Chapter 377
It's just that when he saw the situation in the house, he opened his mouth wide in shock, and his voice seemed to be filled with disbelief: "Yisheng, you..."

At this time, Shan Yisheng naturally did not expect Yao Yiyi to appear in his office suddenly, and his expression was somewhat surprised: "Yiyi..."

Just when she was about to get up, to be hugged tightly by the woman under her neck, Ning Mengna naturally saw the worry flashing in Shan Yisheng's eyes, and a sneer flashed at the corner of her mouth, but her voice was full of A bit charming: "Sheng, you still don't get up."

There seemed to be a bit of coquettishness in the voice, which made Shan Yisheng's face instantly gloomy, and his heart tightened even more, and he subconsciously looked at Yao Yiyi.

Sure enough, Yao Yiyi was biting her lower lip tightly, and there seemed to be some tears in her eyes.

Shan Yisheng only felt his heart tighten, and then he pushed Ning Mengna away fiercely, and quickly walked towards Yao Yiyi: "Yiyi, don't get me wrong, she and I..."

Wanting to explain, Shan Yisheng frowned slightly, suddenly not knowing how to explain.

At this time, Ning Mengna had already stood up, heard Shan Yisheng's words, and said, "Sheng, you are really unfeeling, we were so close just now, but now you can say such unfeeling for this woman." If so, it would be really sad.”

"Ning Mengna, shut up." Shan Yisheng's face was so gloomy that it couldn't be more gloomy, and now he finally saw this woman's unreasonable troubles.

"You are so vicious, and I will never talk to you again." Ning Mengna curled her lips, looking aggrieved, and then looked at Yao Yiyi, "Miss Yao, don't get me wrong, in fact, just now we..."

"Duo Duo, how are you? Did you give Sheng a huge surprise?"

Xiang Heng's voice came, and then Xiang Heng's figure leisurely appeared in front of several people, and when he saw several people in the room clearly, the smile on his face disappeared. unhappy.

Seeing the unattractive expression on Dodo's face, Xiang Heng guessed roughly what happened.

"Miss Ning, why are you here?" Xiang Heng's face regained a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Why, can't you?"

Ning Mengna also had a smile on her face, and asked back.

"If it's a company matter, of course it's okay. After all, it's not convenient for me to participate in the cooperation between companies, but if it's a personal matter, then please ask Miss Ning to pay attention to her behavior." Xiang Heng said, eyes flashing Through Ning Mengna's slightly wrinkled clothes.

"Even if it's a personal matter, it doesn't seem like it's Mrs. Xiang's turn?" Ning Mengna's eyes flashed coldly, "Mr. Shan and I have something to do so we appear in the same office. Mr. Xiang, you It's too broad to control!"

"Is there something? Hehe, is the so-called incident the scene I saw just now?" Yao Yiyi, who had been silent from the beginning until now, spoke up in an instant, looking at Ning with a bit of coldness in his eyes. Mona.

Shan Yisheng saw the cold expression on Yao Yiyi's face: "Yiyi, don't..."

But the latter gave Shan Yisheng a reassuring look, which was full of trust.

"Miss Yao, don't get me wrong. What happened just now was really just an accident. In fact, Mr. Shan and I really have nothing to do..."

Ning Mengna looked at Yao Yiyi's face, and a flash of pride flashed in her heart, Yao Yiyi, you are nothing more than that, I didn't expect the trust between you and Shan Yisheng to be so fragile, if that's the case, The level of trust between you is too low.But this is also good, since this is the case, then just give yourself a good chance...

It's just that there is a smile on Yao Yiyi's face at this time, a faint smile, in Ning Mengna's view, it is a bit of mockery.

Sure enough, Yao Yiyi spoke, with a bit of coldness and a bit of ridicule in his voice.

"Miss Ning, you don't think you can fool me with such a trick. In that case, you are underestimating me, Yao Yiyi, or do you think that this will make the trust between Yisheng and me suffer?" to destruction?"

Yao Yiyi saw the constantly changing expressions on Ning Mengna's face, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Yao Yi saw through Ning Mengna's thoughts, but she didn't want to admit it.

"The literal meaning, do you want me to explain it to Miss Ning again? Miss Ning is a big boss, and now she comes to seduce Yisheng, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"The relationship between me and Yisheng is not something that you, an outsider, can destroy. If Miss Ning is a smart person, I advise you to let go as soon as possible. Otherwise, in the end, things may get out of hand. No one's face will look good like that, don't you think, Miss Ning?"

Hearing Yao Yiyi's almost persuasive eyes, Ning Mengna's face changed slightly, and her voice became cold instantly: "Yao Yiyi, are you threatening me?"

"It's not a threat, it's just telling the truth." Yao Yiyi always had a smile on the corner of his mouth, listening to Yao Yi's changing address in an instant, but he didn't care much.

"Hehe, it's a good fact that Miss Yao is really eloquent, no wonder Mrs. Shan likes it so much." Ning Mengna walked outside while talking.

But when he was walking beside Yao Yiyi, he stopped suddenly. Almost at that moment, he seemed to see a nervous look in the eyes of the two men.

A flash of unwilling jealousy flashed in Ning Mengna's heart, but then a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth: "But, Miss Yao, don't always think you are smart, sometimes you are mistaken for being smart."

Yao Yiyi listened to the words that only the two of them could hear. He didn't speak, but there was always a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Since Miss Yao is here, I'll go first. By the way, Yisheng, don't forget our agreement tomorrow."

Ning Mengna suddenly raised her head and smiled charmingly at Shan Yisheng, but she looked at Yao Yiyi from the corner of her eye, and saw that the smile on Yao Yiyi's face never changed.

Alright, alright, the calmer you look on the surface, the more chaotic your heart is right now, Yao Yiyi, as long as you are chaotic, then my chance will come.

Don't let this day come too soon...

Finally, Ning Mengna's figure disappeared from the sight of the three people, and the smile on Yao Yiyi's face also disappeared.

But Xiang Heng said worriedly: "Duoduo, don't trust that Ning Mengna, she must want to destroy your relationship with Yisheng, that's why she said that..."

Although Shan Yisheng didn't speak, there was a flash of nervousness in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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