Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 376 Ning's Entanglement

Chapter 376 Ning's Entanglement
Yao Yi only felt that his old face was showing signs of turning red, then he snatched the plan from the man's hand, and said with a dry smile: "Brother, I just wrote it scribbled when I was bored. Better grasp Ji Xi's weaknesses and shortcomings, during the period of contact with Ji Xi, I have paid special attention to Ji Xi's small movements..."

What Yao Yiyi said was true. During the period of discussing the cooperation case with Ji Xi, Yao Yiyi had carefully observed some of Ji Xi's regular movements.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xiang Heng with a smile: "For example, when drinking coffee, I don't like to add sugar. When I am angry, I like to turn the pen. The faster the pen turns, the greater the anger. For example, when eating Before, there was always a subconscious action, which was to neatly fold a small handkerchief and put it in my trouser pocket..."

Hearing Xiang Heng's words and seeing the ambiguous smile on Xiang Heng's face, Yao Yiyi suddenly wanted to gag the man who was standing talking.

"Brother, why did you say such a thing..."

Yao Yiyi's face was somewhat unhappy, and Xiang Heng naturally saw Yao Yiyi's unhappiness, but he didn't continue, and his voice was a little more serious: "Duoduo, you know What are you doing?"

"Of course I know." Yao Yiyi said with a bit of anger, although he was past the age of anger, but in front of Xiang Heng, Yao Yiyi always showed a child's temper unconsciously .

"Tell me." Xiang Heng had a smile on his face, as if he was waiting for Yao Yiyi's explanation.

In fact, Xiang Heng naturally knew who Yao Yiyi had in mind, and he had never given Yao Yiyi these small details, so he was a little surprised.

"Ji Xi doesn't like to add sugar when drinking coffee, which means he doesn't like sweets, or he is reminding himself not to be poisoned by some sweet days now. In fact, in Ji Xi's heart, he has always been very extravagant and moderate. Ji Xi's little action before eating has subconsciously shown that this man has a cleanliness in his heart, so although these are some small details in life, they are the perfect conclusion for us to achieve the perfect conclusion of this cooperation case The key thing, we can't violate Ji Xi's bottom line for the first time, otherwise..."

Hearing Yao Yiyi's analysis, a smile appeared on the corner of Xiang Heng's mouth, and there was a bit of pride in his face.

There was an unconcealable excitement in the voice: "Duoduo, you have really grown up..."

"Brother, I'm not a child anymore, okay?" Yao Yiyi took Xiang Heng's big hand away from his head with some annoyance, and looked at the man who always regarded himself as a child with a bit of annoyance. Is the child's brother.

"Okay, okay..." Xiang Heng laughed, and said three good words in succession.

In fact, Yao Yiyi is very confident about this cooperation case. The only thing he wants to do now is how to make this matter better...

If Yisheng was by his side at this time, he would definitely be able to guide himself well, but...

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi sighed helplessly, and his eyes dimmed a bit in an instant.

Naturally, Xiang Heng saw through Yao Yiyi's thoughts, and pampered Yao Yiyi's head again, with a slight smile in his voice: "For the sake of Duo Duo's hard work, today I Give Douduo a break, let's go find Sheng, shall we..."

And when he heard Xiang Heng's words, Yao Yi suddenly became energetic: "Go to Yisheng's company?"

"Of course I go to the company, or what do you think?"

"But my aunt said that I won't let me go to the company to disturb Yisheng..."

Yao Yiyi suddenly seemed to have remembered something, his expression became sluggish in an instant, and his voice was somewhat deep.

"Going to Yisheng's company, of course I'm looking for him to do business, isn't that okay too?" The corners of Xiang Heng's mouth raised slightly, apparently in a good mood.

But Yao Yiyi's eyes became crystal clear in an instant, looking at Xiang Heng with a bit of joy in his eyes.

"Then let's go now..."

"Hey, just now I asked someone to accompany me to go out for a ride, someone was not happy, but now I run very fast..."

"Hehe, good brother, let's go, let's go..."

The car flew away in dust, leaving only the smoke behind the car to follow closely.

But at this moment, Shan Yisheng looked at the unexpected visitor with a gloomy expression, his gloomy expression was beyond gloomy.

Shan Yisheng just went out to get some air, but Ning Mengna, a nasty woman, got into her office again. This woman really penetrates everywhere...

Could it be that the bodyguards and secretaries outside the door are all decorations. Thinking of this, Shan Yisheng said in a very bad tone: "Ning Mengna, are you going out this time by yourself, or should I ask you to go out..."

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Ning Mengna curled her lips slightly, her voice seemed to be a little scared, she patted her chest in shock, and her voice was a little coquettish: "President Shan , don't always be so confused, okay, you threw him out in the morning, and your arm is still blue and purple..."

Ning Mengna rubbed her arm pretendingly, but she couldn't help but slander her in her heart. This man really doesn't know how to be sympathetic. She didn't expect that she entered his office without his knowledge in the morning. Without blinking his eyebrows, this man directly made people throw himself out...

This revenge, I will definitely avenge it.Ning Mengna gritted her teeth secretly, but when she raised her head, there was already a gentle smile on her face: "Mr. Shan, just do your thing, and I'll just watch here, and I promise not to say anything." Does it sound good?"

Ning Mengna showed a pitiful expression on her face, she looked at Shan Yisheng, hoping to impress the man in front of her, but the man in front of her just gave her a cold look, then turned around and walked towards her desk .

Ning Mengna only felt that her eyes lit up, could it be that this man had changed his mind?
But the man picked up the phone skillfully, and his voice was low and magnetic: "Who told you to let this woman in, find someone to get her out..."

The light in Ning Mengna's eyes disappeared instantly, she curled her lips, sure enough, she knew that this man would not change her mind so easily...

It's just that I have a pass this time, Shan Yisheng, what can you do with me?
Looking at the smug smile on Ning Mengna's face, Shan Yisheng frowned slightly. He didn't expect this woman to let her mother issue a pass order for the whole group to travel here. No wonder after throwing this woman out, She can still appear in her office openly and aboveboard...

"okay, I get it."

Shan Yisheng hung up the phone, got up slowly, and walked towards Ning Mengna with a bad expression.

Ning Mengna only felt that she was completely surrounded by Shan Yisheng's powerful aura, and even felt a bit labored to breathe, but Ning Mengna always watched with a bit of a smile and kept walking towards her. woman.

There was a bit of a smile in the voice, but after listening carefully, there was still a bit of nervousness: "Why, does Mr. Shan want to kill someone to silence him?"

The joking tone did not make the air relax, because Ning Mengna really saw the killing intent in the man's eyes.

If it is not my own illusion.

It's just that when Shan Yisheng was one meter away from Ning Mengna, she stopped her footsteps, and there was a bit of coldness in her voice. The cold poisonous snake entangled fiercely, and it was difficult to breathe.

"Ning Mengna, don't you really think that these small tricks can make me, Shan Yisheng, give in? If that's the case, you might see my Shan Yisheng too clearly..."

Naturally, she could feel the coldness emanating from the man's body, Ning Mengna smiled indifferently, looked straight into the man's eyes, with a bit of amused: "If that's really the case, I'd rather I really underestimated you, Shan Yisheng..."

Sure enough, after saying these words, Ning Mengna saw the change of expression on Shan Yisheng's face with satisfaction.

And Ning Mengna was half-sitting on the sofa at this time, smiling unabated: "The game between us has just started slowly, but I am looking forward to the day when Yao Yiyi automatically quits. I am really looking forward to it." What about that day..."

Ning Mengna knew that it was meaningless for her to be here today, so she picked up her bag, stood up, and wanted to go out.

But when she heard Ning Mengna's words, Shan Yisheng's expression changed, and she tightly grabbed the collar of the woman in front of her, with a very threatening voice: "If you dare to move one by one, Ning Mengna, I will make you regret coming to this world."

A threatening voice sounded beside her ear, but who knew that Ning Mengna smiled softly: "Regret? I, Ning Mengna, have never regretted what I have done, not in the past, not now, and of course I will not in the future... ..."

Hearing Ning Mengna's still indifferent voice, Shan Yisheng's concern made him confused, fearing that Ning Mengna would do something that would be unfavorable to Yao Yiyi, the strength in his hands instantly became stronger, and Ning Mengna just wanted to leave , the center of gravity of his body was unstable, and he staggered and fell on the sofa. Naturally, Shan Yisheng was being carried by the woman in front of him, and his body fell down uncontrollably.

I only heard Ning Mengna groan, and a sneer flashed in Shan Yisheng's eyes, but he couldn't help threatening: "Ning Mengna, don't touch my bottom line."

At this time, the postures of the two of them were somewhat ambiguous, Ning Mengna resisted the pain in her body, and still looked at the man in front of her with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Bottom line, hehe, President Shan still doesn't want to get up now? "

Shan Yisheng was about to get up, but someone opened the door of the office from the outside, and Yao Yiyi's surprised voice came: "Yisheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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