Chapter 386
"I don't know either, but I don't know why, but I have an intuition in my heart that I can't tell Yisheng about this now..."

Yao Yiyi said, but there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Xiang Heng was taken aback, but there was always a doting smile on the corner of his mouth: "Then don't tell Sheng yet, and tell him when the time is right."

Hearing Xiang Heng's words, Yao Yi nodded, but when will the time be considered ripe.

But at this moment, the cell phone rang in an instant. Yao Yiyi looked at the caller ID, frowned slightly, but immediately pressed the answer button.

Ji Xi's gentle voice sounded over there: "Yiyi, shall we have dinner together some other day?"

Hearing Ji Xi's request, Yao Yiyi showed a look of embarrassment, but Shan Yisheng suddenly thought of him in his mind, and just wanted to refuse, but Ji Xi's voice sounded in an instant, as if he wanted to To add something else: "This is a dinner among employees, and everyone involved in the negotiation needs to participate."

Hearing Ji Xi's words, Yao Yiyi suddenly felt that he had no reason not to go, so he said "Hello" softly.

After hanging up the phone, Xiang Heng seemed to have guessed who was calling, but still couldn't help asking: "Is it Ji Xi?"

Yao Yiyi has nothing to hide: "Well, he said that there is a dinner party among the employees, and all the people participating in the negotiation must attend this time. I forgot to tell me just now, so tell me now."

"Oh, when?"

"He said it was another day, and I don't know the exact day."

After finishing speaking, Yao Yiyi suddenly remembered something, took out his mobile phone again, and dialed Shan Yisheng's phone number.

After dialing twice but no one answered, Yao Yiyi finally gave up on calling Shan Yisheng.After thinking about it, he finally said, "Brother, send me to Yisheng."

Xiang Heng glanced at Yao Yiyi, but did not refuse: "Okay."

The two drove to Sy Group, Yao Yiyi opened the door and got out of the car, then said to Xiang Heng in the car: "Brother, I went in by myself, you should go back to the company first, the company must have a lot of things to do now You go deal with..."

Seeing Yao Yiyi's expression, Xiang Heng's eyes were still somewhat worried: "But, Duo Duo, you..."

But Yao Yiyi showed a smile on his face: "Brother, I'm fine."

And Xiang Heng took a deep look at Yao Yiyi, finally nodded, and then drove away in the car.

Yao Yiyi looked at the majestic office building in front of him, and suddenly felt a bit confused in his heart. The joy of winning the negotiation was swept away, and his heart seemed to be blocked by something, with an inexplicable emptiness.

I don't know if it's his own illusion, Yao Yiyi always feels that something will happen, the premonition is so strong, but he doesn't know what's going on.

Yao Yiyi didn't look for Shan Yisheng's secretary, but walked slowly to Shan Yisheng's office by himself, and what Yao Yiyi naturally didn't see was the strange look of the staff behind him.

"Yisheng." Yao Yiyi knocked on the door, then pushed them away.

At this moment, a person came across, Yao Yiyi hurriedly shouted: "Well, isn't Yisheng here?"

But in my heart, I was very puzzled, because it was rare for Yisheng to not be in the company. Unless there were special circumstances, Yisheng usually handled things in the office. Could it be that there is any special situation now?

When the visitor saw that it was Yao Yiyi, his eyes turned out to be somewhat dodgy.

At this time, Yao Yiyi was a little anxious, and naturally he didn't notice the look of the person coming, so he just asked perseveringly, "Is Yisheng not here?"

"President Shan, I went out this morning, and I haven't come back yet..."

"Oh." Yao Yiyi sighed deeply, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Then Yisheng, where did you go, do you know?"

"It seems to be going to talk about cooperation, but I don't know the specific address."

And after saying this, he walked away in a hurry, as if he had encountered something terrible, but Yao Yiyi was taken aback, could it be that he looks so scary?
He smiled wryly twice, and then walked out of Sy Group.

Walking slowly on the empty street, Yao Yiyi didn't know why, but the bad premonition in his heart became more and more intense, and the feeling of suffocation in his chest was really uncomfortable.

He took out his mobile phone and tried to call Shan Yisheng's phone number, but there was no answer there.

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, and then wanted to leave. He stretched out his hand to hail a taxi, but a familiar black BMW flashed by in front of his eyes. Yao Yiyi was taken aback, but immediately recognized When it got out, it was Yisheng's car.

It's just that at that moment, countless questions arose in my mind?

It seems that there is another woman sitting beside Yisheng, a woman Yao Yiyi is very familiar with, Ning Mengna.

It's just that the woman seemed to have a smile on her face, so bright.

Yao Yiyi felt as if a big hole had leaked in his heart, and the cold wind came in, but the most important thing was that Yao Yiyi only belatedly remembered the time when he was in Yisheng's company. , Those employees looked at him, and there seemed to be some sympathy and pity in their eyes.

But there is still a voice in my heart calling loudly, believe in Yisheng, believe in him...

At this time, Xiang Heng's voice also rang in his ears: "Even if everyone in this world deceives you, there is only one person who will not deceive you, and that is Shan Yisheng. Whatever you do, you have to trust Yisheng."

At this moment, Yisheng's car seemed to come to a stop gradually, as if by accident, Yao Yiyi followed slowly, and the taxi driver who was stopped saw Yao Yiyi turned around and left, Naturally, there was a bit of exasperation in the voice: "Crazy..."

But at this time Yao Yiyi couldn't control so much anymore, as if his feet were not his own, he walked forward, and at this time Shan Yisheng and Ning Mengna also walked out, and Ning Mengna's face Naturally, there was an incomparably bright smile on the face, while Shan Yisheng's face was still cold, and there was no wave in his eyes looking at Ning Mengna.

Yao Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, watching the two walk into a high-end restaurant.

It turned out that it was time to eat...

In front of the bright and quiet glass window, there were two figures flashing. Yao Yi only saw Ning Mengna opening and closing her mouth, not knowing what to say, while Shan Yisheng's usually cold mouth raised slightly.

As if he had lost the most important thing, the expression on Yao Yiyi's face froze instantly.

The hand that clenched the phone was trembling slightly.

As if being guided, Yao Yiyi actually called Shan Yisheng's phone number again.

Coincidentally, it was connected this time, so Yao Yiyi could clearly hear the guilt in the man's voice.

"Yiyi, I'm sorry, I was busy just now, so I didn't see your call. Is there something wrong? By the way, how is today's negotiation?"

Hearing Shan Yisheng's voice, Yao Yiyi suddenly felt that his voice was extremely calm.

"The negotiation was very successful." Looking through the floor-to-ceiling windows at this time, Shan Yisheng was drinking coffee while answering the phone, his movements were still so elegant, but at this time Yao Yiyi was extremely chilled, Yao Yiyi could feel himself His voice was trembling, "Yisheng, where are you, how is the company doing now?"

"The company's situation is gradually improving, and things are going smoothly. I am now negotiating business with a client."

Yao Yiyi's tears suddenly flowed down without warning, and his voice was surprisingly calm: "Then I won't bother you."

Before Shan Yisheng could speak, Yao Yiyi ruthlessly hung up the phone.

Yisheng, after all, you still lied to me...

Shan Yisheng, after all, you still lied to Yao Yiyi.

He wiped away the tears on his face indiscriminately, but the corner of Yao Yiyi's mouth raised a smile, the more pain in his heart, the brighter the expression on his face.

But the two people who were eating in the restaurant had no idea that this scene was already in Yao Yiyi's eyes.

"Ning Mengna, can you hurry up, there is still a client who needs to meet..."

"I see, isn't this speeding up?" Ning Mengna said while stuffing all the things into her mouth until her mouth was swollen.

I was a little happy in my heart, I was planning to go directly to meet the next client, but I suddenly felt very hungry, and finally persuaded Shan Yisheng to accompany me to eat, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I Must be put to good use.

"Well, Mr. Shan, can you serve me a cup of Tang?" Ning Mengna looked at Shan Yisheng pitifully, her mouth was already full.

Obviously a very painful look.

Shan Yisheng frowned, but looked at the woman in pain, because she helped him so much, he still helped, but his voice was very cold: "Ning Mengna, can you come back again?" Hurry up?"

And Ning Mengna obviously didn't expect this man to make such an unreasonable request. After she finally swallowed the last bite of food in her mouth, she complained in her voice: "Mr. Minutes, look, so far, you have given me less than 10 minutes, hey, why is my life so hard..."

Hearing Ning Mengna's moaning voice, Shan Yisheng stood up in an instant, and then walked outside the net, and Ning Mengna naturally followed behind the man.

It's just that what the two of them didn't realize was that the scene at this time had already been snapped down.

(End of this chapter)

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