Chapter 379
After a hasty meal, Yao Yiyi rushed back to his original apartment.

Seeing Yao Yiyi's back disappearing from his sight, Shan Yisheng sighed deeply, and then drove away.

Arriving at the Yao Group, Shan Yisheng looked up and saw that the light in Xiang Heng's office was still on. A clear look flashed in Shan Yisheng's eyes, and then he walked up slowly.

Xiang Heng was lying on the table, not knowing what he was doing.

Shan Yisheng stood leisurely at the door, knocked lightly, but Xiang Heng didn't even raise his head, just said: "Please come in."

But it reflected immediately after finishing speaking, no, it’s so late, it seems that everyone has already got off work, as if thinking of something, Xiang Heng immediately raised his head, but when he saw Shan Yisheng, There was a trace of surprise in his eyes, but it was only for a moment, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Sheng, it's so late, why are you here?"

"Passing by, I happened to see that the light in your office was still on, so I came up and sat down."

"Passing by?"

The corner of Xiang Heng's mouth twitched, expressing doubts.

"I just sent Yiyi back to her apartment, so I walked here..." Shan Yisheng raised her eyebrows, apparently feeling very displeased with the suspicion in Xiang Heng's tone.

For some reason, Xiang Heng always felt that Shan Yisheng was weird tonight, but he didn't know what was wrong.

However, the case in hand is the most important thing now, so I should leave him alone.

This man seems to have always been like this, and only when he encounters one thing after another, will he become different.

"By the way, Heng, did you hand over everything about the cooperation case to Yiyi?"

Shan Yisheng asked suddenly, but Xiang Heng didn't think too much, and said directly: "Yes, no one is more suitable for this matter than Duo Duo..."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly realized something was wrong, raised his head to look at Shan Yisheng, and sure enough, he saw the latter's expression flickering under the light.

But there seems to be nothing wrong with this, right?Xiang Heng was thinking in his heart, but Shan Yisheng said quietly: "Then are you busy these days?"

"That's natural. Let me tell you, Sheng. In fact, I didn't hand over this matter to Dodo, but Ji Xi personally announced it. Let Dodo take full responsibility for this matter..."

Now, if Xiang Heng doesn't understand the meaning of men, I'm afraid he shouldn't be in this industry anymore.

Shan Yisheng must be annoyed - he has less time to spend with him...

When Shan Yisheng heard Xiang Heng's words, the expression in his eyes became deeper, and the expression in his brows and eyes flickered, but there was an unknown smile on the corner of his mouth: "So it's like this..."

Seeing the smile on Shan Yisheng's face, Xiang Heng's heart moved, but he remembered something in his mind in an instant: "By the way, Sheng, what happened this morning?"

Xiang Heng spoke suddenly, but his expression was somewhat serious, no wonder he always felt that something was missing in his mind, it turned out to be this matter...

Hearing Xiang Heng's words, Shan Yisheng's expression suddenly became a little weird.

Xiang Heng only felt a thud in his heart, could it be that Sheng really...

Shan Yisheng naturally saw Xiang Heng's rapidly changing expression, and the expression on his face instantly relaxed, but his voice was serious and rigorous: "The matter in the morning was a misunderstanding."

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Xiang Heng felt that his heart suddenly relaxed, but there was still a bit of worry in his voice: "Then Duo Duo..."

"Don't worry, there is no problem there." Shan Yisheng smiled, but his heart was extremely warm.

Hearing Shan Yisheng say that there is nothing wrong, Xiang Heng couldn't help showing a smile on his face, as long as there is nothing wrong.

Although Xiang Heng firmly believed that the relationship between the two would not be easily damaged, when he saw the indifferent expression on Duo Duo's face in the morning, he was still a little worried, so he only asked now.

"By the way, what happened to that Ning Mengna?" Xiang Heng simply put down the case in his hands and asked directly.

Compared with the relationship between Dodo and Shan Yisheng, these cases are not worth mentioning at all.

"I don't know, but now Ning Mengna actually has my mother's pass in her hand, she can travel unimpeded within the group, I really don't know what my mother thinks..."

Xiang Heng glanced at Shan Yisheng, sighed slightly, and felt a little bit of grievance for Duo Duo in her heart.

"Sheng, it seems that when your mother came back, she didn't like Duo Duo very much. Now this matter is obviously intended to let you and Ning Mengna get in touch with each other more, so as to accept Ning Mengna." Xiang Heng analyzed, " So if there is an aunt behind Ning Mengna as the backstage, no one can stop Ning Mengna..."

Xiang Heng's voice unconsciously carried a bit of worry, not only for Shan Yisheng, but more for Duo Duo.

Hearing Xiang Heng's words, Shan Yisheng's expression froze, and he looked at Xiang Heng with a bit of guilt: "Heng, I'm sorry, from the beginning when I took Yi Yi away, I promised to give Yiyi is happy, but now Yiyi has suffered such a big grievance."

Seeing the remorseful expression on Shan Yisheng's face, Xiang Heng sighed slightly: "Sheng, this matter is not your fault, anyway, she is your mother after all, this kind of thing is really difficult Choice, I understand you, but at the same time, I don't want my sister to be wronged, you know?"

Although he knows that his words will bring great pressure to Shan Yisheng, Xiang Heng has to say these words, because he has only one relative, and that is Yao Yiyi. Any more grievances.

"I know." Shan Yisheng clenched his fist tightly, with a determined look on his face.

After walking out of the Yao Group, Shan Yisheng took a deep breath, sat in the car, and quietly lit a cigarette.

Shan Yisheng seldom smokes, but at this time...

The flickering fireworks flickered in the car, and Shan Yisheng squinted his eyes slightly, but he remembered in his mind that at the dinner table that day, his mother treated him so harshly, and how he begged for perfection. , but made a decision in his heart in an instant.

The next day, when Shan Yisheng walked into the office, Ning Mengna was not there. While slightly surprised in his heart, he was relieved at the same time. Maybe after what happened yesterday, Ning Mengna finally stopped pestering him?
But then he just laughed at himself, why did he care so much, now that Ning Mengna is not here, isn't it just what he wants?

(End of this chapter)

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