Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 383 Escape From Zzz

Chapter 383 Escape From Zzz
The area of ​​this abandoned car factory is not very large, so it only took less than half an hour for Yao Yiyi to finish wandering around, but he found nothing, there was no other way out at all, it was like a closed space .

Back at the dilapidated wooden door, Yao Yiyi gritted his teeth. At worst, he would stay here all night. He still didn't believe that those men didn't come to open the door, it was just a negotiation tomorrow...

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi felt a little shaken, that negotiation was very important to him, if he didn't participate, the Yao Group might lose this opportunity.

But for Yisheng...

Yao Yiyi had never felt such entanglement and hesitation in his heart, he put the discarded ax aside again, if he had a mobile phone now, how good it would be...

Taking a deep breath, Yao Yiyi was about to stand up when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, which seemed to be somewhat anxious.

Yao Yiyi felt nervous for a while, and then hid again in his hiding place just now.

The wooden door was opened, and the person who came in was the scarred man!
It's just that the man seemed to be looking for something beside the wooden door, and the expression on his face seemed to be somewhat anxious.

But Yao Yiyi's current target is not the man, but the wooden door opened by the man. If the man is not guarding the door, this is his chance to escape...

It's just that the man with the scar on his face was always wandering around beside the wooden door, which made Yao Yiyi anxious.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Yao Yiyi's mind, and then a stone was thrown from his hand.

Not far away, there was a crisp sound.

The man with the scar immediately turned his head, his eyes were sharp, with a somewhat fierce look: "Who?"

It took a long time, but no one answered, and Yao Yi felt that he was almost too nervous to breathe.

The scarred man had doubts in his eyes, but he still walked slowly towards the warehouse. Seeing that the man's figure finally disappeared from his sight, Yao Yiyi knew that now was a good opportunity.

Gently, Yao Yiyi didn't even dare to make a sound. If that man really found out, he might die without a place to bury himself...

Thinking this way, after passing through the wooden door, Yao Yiyi didn't stop at all, and almost ran out of the dark tunnel at a gallop.

And when Yao Yiyi finally saw the setting sun outside, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, what a thrilling experience, Yao Yiyi shook his head, he would never come here again after killing himself... …

Gently patted his chest, Yao Yiyi was obviously still in shock.

Fortunately, the man with the scar went back to find something, otherwise, he would really have to stay in there for a whole night...

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi has slowly moved away from this alley, this dangerous alley.

It seems that I have to tell Yisheng what happened here as soon as possible, otherwise the matter will get out of hand, and it is only now that Yao Yiyi feels that his heart has calmed down slowly, and it seems that he remembers what happened just now in his mind. The content of the conversation between the two people, the man with the scar seems to have said, that woman, just who is that woman?
Everything seemed to be a mystery, Yao Yiyi felt as if he had entered a circle and didn't know how to find the way out.

But what Yao Yiyi didn't realize was that behind her, a sharp gaze closely followed her.

At that time, Yao Yi only felt that he had escaped from the sky, so he naturally didn't see the surrounding environment.So he didn't notice a black BMW parked outside the alley, and the owner of the car looked at the woman who ran out of the alley with a sharp and sinister look in his eyes.

This person is Zhang Yang, and when Zhang Yang looked at the woman who was gradually moving away from his sight, a thought flashed in his eyes. No wonder he felt that this woman looked familiar just now. Isn't this woman the gossip heroine Yao One by one, and she has another identity, that is Shan Yisheng's fiancée...

Ha ha, now things are getting more interesting.

Shan Yisheng, I didn't want your family to be involved, but now it seems impossible.

So, Yao Yiyi, Shan Yisheng, don't blame me.

But Yao Yiyi had just returned home and closed the door when the cell phone rang in an instant, which startled Yao Yiyi, and saw the light of the phone shining on the coffee table, and Yao Yiyi tapped On his chest, he picked up the phone and saw the caller ID on it.

"Hey, brother, what's wrong?"

"Duoduo, you seem to have forgotten some information here in the company, do you still need it tomorrow?"

Xiang Heng's voice sounded over there, seeming to be somewhat worried.

"Ah, the documents you forgot?" Yao Yiyi flipped through the documents he had prepared on his desk, and sure enough, he saw that two were missing, "Okay, bro, wait a minute, I'll go get them... "

Immediately, he hung up the phone and rushed to the Yao Group.

The Yao Group is not very far away from the place where Yao Yiyi lives, so it took Yao Yiyi less than 10 minutes to arrive at the Yao Group.

"Brother, where are those materials?"

Before opening the door of the office, Yao Yiyi asked, because if he didn't have those materials tomorrow, he really didn't know what to do.

"Look at how forgetful you are..." Xiang Heng's voice was somewhat helpless and doting, and then he gave Yao Yiyi the information he had prepared.

And Yao Yi glanced at the documents, and finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, these documents are very important, if he didn't have these documents, he really wouldn't know how to deal with Ji Xi tomorrow.

"By the way, Dodo, did you find anything during the investigation just now?"

Xiang Heng just asked casually, because Xiang Heng would never know that Yao Yiyi really discovered something this time.

But after listening to Yao Yiyi's words, Xiang Heng was shocked: "Duoduo, what are you talking about, the alley next to ZZ Group actually leads to the inside of their group..."

"Well, although I don't know who the people behind this group are, what I do know is that this group is definitely not a legal group, so I have to tell Yisheng about this and let him be careful."

But for some reason, Xiang Heng felt something was wrong in his heart. After looking at Yao Yiyi for a long time, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Duoduo, did you see you when you ran out?"

No wonder I always felt that there was something obedient in my heart, that's it, according to what Yao Yiyi said, I saw two people going out at the time, but one person went in after the big event, if that's the case, where is the other person?
(End of this chapter)

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