Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 380 The Mysterious Enemy

Chapter 380 The Mysterious Enemy
Shan Yisheng calmed down his mood, and finally slowly integrated into his work.

The morning sunlight hit the man's body through the blinds, and it actually emitted a bit of light.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, Shan Yisheng frowned, but still said to come in.

"President Shan, here are the documents you asked for yesterday." The secretary handed the documents to Shan Yisheng. Seeing Shan Yisheng frowning and taking the documents, his heart surged for a long time. Obviously, he had been a secretary for so long. But every time I saw Mr. Shan's various actions, I couldn't help but feel a little heartbeat.

Sure enough, Shan Yisheng really deserves to be the most attractive man in this city, and he has enough capital for women to be crazy about him.

It is said that men at work are the most attractive, and now seeing Mr. Shan's appearance, it is true.The fine sunlight hit the man's body directly, and the man's side face flickered under the light, but no matter what aspect it was, the man in front of him could only be described by one word, that is handsome.

Seemingly noticing a scorching gaze fixed on her body, Shan Yisheng raised her head and saw the secretary looking at her longingly.

Shan Yisheng frowned, then said coldly: "You don't have anything to do here, you can go out."

At this time, the little secretary also came back to his senses in an instant. Naturally, he saw the unfriendly expression on his president's face. He was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly agreed to go out, but just as he walked to the door, he heard Shan Yisheng's voice again. "Bring me a cup of coffee."

The little secretary was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and closed the door gently.

But after closing the door, in a place where Shan Yisheng could not see, he still patted his chest lightly, calming his disordered heartbeat. He didn't expect that he would stare at the CEO for so long. In the end, Mr. Shan actually dismissed that person on the spot. Thinking of this, the little secretary showed a look of fear on his face, but he couldn't help but think in his heart: "You really deserve to be the president, even the angry one The appearance is also so cold and charming..."

At this time, Shan Yisheng was quietly looking at the information handed over by the secretary in the office, naturally he didn't know what kind of image he was in the eyes of the little secretary, but those Shan Yisheng didn't care.

Just looking at the information in his hand, Shan Yisheng's expression became more and more dignified, the matter seemed to be more serious than he imagined.

Recently opened a new company in the city, the store is not big, but this seemingly small company forced three medium-sized companies to go bankrupt in less than a month, although I don’t know how the other party did it But if it wasn't for this company to extend its grasp to Sy Group, perhaps Shan Yisheng would not have noticed this company at all.

Just yesterday, Li He, the director of the financial department, told himself that the company has been short of funds recently. Shan Yisheng was quite puzzled at the time, but the funds are related to the life and death of a company, so he hurriedly asked people to find out the cause of the matter, and finally investigated and dealt with it It was this company that caused the trouble, and the old customers who had a stable cooperative relationship with Sy turned their backs one after another, because this mysterious company can provide more high-quality and cheap raw materials...

In the mall, everyone is looking for their own interests, and Shan Yisheng naturally knows this.But this mysterious company did not stop there, just like the Sy Group, as long as it is involved in the industry of its own company, this mysterious company has been involved one after another. This point really touched Shan Yisheng bottom line.

Looking at the information presented by the secretary, Shan Yisheng's eyes flashed a strong hostility.

It seems that I have to deal with this matter myself...

Shan Yisheng stood up, walked to the window, and looked into the distance with deep eyes.

And on the spacious desk, several large characters are particularly obvious: ZZ Group.

At this time, the knock on the office door sounded again, and a voice sounded instantly: "Mr. Shan, your coffee."

At this moment, Shan Yisheng's mind was completely focused on that company, and he didn't realize that the voice seemed somewhat familiar.

"Okay, put it on the table, you go out."

Shan Yisheng didn't look back, but just said lightly.

But for a long time, I didn't hear the sound of opening and closing the door, but there was a scorching sight behind me, which only increased and did not decrease.

Finally, Shan Yisheng couldn't bear to look back, but his voice was very cold: "Who allows you to stare at me like this, if you want to resign..."

It's just that before he finished speaking, when he saw the person coming, he stopped his words instantly, and his eyes were also extremely cold in an instant.

"Ning Mengna." The thin lips parted lightly, and Shan Yisheng severely suppressed his desire to throw the woman in front of him out in person.

"President Mo, are you going to fire me? I'm so scared." Ning Mengna said, and then pretended to be very scared, but there was no trace of fear in her eyes, and there was clearly a smile on her face.

"Ning Mengna, you'd better disappear in front of me now, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude..."

Shan Yisheng's tone was very cold, Ning Mengna frowned, but her eyes caught a glimpse of a document on the desk. This ZZ company seemed familiar?

Taking another look at Shan Yisheng's distraught look, he suddenly understood something.

It's just that the smile in the words didn't diminish: "It's just that if Mr. Shan wants to fire me, I'm afraid he will be disappointed. After all, I'm not an employee of Sy Group..."

"I didn't expect Mr. Shan to be so ungrateful when someone gave you coffee with good intentions..."

Ning Mengna curled her lips, pretending to be aggrieved.

But Shan Yisheng looked at Ning Mengna, and he was naturally very angry. Sure enough, he still overestimated the ability of the woman in front of him, how could she not come?
"Ning Mengna, let me tell you again, if you don't come out again, I'm really welcome."

Shan Yisheng spoke, but he didn't seem to be joking at all. If Ning Mengna really didn't listen, Shan Yisheng didn't doubt the seriousness of his words at all.

When dealing with this woman, Shan Yisheng felt that there was no need for him to soften his heart.

"Okay, then I put the coffee here, Mr. Shan, you can enjoy it slowly..."

Then he picked up his bag and slowly walked out of Shan Yisheng's office.It's not that Ning Mengna is really afraid of what Shan Yisheng will do to her, because she has a mysterious person to meet at noon today, so she guesses that she is not pestering Shan Yisheng anymore.

And Shan Yisheng didn't seem to have thought that this woman would be so talkative today, while a doubt flashed in his heart, he looked at the coffee on the table with a cold look in his eyes.

At this time, Ning Mengna drove her sports car and arrived half an hour earlier than the scheduled time.

Sitting in the bright coffee shop, Ning Mengna thought about who the person who called her yesterday was not once, but in the end she still had no idea, but she had a feeling in her heart that she should know this person.

Therefore, in order to prove the correctness of her guess, Ning Mengna came to the appointment.

At least, in broad daylight, even if he is a bad person, he will not be punished.

It's just that when he saw the person coming, he felt a flash of surprise in his heart, as if his guess was wrong, and he didn't seem to know the man in front of him.

"Miss Ning, hello." The visitor smiled, polite and alienated.

"You are?" Ning Mengna directly expressed her doubts. Although she didn't know the man in front of her, what Ning Mengna had to admit was that the man in front of her was really handsome.

Handsome and handsome appearance, eyes as deep as the sea, high nose bridge, thin lips, Ning Mengna secretly scored in her heart, if the perfect score is [-], the man in front of her can account for [-] points.

Although it's a bit worse than Shan Yisheng, the man in front of you always looks a little uncomfortable. It's like, you are obviously seeing the man in front of you smiling, but you don't see it well. .

By the way, just like the one in front of you.

Thinking of this, Ning Mengna once again deducted one point from the man in front of her.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I can help Miss Ning achieve her wish, so Miss Ning..."

The person who came did not directly answer Ning Mengna's question, but spoke slowly, looking at Ning Mengna with a trace of confidence in his eyes.

Perhaps it was the man's overly confident words that made Ning Mengna very disgusted, Ning Mengna frowned slightly, and then lightly parted her lips: "Maybe, but I, Ning Mengna, have never been with someone who is timid and dare not even say my name." People who come out to deal with..."

Speaking of this, Ning Mengna's eyes flashed with disdain and a sneer, then she picked up her bag and wanted to get up and leave.

When the person who came saw Ning Mengna's movements, a faint smile flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Well, this is my business card, Miss Ning, don't rush away, isn't there someone here? As the saying goes, there is no righteousness in buying and selling, at least you can have more friends, right?"

The visitor still had a smile on his face, but Ning Mengna still felt very uncomfortable.

This man is too dangerous, this is Ning Mengna's first instinct.

It's just that when I saw the name on the business card, I felt a slight surprise in my heart, and this surprise was directly expressed on Ning Mengna's face: "Are you Zhang Yang, the president of ZZ Group?"

ZZ Group, I just saw their group's information on Shan Yisheng's desk, but what I didn't expect was that now I saw the legendary CEO!This young president of the group who has never shown his face no matter how many paparazzi follow him is sitting in front of him now? !
This group is a new group, but it is aggressive and has already forced several companies to close down. If Ning Mengna guessed correctly, this group has now extended its hand to the Sy Group...

Although the zz group acted in a low-key manner, it was aggressive.

Ning Mengna was surprised for a while, but it was fleeting. Intuitively, Ning Mengna didn't want to have anything to do with the person in front of her, because this person was too scheming.

(End of this chapter)

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