Chapter 387 One Heartache
Yao Yiyi wandered aimlessly on the street, feeling cold in his heart.But Yao Yiyi knew that he still believed in Yisheng from the bottom of his heart, because Yao Yiyi knew that it was impossible for Yisheng to betray him, but the scene just now took time to digest and accept, maybe Yisheng was real Maybe there is something that made me play with Ning Mengna.

Yes, it must be so...

Yao Yiyi found a good excuse for Shan Yisheng, and at the same time, he also found an excuse for himself.

Because only in this way, my heart is not considered very painful.

At this time, in the ZZ Group, Zhang Yang was sitting on the high-end sofa, his handsome face was gloomy.

"What are you talking about? In just three days, the companies that had originally agreed to sign with us have backed out one after another?"

The man with the scar still seemed to have a bit of fear on his face, because Zhang Yang's expression at this time was really very unkind.

But he still told the truth, "Not only that, they...they also extended the contract period with Shan Yisheng." The scarred man looked at Zhang Yang with a bit of fear in his eyes.

It's just that when Zhang Yang heard the words of the man with the scar, there was a flash of hostility in his eyes, but it disappeared immediately, and he changed the subject: "What did you mean just now, that woman Ning Mengna and Shan Yisheng went to persuade those company?"

"Yes, it's not just that, the relationship between the two may be closer, because our people took a picture of the two eating together, and they seem to be very familiar..."

While talking, the man with the scar took out the photo in his hand. In the photo, Shan Yisheng and Ning Mengna were eating together. It seemed that the relationship between the two was unusual. Zhang Yang looked at a picture Zhang's photo, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Because in these photos, because of the camera angle, there is a blurry and small figure in the lower right corner of each photo, but this figure makes the man's eyes shine.

Because Zhang Yang naturally recognized who the woman in the photo was, it was Yao Yiyi!

A strange light flashed in Zhang Yang's eyes, Shan Yisheng, when you are eating, what you don't know is that your woman is looking at you outside the restaurant...

This game is getting more and more fun, and I really look forward to meeting you face to face one day.

It's just that now, it seems that you need to come forward to comfort your woman.

There was a weird smile on the corner of Zhang Yang's mouth, and he stared at the photo without blinking.

Xiang Heng came home from the company, but when he passed the bridge, he found that the girl standing by the bridge was so familiar!
Slowly stopping the car, Xiang Heng walked slowly to Yao Yiyi's side, with a bit of worry in his voice: "Duo Duo, why are you here?"

Hearing Xiang Heng's voice, Yao Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, but then he adjusted his emotions and turned around with a somewhat hoarse voice: "Brother, why are you here?"

There was obviously a bit of shock in the voice, because Yao Yiyi naturally did not expect to see Xiang Heng here.

Seeing Yao Yiyi's sad look that he couldn't even hide, Xiang Heng frowned, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart: "Duo Duo, what happened, tell me..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yao Yiyi: "It's nothing, brother, don't worry, you go home quickly, my sister-in-law is definitely still waiting for you, you go back early, I'm fine."

It's just that although Yao Yiyi said that it was all right, Xiang Heng looked at Yao Yiyi's expression and knew that something must have happened.

But since Dodo doesn't want to talk, she can't force her to ask.

"Duoduo, then I'll take you home."

Yao Yiyi just wanted to refuse, but he looked at the sky and nodded in agreement.

In the car, Xiang Heng deliberately played a soothing music, trying to relieve Yao Yiyi's tired mood, but Yao Yiyi's eyes kept looking out of the window, not knowing what he was looking at.

The atmosphere in the car was extremely quiet, but Xiang Heng felt very uneasy in his heart, because he had never seen such Duo Duo before.

"Duo Duo, did something happen between you and Sheng?"

Xiang Heng asked, with a bit of caution in his voice.

"Brother, you once told Wu that even if everyone in the world is untrustworthy, you have to trust Yisheng, but if even Yisheng deceives me, what should I do?"

There was a bit of misery in Yao Yiyi's expression, and a bit of helplessness in his voice.

"Dodo, what's going on between you two?"

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Xiang Heng was even more sure that something must have happened between the two of them, otherwise it wouldn't be the way it is now.

"It's okay. Brother, I'm just asking. Don't worry."

Yao Yiyi smiled, hiding the tiredness on his face.

For some reason, Xiang Heng felt worried.

"Duo Duo, you still have your elder brother, you still have Xiang Heng, do you know that?"

When Yao Yiyi's apartment arrived, Xiang Heng parked the car aside, with a trace of seriousness in his voice.

At this time, Yao Yiyi, who had already got off the car, suddenly turned his head, with a warm smile on his face: "I know, brother, you are the person who cares about Dodo the most in this world, even if Dodo is loved by the whole world Even if the person who loves you abandons you, you won't abandon Duo Duo's either, will you?"

For some reason, Xiang Heng saw a trace of fragility in Yao Yiyi's eyes, but he was still half angry and said, "Duo Duo, what are you talking about?"

"Hehe, it's okay, I just wanted to ask."

"That's natural."

Hearing Xiang Heng's answer, a trace of warmth flashed in Yao Yiyi's eyes, there is always one person in this world who thinks about you all the time, that's enough.

"Hehe, thank you, brother, you should go back quickly, otherwise, sister-in-law should be worried."

Watching Xiang Heng's car disappear under the black night sky, Yao Yiyi once again had a wry smile on his lips.

Although he knew that what happened during the day might just be Yisheng's play, but just like that, Yao Yiyi already felt very painful, as if his heart had been severely cut into pieces.

With a wry smile on the corner of his mouth all the time, Yao Yiyi walked slowly towards his apartment.

But at the door, he saw a familiar figure. At this time, Shan Yisheng was standing alone under the streetlight, looking at Yao Yiyi who was walking step by step with deep eyes, his expression was difficult to distinguish.

At this time, Yao Yiyi obviously didn't pack up his mood to face Shan Yisheng, so he had to walk quickly beside the man.

(End of this chapter)

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