside and saw the familiar number on the phone, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

And Ji Xi looked at Yao Yiyi's happy mouth upturned, and already guessed it in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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