Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 384 Negotiation Begins

Chapter 384 Negotiation Begins

And hearing Xiang Heng's voice, Yao Yiyi was also stunned. At that time, he only had the joy of the rest of his life in his heart, and he didn't have time to check the surrounding environment, but Xiang Heng reminded himself, where did the other person go? ?
I don't know if it's his own illusion, but Yao Yiyi always has a feeling that the other person must have discovered him.

And at that time, because the other person was facing away from me, I don't know the other person's appearance now, and the most important thing is, if the other person sees me, then the so-called Mr. Zhang must know me!

In that case, the enemy is in the dark...

Taking a deep breath, Yao Yi felt a sudden chill rising from his back, but he still asked with some luck: "It shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?"

It's just that Xiang Heng's expression suddenly became serious, and Yao Yiyi had never seen a serious expression before: "No matter what it is, the other party may already know about your existence, so your current situation Maybe it's very dangerous, Dodo, promise me, no matter what you do in the future, you must tell me in advance."

Seeing Xiang Heng's serious eyes, Yao Yiyi nodded unconsciously.

"Then, brother, I'll go back first."

Yao Yiyi thought for a while, and then said, no matter what the final outcome of the matter is, the most important thing for him now is to get a good night's sleep and prepare for tomorrow's negotiation.

"Okay, then I'll take you back..."

Xiang Heng said suddenly, and Yao Yiyi just wanted to refuse, but suddenly remembered what Xiang Heng said just now, so he nodded.

Arriving at Yao Yiyi's apartment, Xiang Heng's eyes were obviously worried, but Yao Yiyi smiled indifferently, as if wanting to reassure Xiang Heng: "Brother, don't worry so much, maybe something happened. It's not as bad as we thought, is it?"

"I hope so, Dodo, sleep well, and I will pick you up tomorrow."


Seeing Xiang Heng's car disappearing from his sight, Yao Yiyi shook his head, and drove all the messy things out of his mind. The most important thing for him now is to have a good sleep.

It's just that in his sleep, he dreamed that something happened to Shan Yisheng's company. An inexplicable pressure made Yao Yiyi sleep very unsteadily.

When I woke up in the morning, I really saw two dark circles under my eye sockets.

Yao Yiyi smiled helplessly, and then put on light makeup.

But at this moment, I heard Xiang Heng's voice at the door: "Duoduo, are you ready, let's go have breakfast."

A smile appeared on Yao Yiyi's face, it turned out that the feeling of being cared for was so warm.

It seems that I haven't felt this way for a long time.

After the two hurriedly finished their breakfast, Xiang Heng drove Yao Yiyi to the Heili Group, but Xiang Heng didn't follow in, but just said cheers to Yao Yiyi.

And Yao Yiyi showed a confident smile on his face, obviously he didn't want Xiang Heng to worry.

Taking a deep breath, Yao Yiyi slowly stepped into Ji Xi's office.

But at this time, Shan Yisheng was sitting in a cafe with a gloomy face, looking at his watch constantly, with a bit of anger in his expression, obviously they had agreed to meet at eight o'clock, but What I didn't expect was that it was already 08:30 and I still haven't come...

Shan Yisheng was about to get up and leave, but a voice came from his ear, "President Shan, I'm sorry, I was in a meeting just now, so I didn't rush over in time, I hope you will forgive me, forgive me."

The person came with a fat head and big ears. Although he said so, there was no trace of apology in his expression.

When Shan Yisheng heard the voice of the person coming, he had already recovered his original coldness: "Mr. Wang, he is well-known in the industry for keeping promises. As expected, no matter how late he is, he will always come."

Shan Yisheng said lightly, but the sarcasm between the words can be heard by anyone.

"What is Mr. Shan talking about? Although I am very committed to the contract, some objective factors are beyond my control, aren't they?"

Mr. Wang smiled but his voice was not so polite.

A wave of anger rose in Shan Yisheng's heart. It turned out that when these companies used their own group's raw materials, which one was not flattering and servile, but now they have such a face...

Taking a deep breath, "Okay, let's get to the point now." Shan Yisheng obviously didn't want to have too much contact with the person in front of him.

"I heard that Mr. Wang wants to contact our group for a contract?"

Shan Yisheng just thought of saying that, and then picked up the coffee and took a light sip.

And Mr. Wang has a hypocritical smile on his face: "Mr. Shan also knows that the price of your company's raw materials is really a little... But now we have better choices. Mr. Shan, the shopping malls are like battlefields, and only profit decided to cooperate. You don’t know about the relationship list, do you?”

Hearing Mr. Wang's words, Shan Yisheng smiled, and his voice was full of confidence: "Of course I know these things, but Mr. Wang, our group's raw materials are the most fair and authentic in the industry, and the quality is absolutely guaranteed. It is also the group with the lowest price in the industry, isn't these bosses satisfied?"

"What does Mr. Shan mean?"

Mr. Wang still had a smile on his face, but he obviously lacked confidence.

"What Mr. Shan means is that since Sy Group's price and quality are already the best, although ZZ Group can also provide raw materials of the same quality but at a lower price, Mr. Wang won't think about the risks involved. ?Sometimes, if you want to get more profits, you have to take more risks, doesn't Mr. Wang know about this?"

Shan Yisheng didn't speak, but looked at the visitor with some displeasure in his eyes.

The visitor was dressed in a red dress, wrapping a woman's graceful body, sexy and charming, just a rare stunner in the eyes of men.

It was Ning Mengna.

"Mr. Wang, sometimes you have to take a long-term view, and don't ruin the company's bright future just because of a small profit in front of you..."

Although there was a smile on the corner of Ning Mengna's mouth, it just didn't reach her eyes.

Hearing Ning Mengna's words, Mr. Shanwang wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, but in his mind he remembered the group that could offer him a lower price, which seemed extremely mysterious.

I don't know why, but I gradually feel uneasy in my heart.

Looking at Shan Yisheng's sharp eyes, Mr. Wang's face is no longer the arrogance at the beginning, but with an almost flattering respect: "Mr. Shan has a long-term perspective and has a vision. Our company has never thought of working with Sy. The group has terminated the contract, and your company's reputation in the industry is undeniable, so not only will we not terminate the contract, but we will also extend the contract with your company for five years."

The flattering smile on Mr. Wang's face made Ning Mengna sick in her heart, and since Shan Yisheng had achieved her goal, seeing the man's flattering appearance, she still felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart. Then he smiled and said, "Since Mr. Wang is like this, let's finish all the matters as soon as possible..."

Just a few words have turned the world around, worthy of Shan Yisheng.

At this time, Shan Yisheng had already stood up and was about to leave, while Ning Mengna followed behind the man step by step.

Finally, Shan Yisheng turned around, with a sharp light in his eyes: "Ning Mengna, I told you once, stay away from me, don't you understand?"

And Ning Mengna had a look of grievance on her face: "I just solved such a big trouble for you, Mr. Shan is really as cold and ruthless as in the legend."

"I don't need your help." Shan Yisheng frowned, but still said, in fact, even if Ning Mengna didn't help her just now, she could solve this matter by herself, but it seems that Ning Mengna helped herself, such an effect It seems to be better.

Seemingly noticing the change in Shan Yisheng's expression, Ning Mengna strikes while the iron is hot, "Mr. Shan, why not do this, we will adopt this policy in the future, so things will definitely progress more smoothly."

Hearing Ning Mengna's words, Shan Yisheng frowned.

After deeply fixing Ning Mengna for a while, her thin lips said coldly: "Conditions?"

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Ning Mengna showed a smile in her eyes. Asking her own conditions means agreeing to herself?

Thinking of this, Ning Mengna felt an inexplicable excitement in her heart, but seeing Shan Yisheng's serious look, she still couldn't help but want to tease the incomparably cold man in front of her: "The condition is naturally that you like me..."

But before he finished speaking, Shan Yisheng turned around and left coldly.

And Ning Mengna was behind Shan Yisheng, smiling prettily.

I haven't seen Ji Xi for several days, and it seems that he is more handsome and charming than a few days ago, but a soft light flashed in Ji Xi's eyes when he heard Yao Yiyi's voice and turned his head.

"When do we start?"

Yao Yiyi tightly held the documents in his hands, with a hint of nervousness in his voice, but more excitement.

Seemingly seeing through Yao Yiyi's nervousness, Ji Xi just smiled and said in a gentle voice, "Your battlefield is not here today, and your enemy is not me, so don't be so nervous."

A simple joke made Yao Yiyi feel relaxed instantly, and the nervousness disappeared.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and Ji Xi looked at Yao Yiyi, and then said, "Come with me."

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, followed by Ji Xi and slowly walked into the largest office of the Xili Group, and at this time all the directors of the Xili Group were already sitting in their seats, not knowing what they were discussing.

Yao Yiyi was taken aback. Although he was a little surprised, he had imagined this situation many times. After all, his goal this time was the Xili Group, so convincing Ji Xi alone was not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal was to persuade All the directors present here.

"Hi directors, I am Yao Yiyi from the Yao Group. I am very grateful to Mr. Ji for giving me such an opportunity to allow our Yao Group to participate in the construction of the Xili Group. Next, let me help you Roughly explain the preparations we have made for not achieving our goal this time..."

Yao Yiyi always had a gentle smile on his lips, while Ji Xi was always looking at Yao Yiyi with encouragement in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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