Chapter 381 Crisis
"But Mr. Zhang, my life is really good now. It seems that I have nothing to achieve, so Mr. Zhang..."

It's just that Ning Mengna hadn't finished speaking, and there seemed to be a sarcastic smile on the man's face: "Really?"

With such a contented expression, Ning Mengna wanted to punch the man in the face twice.

Taking a deep breath: "Since it's all right, the company still has some things to do, so I'll go first, Mr. Zhang."

Immediately, he stood up and wanted to turn around and leave.

But she remembered in her heart that she had to remind Shan Yisheng to be careful, but what Ning Mengna didn't realize at this time was that she always took Shan Yisheng to heart.

"Including Shan Yisheng?" The man behind him suddenly said something inexplicably, but Ning Mengna understood it in an instant.

The footsteps that wanted to leave paused, then turned around and looked at the man who was still smiling.

"This is my own business, Mr. Zhang, and I don't need to bother others."

Ning Mengna also looked at the man in front of her with a certain degree of coldness in her eyes, and her impression of the man in her heart was once again reduced by several points.

It's just that Zhang Yang stood up slowly, with a smile that remained unchanged for thousands of years, casually picked up the business card in his hand, and walked to Ning Mengna.

I don't know if it was her own illusion, but Ning Mengna only felt an invisible pressure.

This kind of pressure was no less than what he felt standing in front of Shan Yisheng.

"Miss Ning, don't rush to reject me, maybe one day, we will have a cooperative relationship."

The corners of Zhang Yang's mouth raised slightly, he lowered his head and put his business card into Ning Mengna's pocket.Then he took a deep look at Ning Mengna, turned and left.

Ning Mengna, who returned home, took out Zhang Yang's business card and casually threw it aside.

I didn't take this matter to heart at all, but after lying on the bed, I felt that this matter might not be as simple as I imagined.

Why did this man choose him, and he seemed to know him well?Ning Mengna admitted that she wanted to use the influence of the Sy Group to develop her company well, so she agreed to Xu Zishan's request at that party, but at the same time Ning Mengna also knew that Xu Zishan was just using herself, Just drive away Yao Yiyi.Since they are using each other, Ning Mengna will naturally not feel any guilt, but she still has a trace of guilt in her heart towards Yao Yiyi.

But these are not the main problems now, Zhang Yang...

Slightly squinting, if you want to use yourself to defeat the Sy Group, it seems that your wishful thinking is wrong.

Thinking of the confident smile on that man's lips forever, Ning Mengna felt an inexplicable anger in her heart, as if all her affairs were under the control of that man. Feel very uncomfortable.

At this time, Shan Yisheng listened to the report of the Chief Financial Officer Li He, with a heavy expression on his face.

"You mean that nearly [-]% of the company's share has been eaten away by the ZZ Group?"

Shan Yisheng's deep voice sounded slowly, without distinguishing between emotions and anger, but Li He slowly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

There was a bit of trembling in the voice: "Yes."

Listening to Li He's answer, Shan Yisheng slammed on the table with a bang.

"What does the marketing department do? In less than ten days, it has been eroded by the back group by [-]% of its share..." Shan Yisheng's voice was somewhat out of breath, and at this time Yao Yiyi was about to knock on the door, but when he heard Shan Yisheng's anger, he just stood at the door.

It seems that in memory, have you ever seen a man so angry?
And what happened to the [-]% share? Could it be that there was a problem with the operation of the company?

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi frowned slightly, the thought of having dinner with Shan Yisheng disappeared instantly.

Li He's trembling voice came from inside: "President Shan, the marketing department has worked very hard to win the opportunity, but the bid of ZZ Group is really too low, and if our bid is lower than theirs, I'm afraid it will be a waste of money." I can't earn it back..."

Hearing Li He's report, Shan Yisheng regained his composure, but there was a bit of fatigue in his voice: "The bid is low? Don't those old customers know that our group has always been very guaranteed in quality? "

"But...but the quality of ZZ Group's raw materials is also very guaranteed, so many old customers request to contact our group for contracts..."

Hearing these words, Shan Yisheng took a deep breath, and then sat down on the chair, "Go back first, I have to think about it."

Hearing these words, Li He walked out quickly as if he had been pardoned.

When he saw Yao Yiyi at the door, he was about to speak, but Yao Yiyi made a silent gesture, and then signaled Li He and himself to go to a corner beside him.

After asking the reason clearly, Yao Yiyi frowned slightly.

After thinking about it, he finally pushed the door open, but he didn't open his mouth yet. The man's voice with his back turned to him was a little tired: "Go out first, I'll think about it, and I'm talking."

Obviously, he regarded himself as Li Hyuk who had gone and returned.

"Yisheng..." Yao Yiyi took a deep breath and said.

Hearing Yao Yiyi's voice, Shan Yisheng stood up immediately, with a bit of surprise in his voice: "Why did you come here, you are all busy with things over there..."

"No, I just miss you and want to come and see you." Yao Yiyi said with a bit of hesitation, "I've heard what happened just now..."

When Shan Yisheng saw Yao Yiyi's worried eyes, he pretended to be relaxed and said: "It's okay Yiyi, you don't have to worry, there will be some things in the company every day, it's inevitable..."

It's just that Shan Yisheng's eyes are full of exhaustion that cannot be concealed.

"But things are still different this time, isn't it? In just a few days, a mysterious company took [-]% of the share. Yisheng, you have to know that if this situation continues, The board is definitely going to..."

Yao Yiyi didn't continue, but Shan Yisheng didn't understand the meaning of Yao Yiyi's words.

This is a company I created by myself, and I can't watch him fall into the hands of others.

But he still pampered Yao Yiyi's hair: "Yiyi, I will solve these things as soon as possible. Now your main task is to prepare for the cooperation case the day after tomorrow. This time, there must be no any problems." What a mistake, you know?"

"I know, but..." Yao Yiyi frowned.

"It's okay, one by one, trust me."

Shan Yisheng said, looking at Yao Yiyi with a bit of softness in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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