Chapter 382
Returning to the Yao Group, Yao Yiyi had a bad premonition in his heart, always feeling that something bad would happen.

Although he was holding a cooperation case in his hand, he didn't read a single word.

Until someone shouted softly in front of her: "Duo Duo..."

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, and then saw Xiang Heng standing in front of him at some point.

"Duoduo, what are you thinking? So engrossed..."

"No, it's nothing." But suddenly, as if thinking of something, Yao Yiyi suddenly asked: "By the way, brother, do you know that there is a company called ZZ Group?"

At this time, Xiang Heng was looking at the cooperation project in Yao Yiyi's hands, and when he heard Yao Yiyi's voice, he said naturally, "Of course I know, this company's recent actions seem to be not small, although it is a newly developed company, But he has already forced several old companies into bankruptcy, and this manager has some tricks..."

Hearing Xiang Heng's words, Yao Yiyi was taken aback, and blurted out: "Bankrupt?"

At this time, Yao Yiyi obviously did not expect that this company could be so powerful.

"Yes, several old companies have been forced to go bankrupt due to the problem of raw materials... But, what does this have to do with you, why do you care about these things?"

With some doubts in Xiang Heng's eyes, he finally shifted his gaze to Yao Yiyi's face.

It's just that Yao Yiyi's face at this time is always somewhat surprised and pale.

Xiang Heng frowned, with a bit of worry in his tone: "Yi Yi, what's wrong?"

"Brother, Yisheng's company has been taken away by this company in less than a dozen days..." Yao Yiyi murmured, with a bit of confusion in his voice .

But Xiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, and then saw Yao Yiyi's expression, but there was a bit of disbelief in his words: "How is this possible?"

"It's true, brother, when I went there in the morning, Li He, the chief financial officer of Yisheng Company, told me personally..."

As Yao Yiyi said, his voice was full of worries, and he suddenly seemed to think of something: "No, I have to go and find out, what is the origin of this ZZ Group..."

Who knew that there was a wry smile on Xiang Heng's face, and a bit of helplessness in his voice: "Yi Yi, even the paparazzi couldn't find out about this matter, so how could you find out?"

There was obviously a bit of helplessness in the voice.Yao Yiyi was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "What's going on?"

"Do you think the group made such a big noise that it won't attract the attention of the media? I heard that many paparazzi used to follow ZZ Group, but they still didn't even get a face from the boss of the group. Logically, Speaking of which, this matter is a bit weird..."

What Xiang Heng said made Yao Yiyi even more anxious, "No matter what it is, I must go and have a look."

"Duo Duo..." Xiang Heng's voice seemed to be somewhat helpless, looking at the little woman who was about to get dressed and go out, "How is the cooperation case going?"

"Brother, don't worry, there must be no problem with this cooperation."

Xiang Heng smiled, but there was a hint of worry on his face: "Duo Duo, Sheng will definitely handle this matter, you don't have to worry too much..."

"But brother, if I don't check it out, I'm really worried."

"Hey, there is a saying that if you care, you will mess up, do you know that?"

"I see, brother, don't worry, I will definitely go to the cooperation meeting tomorrow, and I won't come back later, I will go back to the apartment directly."

After speaking, he took the clothes and turned out the door.

But for some reason, seeing Yao Yiyi leaving, Xiang Heng felt a bad premonition in his heart.

Then he shook his head, probably because there are too many things going on recently, and he always feels a bit oppressed.

At this time, Yao Yiyi had already reached the so-called ZZ Group.

If it wasn't for passers-by who affirmed that this was the mysterious company, how could I not believe what I saw before my eyes!
There is no towering building as imagined, just an ordinary store on this street, with simple decoration, mainly in black and white, with ZZ written in big characters outside the door.

Yao Yiyi frowned. Is this the ZZ Group that bankrupted several big companies?

Even though I opened the door and walked in, I still had some doubts in my heart, did I really go to the wrong place?

"Hi, miss, what do you need?" The lady at the front desk had an elegant smile on her face, looking at the beautiful woman who pushed the door in, but this woman seemed familiar...

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, then smiled and said, "I have something I want to talk to your general manager, I wonder if it's not convenient now?"

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, the lady at the front desk seemed to have some hesitation on her face: "Our general manager usually doesn't see customers, so please come back, miss."

Hearing the expected answer, Yao Yiyi did not give up.

"I have a big cooperation in my hands. I wonder if your general manager is interested?"

Yao Yiyi resorted to his trump card, shopping malls are all about profit.As long as I can give enough bait, I don't believe this fish won't take the bait.

It's just that Yao Yiyi was disappointed this time, the front desk lady shook her head firmly.

"Okay then." Hearing the voice of the lady at the front desk, Yao Yiyi sighed helplessly. He didn't want to embarrass the person in front of him, so he walked out.

It's just that there is still a bit of reluctance in my heart. This group is indeed as mysterious as the legends say, but I don't know who the person behind the scenes will be.

Yao Yiyi took two steps, but out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a blocked wall next to him.

This wall seems to have been blocked not long ago, because the limestone on it is still very new, but Yao Yiyi is very puzzled, why is the wall next to the ZZ Group blocked?
Could it be that there is an ulterior secret in it?
Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi looked around, and saw not far away, a small alley leading to here...

Yao Yi glanced around, it seemed that no one noticed his current actions.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, he sneaked into the alley.

The inside was pitch black, with a musty smell, Yao Yiyi suddenly felt a touch of fear, but for the sake of Yisheng, he still gritted his teeth and slowly walked forward while supporting the wall.

What made Yao Yiyi puzzled was, what exactly is this place?
No wonder no one suspects that it is just an ordinary alley on the outside, who would have thought that it would be so unique inside?
He didn't know how long he had been walking, but when Yao Yiyi's legs and feet were a little limp, he found a bright light not far in front of him.

There was a burst of excitement in my heart, and it seemed that it was over.

Regardless of the weakness of his legs and feet, Yao Yiyi walked quickly towards the bright light.

It turned out that there was a wooden door at the end, and the light came from the wooden door.

Yao Yiyi put his ear on the wooden door and listened, and only when he was sure that there was no one inside, he tiptoedly opened the door.

It's just that Yao Yiyi was taken aback by the situation in front of him.

Abandoned chemical raw materials are everywhere, tattered, like an abandoned car factory.Yao Yiyi just wanted to look around, but there were several people talking not far away, Yao Yiyi was startled, then looked around, and hurriedly found a place to hide.

The conversation was getting closer and closer, and Yao Yiyi could hear what the two of them were talking about.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think that woman will help us?"

It was a rough voice, and as the words approached, Yao Yiyi tightly covered his mouth when he saw the face of the person coming, not letting himself make any sound.

The speaker was tall, but what made people feel terrible was that there was a scar on the man's face, which spread from the eyes on the left side of his face to the chin on the right side, which looked a bit hideous.

The person called Mr. Zhang had his back to Yao Yiyi, so Yao Yiyi couldn't see the face of the person clearly, but his voice was pleasant: "Yes, I will."

I don't know why, but when he heard the so-called Mr. Zhang's confident words, Yao Yiyi felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

The two gradually drifted away, and it seemed that there was a sound of opening the wooden door, and the voice of the scarred man was flattering: "It's a good thing that Mr. Zhang Yingming set up his headquarters here. The store outside is just a A pretense..."

Hearing these words, Yao Yiyi opened his eyes wide in disbelief, is it a cover outside?Could it be that the ZZ group outside turned out to be a cover?
No wonder everyone couldn't find any information about this mysterious group, it turned out to be the case.

It wasn't until the surroundings became quiet again that Yao Yiyi slowly walked out of the hiding place and walked gently to the wooden door. He must tell Yisheng about this and let him be on guard early. It's so bad, if I'm right, it's definitely not a regular company...

It's just...Yao Yiyi looked at the wooden door in disbelief, and pulled it again unwillingly, but it still didn't move.

Was it locked from the inside?

Yao Yiyi wanted to cry, but not far away, an old ax lay quietly on the ground.

Picking up the axe, just about to start, but suddenly thought of something, if I destroy this place, it will definitely attract the attention of everyone here, if that is the case, everything will not go smoothly Progress……

Therefore, I must not be able to destroy this lock.

After thinking about it, Yao Yiyi immediately touched his pocket. Could it be that he came out in a hurry and forgot to take his mobile phone?

This time, it was really ineffective, Yao Yiyi threw the ax on the ground angrily, and then walked around the abandoned car factory, hoping to find something to help him ...

(End of this chapter)

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